Town Hall Report
October 18th, 2020
Town Hall Meeting 18 Oct 2020
- Jimmy Stephens Board Resignation (Steve)- Jimmy has resigned from the Board.
- Treasurer- Michelle Martin- She has received about 7 pledges for next year. Please send them in asap.
- Goals on rentals/fundraising not attained
- Significantly higher in gifts.
- We are about $7,000 short of the end of the year.
- New Mexico Black Facility Offer – Requires Congregational Vote (Jay)- The New Mexico Black held a rally last month and it became an unsafe meeting when armed militia came. We are discussing welcoming them to use our facility for future rallies.
- COVID-19- Governor reissued quarantine on mass gatherings of more than 5 people in an indoor/outdoor setting. We would ask that NMB comply with all regulations. We would not be in non-compliance with Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.
- They would be under the rental contract for $1. They would need to have coverage for insurance like any other rental.
- As a congregation, we should witness by video recording. Jay estimates that 50% of the people at the previous rally were recording. It was mentioned that we should position a recorder to cover the roadway to record possible drive-by shootings.
- Matt E., our security person, has created a map and plan to cover the property.
- Use of the bathroom. Port-a-Potties could be rented.
- Defacement, arson, and other problems can occur.
- Positives- Positive exposure in the community. Our indoor facility is probably too small.
- Sometimes they bring
- Outdoor facility only for use.
- This will label us as weirdo, socialists. We should be aware of the difference between labeling and targeting. There is a real concern about violence. As a private property, we can state that no one is allowed to carry weapons, but it is the police will need to enforce that.
- Never waste a good crisis. If something happens, we can tell others.
- It is common for our sister churches to fly the Black Lives Matter and Rainbow Pride flags.
- Perhaps we can reach out to the other churches on our street and the neighborhood about our plans. We would not be asking permission. The immediate area is considered extremely conservative. In previous NMB rallies, there was no physical violence; there were verbal confrontations.
- Setting a precedent for using our facility. Are we setting a precedent of letting other organizations to use our facilities? Yes, but we will be working per organization.
- Should the congregation offer our facilities to New Mexico Black to use our outside facilities with the understanding that the rally will follow all legal guidelines? 15 Yes; 3 abstain
- Jay will meet with the social committee next week and decide on how to proceed.
- Online Coffee Hour 2nd Sunday (Nancy)
- It was fun and energizing to socialize and connect with others in the congregation. Nancy will be sending out the invitations weekly.
- Building Maintenance
- Thanks to the Cain family (Steve)- Thanks for all of the work the Cain family has done.
- Peace River will be formally opened in the next month.
- Fundraising-
- & discovery on zero documentation to be recognized as a non-profit/cost for paperwork (being worked by Priscilla) (Steve)
- Virtual gift tree on Website (Jay)- She will be adding it to our website. It will be very similar to our physical giving tree. Thanks.
- Website under construction (Steve)
- Patience this project may take some time.- Jay has done some amazing work to update the website. Please contact Jay, Steve, Nancy, or Priscilla if you have any ideas
- Questions, Comments, or concerns.
End at 1334. Michelle Poiani, Secretary