Life is a gift. We gather in community to celebrate the glories and the mysteries of this great gift.
We strive to have many opportunities for every person in our congregation to connect in ways that are meaningful to them.
UU Westside encourages you to become involved in the workings of the congregation. Please learn more about the Committees that help guide our community.
UU Small Groups offer an opportunity to grow relationships, deepen spirituality and make a difference in creating a world of Beloved Community.
Personal & Spiritual Growth Groups:
Religious Education Book Discussion led by the Rev. Dr. Nancy Hitt
To Join future sessions or to reserve a copy, please Email Rev. Nancy
Building Your Own Theology
Building Your Own Theology delves into each person’s quest for spirituality within the Unitarian Universalist traditions. The sessions focus on how to examine one’s own thoughts on religious philosophy
Please contact us for future instances of this class.
Moonspirit CUUPS (Covenant of UU Pagans)
As a community for all people, UUWC supports spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. To learn more about what Moonspirit CUUPS has to offer, please see the CUUPS Page and visit the Facebook Page.
Interfaith Drum Circle
This group is recently reactivated, watch for more information
UUWC Meetup Community Groups
We have 3 meet-up groups
- Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation Antiracist Group
- Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation Labyrinth Group
- Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation Events
Go to and create an account and search for above groups.
UUWC Men’s and Women’s Groups
These groups foster discussion, deeper understanding of fellow members of the congregation, and friendship. Please see calender for meeting dates.
Monthly Activities
The UU Westside Acrivities committee offers monthly activities such as game nights, murder mystery games, potluck suppers and more.