Dear People of Westside,

Our wild southwestern winds are scouring the land yet again, bringing dust and exotic pollen and all manner of unasked for detritus to our doorsteps. Don’t be surprised if allergies and other inflammatory conditions suddenly bloom in your life; stay indoors when possible; wear an air filtering mask, and take whatever measures help you to stay healthy. Luckily, the forecast is for clearer air in the near future; by Sunday we should be back to softer spring weather. Next week we will be officially post-Equinox and into Spring! Here’s what you can look forward to at UUWC:

    • The Cleaning Team is in need of back-up cleaners who can substitute in the event of illness or travel of regular cleaners. This is a sporadic, fill in as needed task. If you are willing to help out with this, please contact Hobbit Merrit. ( If you’d like to join them full time, let her know that too!
    • Anti-racist Book Club: March 21, 9-11am at Whispering Bean. We will be pausing our Book:” Bad Mexicans” and reading “What It Takes to Heal” by Prentis Hemphill for March and April. We will also be discussing a possible new format for our book club.
    • Friday, March 21, 5:30 pm. Our Drum Circle will be gathering in the Social Hall. No previous experience is needed; bring your own drum/rattle/flute or use one of ours. Bring friends; everyone is welcome. For more information contact Stacie Gebeke.

This week our Sunday Service is titled, “A Balancing Act”. Jeanette Lloyd and Rev. Nancy will lead us in exploring the science and symbolism of the Vernal Equinox as we struggle to maintain our balance in today’s chaotic (and sometimes cruel) world. Come connect with your community as we all seek balance together.

If you have announcements/reminders you’d like to share with people, please email them to Rev. Nancy by 9am on Wednesday.

Hi again– so sorry that only half of the content of the Newsletter made it into the newsletter. I have no idea how that happens. Literally half of the typed content failed to be included in what I sent you. Here’s the rest of it in brief:

Border: No Human is Illegal: March 22nd (4th Saturday when 1st is a Saturday) We will be packing Dignity Bags at Placitas Presbyterian 8-11.

Labyrinth: Always Welcome to walk Labyrinth, but no community walk on March 22nd due to Dignity packing event.
If interested in being part of a Labyrinth committee, let Dee Curry know.

Sat 10 am Endowment committee meets.
4pm CUUPS set up for Ostara event
6pm Ostara event

Sunday 12:15: Color team meets in Green Room
12:30: Social Justice meets in the Conference Room

Again, my apologies. I couldn’t make this happen if I tried- I have no idea how/why the glitch occurred.
Rev. Nancy


Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

I hope that this newsletter finds you doing well. Today the weather is seasonal and sunny- hinting at spring with the first trees bursting into blossom and still cool enough to remind us that winter still lurks nearby. As we approach the Spring Equinox next week, these are good reminders of the need for balance in our lives. Here is the schedule of events for our community in the coming week, along with several announcements. If you are interested in church membership, be sure to read on!

  • This Sunday is our Town Hall Meeting and Potluck Lunch. Please bring a dish of your choice to contribute to the Lunch; contributions may be dropped off in the Social Hall/Kitchen prior to the service. Make sure to allow yourself time to get to the Sanctuary after dropping your dish off. Please label your donation with an ingredient list if at all possible.
  • Following our Town Hall Meeting, please join Lisa and Aeryn in the Green Room for a Pub-sing, a fun selection of favorite Irish pub songs. Sing along, sample some Irish whisky and Guinness, and enjoy the craic for St. Paddy’s Day!
  • On Tuesday, 3/17, The Men’s Group will meet at 7pm. Contact Bill Shore for more information.

Here is a very important announcement:
NEW MEMBER CLASS: We will hold a New Member Class on Saturday, March 29th at 9:30-11:30 am in the Social Hall. A light brunch will be served. If you are interested in learning more about UUWC, please contact Rev. Nancy ( to let her know. We need an accurate head count for brunch. This is the only “requirement” prior to signing yourself into the Membership Book. We understand that membership is a deeply personal decision; we do not expect anyone to join automatically after attending the class. Please come just to learn more about who we are. And yes, we do hope you will join us! If you have food allergies, please share those with Rev. Nancy.

This week our Sunday Service will be led by Aeryn and Lisa Dowling-Toland who will focus on exploring St. Patrick’s Day with us. (Note the Pub-sing event above!) Come explore the many dimensions of the day!

