Town Hall  21 Feb 2021

  1. Opening Check-in
  2. Treasurer Report
    1. We are about $2,800 short. Some pledges have come in since our last meeting.
    2. Budget vote. We do not have enough members present to have a vote on the budget. We will put out the information and have a vote in March.
    3. Passive income- We are still having difficulty certifying with Amazon Smile. This will be an opportunity to earn some income. 3% of the purchase price will be returned to our congregation. We are looking into Good Shop, a site that allows us to shop into another site like Target or other shops. It allows us to receive a small portion even when they are not in our area. Charity Miles is another source.
  3. Social Justice
    1. Indian Health letter was sent to our senators.
    2. Storehouse West- Building staffed for collections for a few hours on the 1st Sundays of every month, 11 am -1 pm. Plastic bags are awesome for donation.
    3. Letter for Support for the abortion sent to the governor’s office.
  4. Questions, comments, or concerns.
    1. Letter of support for medical aid and End of life options HB 47. We should send it to our representatives. A sample letter will be going up on the website.
    2. Tax information. If you would like a statement, please email.
    3. Please keep a month of supplies, food, water, medical supplies, cash. Fill up your tank because gas is going up because of the winter storm in Texas. Try to keep your tank topped off, instead of letting it get too Empty because you never know how long you will be stuck in your car.
    4. Deb Holland, an NM native, will be sworn into the Department of Interior.
    5. The government is building a component in Los Alamos. The supplies will be moving through Albuquerque and maybe we should be concerned.
  5. Joys and Concerns
  6. Meeting adjourned.