Don’t Let the Light Go Out
Join us in exploring how and why UU’s observe Hanukkah. Features Peter, Paul, and Mary singing, “Light One Candle”. Special Dreidel Game video with Laurel and Donna!
The Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation is an open and affirming congregation. All are welcome. Please feel free to use a face mask at your own discretion when on the property. Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and conversation after the Sunday Service.
Join us in exploring how and why UU’s observe Hanukkah. Features Peter, Paul, and Mary singing, “Light One Candle”. Special Dreidel Game video with Laurel and Donna!
This is a time of great upheaval and anxiety. In a special service celebrating Samhain, Carole Eagleheart helps us reflect on how we can keep our spirits whole in this time of whirlwind change.