Here’s some of the activities during the Irish Program:




Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

I’m not sure if it’s global warming or just the southwest climate, but not only are buds swelling on many of the flowering trees; several in my neighborhood have burst out in full bloom. While the temperature ping-pongs around, it is clear that spring is about to be a full-fledged reality. If the songbirds are any indication, it’s going to be glorious. While we’re waiting for the affirmation that spring brings, there are good things happening at UUWC. Here is our schedule for the week and a few bits of information:

  • If you signed up for Liz James’ workshop, remember that it’s Saturday at 1-4pm in the Green Room. If you have not signed up- we’ll tell you all about it later (!) because registration is full up.
  • Wednesday at 9:45am the Community Care Team will meet in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard Door.
  • Next Thursday the Women’s Group will meet at 2:30-4pm in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard Door.
  • Adult Religious Ed meets in the Conference Room on Sunday morning at 9:30-10:30 am. We will be discussing the book, “The Serviceberry” and exploring the model of a gift economy vs. a scarcity-based economy. If that intrigues you, come see what it’s all about. Everyone is welcome.

On a thankful note: We donated 113lbs of food to Storehouse West this month. Our thanks to Theresa Watson who packed it up and delivered it to their door, and to everyone who contributed nonperishable food to it.

Our Sunday service this week features Liz James as our guest speaker. Ms. James is a member of the Saskatoon Unitarians, on the Canadian prairie. She runs Mirth and Dignity, an organization dedicated to UUhumour, which can be found at Delbert Schafer will host our service which is titled, “Inherent Mirth and Dignity”. This a great opportunity to celebrate our community with joy!

I hope you have a lovely week!
Rev. Nancy


Greetings Westside!

At the very least, our unseasonably warm weather makes it easy to get out and do things! Consider doing some of these things in the next week:


  • Today or tomorrow (depending on when you read this!) the Women’s Group will meet. Thursday @ 2;30-4PM  in the Conference Room; please use the Courtyard door. In keeping with Women’s History Month, Rev. Nancy will lead us in exploring “Herstory”. What do you think our world would be like if all the “history” we learned had been from the women’s point of view? 
  • Next Tuesday (March 4th) the Men’s Group will meet at 7 pm. Contact Bill Shore for more information.
  • The Programming Committee will meet on Sunday after our service at 12:30 in the Conference Room. Everyone is invited; if you’re curious about our Services or educational events, come and participate in future planning. This is a totally voluntary group that meets monthly on the first Sunday of the month.

Our service this week is titled, “Lions and Tigers and Gaslighting, Oh My!” Led by Stacie Gebeke, it is our kick-off service for Women’s History Month.

Following up on Carla Clark’s presentation at Town Hall Meeting about our Green Sanctuary status, below is an attachment to the Sierra Club, a resource re: Climate change legislation and what you can do.

Here is a link to Vote Forward that offers information about current elections that you can help with by writing letters and postcards:  Vote Forward   This is not a UUWC program; it is a resource you are responsible for vetting for yourself.

Hope to see you soon!
Rev. Nancy

Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

This email is packed with a lot of information. I suggest saving it for future reference!First, our scheduled events at UUWC:

  • Friday February 21st 9-11 at Whispering Bean: Anti-racist Bookclub: We will be discussing PART 2 of Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire and Revolution in the Borderlands. If time, we will begin discussing our March read: “What it Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World by Prentis Hemphill.
  • Friday, 6 pm Drum Circle. No previous experience needed. Bring your own drum or use one of ours!
  • Saturday February 22nd 10 -11 am at UUWC Sanctuary: No Human is Illegal. We will discuss what is going on in our country with migrants and how we can help.
  • Saturday February 22nd 11-12 am. We will walk as community in our Labyrinths.
  • Sunday Religious Ed Class: meets in the Conference Room at 9:30 am. Coffee is available! We will be beginning to discuss the book, “The Serviceberry”, which offers a cooperative model of community. This is a good time to join the class even if you don’t yet have access to the book. You can still join in conversation about the issues it raises. It is available at Amazon and other retailers; if you download it, it is much less $$.
  • Our Sunday Service this week is titled, “For Such a Time As This”. We will be exploring survival strategies for our current realities and using the Jewish story of Esther as our baseline. Prepare to be amused and hopeful- both of which will equip us for healthy survival!

Here is some info about new opportunities:

  • WISDOM WALKERS: Our first hike will take place on Sat. 3/8 and I rate it as moderate.  Our destination is the Ojito wilderness, located 21 miles from ABQ just off of 55O (2 miles shy of San Ysidro).  It Is a landscape of steep sided mesas, rocky terraces, multicolored bands of rocks and hoodoos. It has spectacular beauty and exceptional geology. There are no facilities, water or shade.  There will be some inclined walking. The distance will be about 2.5 miles. We’ll meet at the church at 10:00 and carpool from there. There is a shaded picnic area where we could lunch after the hike. 
    BRING: water, sunscreen, hat and hiking sticks, if you have them.
    If interested email Theresa Watson at <>. Please include your phone number in case any last minute info needs to be communicated.  My phone is 757-752-1678. Contact me with any questions.

