July 12 2020

Virtual Town Hall 12 July 2020

  1. Check-in by all participants. 19 people in and out.
  2. What is the best way for us to interact with one another using technology?
    1. Dave volunteered to continue adult RE/Books online. Nancy will consult with George. The Unitarian Way by Phillip (Hewett).
    2. Are people interested in a coffee social over zoom? 
    3. Covenant group- Michelle and Nancy
    4. Standing committee meeting- Stewardship in Aug
    5. Nancy will upload and release service videos. 
  3. Website- Rick volunteered to post to the website, Facebook, and youtube. Thanks.
  4. Social Justice- 
    1. Free library
    2. Amazonsmile.com passive income-Yes
  5. We will have another Town Hall meeting after the board meeting.