Town Hall   21 March 2021

Steve Poiani, President Michelle Poiani, Secretary Rev. Nancy Hitt

Michelle Martin, Treasurer Dave Kunz, Treasurer Dana Sanford

Jay Cain

  1. Check-in with Joys and Concerns
  2. Chocolate communion- Nancy
  3. Treasurer Report
    1. Budget shared on the screen. We are short for the year which would keep us solvent until August. There is a rollover that will keep us solvent until November. Our income Pledges are under the needed amount. Covid has really dropped our expected budget. People have generously increased their pledges. The shortfall conversation needs to continue. 
    2. Request for a number of members and the budget 33 members with 30 pledging units. 
    3. Dave researched the PPE loan but we do not qualify. Maybe we can refinance the loan? Further research is needed. 
    4. Motion to pass the budget accepted and passed. May we find gold in the desert. We will contact Bram and Roxie to make a quorum. 
  4. Social Justice
    1. Feed the Kids snack packs for the school year 2021-2022
      1. St Paul’s is handing this over to us. They are closing their congregation. Once a month we would collect and make snack packs for the school. This will be in addition to the Storehouse West. The snack packs will go home on Friday for weekend food. Students leave on Friday and may not have food until breakfast on Monday. Snack packs will be dropped off at 4 different schools. This is not a storehouse West food will be gathered by a variety of different organizations. Please email Nancy about volunteering to pack snack packs. 
    2. Storehouse West- Social justice will present at the next townhall about the ins and outs of Storehouse West.
    3. Survey for April
    4. Passive income- Every dollar counts.
      1. Amazon Smile is still held up because our tax ID number
      2. We need to have our own ID number and will cost us roughly around $300 to participate. It is proposed that we use Bobby Howell’s donation to fund the $300 because it will help for years to come. 
  5. Presentation for how to use the website by Jay
    1. Hey, everybody, go to our website> Ways to donate> Smiths. Our number is TJ905 to generate passive income when we shop. 
  6. Questions, comments, and concerns
  7. Meeting adjourned