Evolving Empathy
Whether you perceive “Evolving” as a verb or an adjective, prepare to think about it a little differently after this shared experience.
The Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation is an open and affirming congregation. All are welcome. Please feel free to use a face mask at your own discretion when on the property. Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and conversation after the Sunday Service.
Whether you perceive “Evolving” as a verb or an adjective, prepare to think about it a little differently after this shared experience.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? When you reflect on yourself, what happens? Join Laurel and Rev. Nancy in exploring the process of self reflection from your spiritual perspective.
Our speaker today is TEDx speaker and author Dr. L. Carol Scott. She has a dream: to honor the capacity for Faith—for belief in the impossible—as a birthright. What Carol calls your SASS! was born from knowledge and experience in a stellar career, and founded on more than a century of theory and research on child development and early education.
“Nevertheless, She Persisted” celebrates the first Sunday in National Women’s History Month. Donna Johnston and Stacie Gebeke lead the program.