The Unitarian Universalist  Westside Congregation

1650 Abrazo Road, NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Welcome to the UU Westside Congregation! Unitarian Universalists strive for a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We assert no religious creed; rather we are united by our shared search for spiritual growth. 






We are Unitarian Universalists Video.

                                                                                                                                             Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association.


The Congregation met January 19, 2025, for its Annual Meeting. A quorum of 40 members attended the meeting held in the UUWC Sanctuary.






















We are an open and affirming congregation. 




UUWC continues our Values development to clarify what timeless values we will embody in all we do. This is not intended to replace the UU Principles but rather to emphasize how we, at this time in our congregation, intend to focus our actions in our daily and congregational life.


In our Phase Two Values Exercise process, members of the Council, the Committee on Shared Ministry, and representatives of the general Congregation met for more than two hours on 8/10 to work with the groups of values ideas that were produced in the Congregational Values Exercise.


We studied examples from several other congregations and spiritual organizations. Lively discussion ensued about word meaning and how to articulate the best expression of what we heard our congregational members telling us. You will notice that we used verbs to express our intention to be in action.


Please read through the Proposed UUWC Values Statements below. We invite you to “try them on” and discuss with others. If you’d like to express your feedback on the Values Statements in writing, please email to


We will also include time for feedback in our September Townhall.


Thanks for continuing to participate in our ongoing congregational exploration of who we choose to be and how we wish to be known in our larger NM community.


Nika Quirk, your Council Moderator


Congregational Values Grouping (from Phase 1 – June 2, 2024) Proposed UUWC Values Statements (from Phase 2 – August 10, 2024)
Authenticity-Honest Sharing; Humbleness (Generosity of spirit, Judgment free, Attempting to Understand others); Listen to Others Communicate Compassionately:with humility, communicate in ways that include authenticity, listening, and seeking to understand without judgment
Building community with Love; Commonality: Community (Safety, Respect, Openness, Support of Others) Build a Safe, Loving & Diverse Community: commit to our own, one another’s, and the congregation’s well-being
Hope with Action; Generosity of Service; Advocacy; Work for Justice Work for Justice:serve in ways that build hope and alleviate suffering
Mutual Respect; Respect for All; Openness; Golden Rule Respect and Honor the Interdependent Web: nurture sustainable relationships of care, respect, and mutuality
Spirituality/Logic & Reason; Spiritual Journey; Interdependent Web; Science (Listening/Vision) Explore the Wonder of Life:through sacred, secular and scientific ways of understanding, engage in exploring and sharing the wonder and awe of the unity of life





Sunday Services


Sunday Programs begin at 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary

View archived recorded services at YouTube: UUWC Services

We hope that you will come to join us in person this Sunday. Please see our Facebook page for upcoming themes and subjects.

We ask that you follow all State Guidelines and wear mask/ facial coverings accordingly.





We have 3 Community Outreach groups

  1. Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation Antiracist Group
  2. Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation Labyrinth Group
  3. Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation Asylum Seekers

Friday February 21st 9-11 at Whispering Bean: Anti-racist Book club: We will be discussing PART 2 of Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire and Revolution in the Borderlands. If time, we will begin discussing our March read: “What it Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World by Prentis Hemphill.

Saturday February 22nd 10 -11 am at UUWC Sanctuary: No Human is Illegal. We will discuss what is going on in our country with migrants and how we can help.

Saturday February 22nd 11-12 am. We will walk as community in our Labyrinths.





Help Feed the Kids in Rio Rancho!

Please click the above link for more information about this community outreach program and make sure no Rio Rancho school child goes hungry

We thank everyone for the donation of their time, talent, and money to help alleviate hunger among Rio Rancho public school children.




The Sandoval Signpost published an article about Feed Rio Rancho Kids receiving attention and a financial contribution at a recent United New Mexico soccer match. The story is available here.



Outreach Projects

Join Us in the Maintenance of the Peace River

Bring a painted rock and give it a home in the Peace River outside the Social Hall. Quotes, animals, geometric figures, in memory of, and solid colors are but a few ideas of how you can leave your mark on the Peace River. If you need rocks, paints, or someone to pick up your painted rocks, contact

Westside Reads: Little Free Libraries

UUWC has an on-site Little Free Library. It also has placed a number of Little Free Libraries in Westside neighborhoods. Please take a book, and leave a book.

Pastoral Care at UU Westside Congregation

The Community Care Committee and our Consulting Minister Rev. Dr. Nancy Hitt are available for pastoral care. If you need someone to talk to about life stresses and events; if you want to debate theology and the meaning of life, or if you want to discuss sensitive decisions that you are struggling to make or live with, she is available to work with you. You may ask for a phone meeting, for email conversation, or for a Zoom meeting. You may also ask for an in-person meeting either in your home or at the church. You may reach her via email at

UU Westside Congregation, 1650 Abrazo Road, NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Mail to: PO Box 15146
Rio Rancho, NM 87174

505-896-8192 ~