For information about the Costco towels and ziplocks for the Dignity Packs for immigrants, contact Dee Curry:

We are building an information list about online resources for responding to our current political realities. Some of these focus on survival skills and others on accurate information. Theresa Watson will compile a list of digital sources that are recommended by church members.  You must vet these yourself; UUWC is NOT sponsoring them. If you have found a particular source helpful to navigate these difficult times and wish to share it with your church family, please send it to Theresa at <>. as soon as possible. She will compile a list and make it available.  Theresa’s phone is 757-752-1678 in case you need you to contact her..
Please make sure you send Theresa a LINK to the site you are recommending!





Greetings UUWC:

With Rev. Nancy on a brief vacation this week and Nika very involved in other UUWC plans, I am sending this message to fill you in on some information for Sunday, February 16th and the rest of the week.

The service is entitled, “You Are Not Alone” and will be presented by Shannon Errickson, Family Programs Coordinator for the National Alliance for Mental Health (NAMI).  This organization has held meetings at various times here at UUWC for several years and this is an opportunity to learn about what the organization does and the mental health services it provides.

Please remember the monthly Town Hall and Potluck is this Sunday.  Please bring a dish marked with ingredients.

Here’s what else is happening at UUWC this week:

The Men’s Group will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday in the Sanctuary.

The Drum Circle is restarting under the direction of Stace Gebeke at 6 p.m. on Friday in the Social Hall.  This is a great opportunity to enjoy community and express yourself. All it takes the desire to have a good time. You can bring your own drums, shakers, flutes, guiros, or rain sticks or share the ones we have.

Reminder:  We ask all who have newspapers to place save them and bring them periodically to the bench in front of the Social Hall. Check the bulletin board for details. We are also saving aluminum cans which can be placed in the container next to the bench.  They are turned in for small amounts of cash which go into the coffee fund.

Karen Schafer, Member, Program Committee


Dear People of Westside,

There are several really exciting things happening at UUWC. I am going to cut straight to the chase so you can be as excited as I am about them. There are also some very traditional things happening- so whether you’re looking for roots or wings, we’ve got it!

  • First, this week on BOTH Thursday and Friday at 2pm we will hold a Community Conversation Circle in the Green Room. Rev. Nancy and the Committee on Shared Ministry will lead us in an opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings about the world we are living in under the current federal administration. Come to vent, to share, to support, to commiserate and to hope together. Light refreshments will be served.
  • When you arrive on Thursday for the Community Conversation Circle, please use the BACK PATIO DOOR. We will have tenants in BOTH the Social Hall and the Sunroom, so the Social Hall door and the Courtyard Door are off-limits. There will be signs; just follow the arrows!
  • Second, when you drive into our parking lot off of Abrazo Rd, you will discover that we have a newly reconfigured parking pattern. Our Handicapped spaces (2 of them) have moved to the end of the building and now include a van friendly space. They are clearly marked with the traditional blue and white symbol and painted lines on the paved lot. There are also other parking spaces marked out with the customary white lines. ALL PARKING IN THIS LOT IS NOW PERPENDICULAR TO THE BUILDING. Please do not try to create your own space! This design maximizes spaces while providing direct access to the paved walkway into our building. It will now be possible to go directly from a paved Handicapped Parking space to the paved “sidewalk” without needing to navigate stairs. The other spaces in that location may be used by anyone. Our other parking spaces (parallel to the entry side of the building and out to the dirt road) are also newly painted. We now have lines to help us park efficiently! This is important because our growing congregation needs more parking! Please park within the lines so that everyone can find a parking space. Our Facilities people will be monitoring our new layout; send feedback to Delbert Schafer.
  • Friday February 21st 9-11 at Whispering Bean: Anti-racist Bookclub: We will be discussing PART 2 of Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire and Revolution in the Borderlands. If time, we will begin discussing our March read: “What it Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World by Prentis Hemphill.
  • Saturday February 22nd 10 -11 am at UUWC Sanctuary: No Human is Illegal. We will discuss what is going on in our country with migrants and how we can help.
  • Saturday February 22nd 11-12 am. We will walk as community in our Labyrinths.
  • Sunday, 2/9, There will be a special Informational Coffee Hour for New Members at 12:15 in the Green Room.
  • Next Wednesday at 9:45 am the Community Care Committee will meet in the Green Room. Please use the Courtyard Door.

This Sunday our service is titled, “Our Hearts Own Song”. We will be engaging in the UU ritual of Chocolate Communion. If this is new to you, please come and learn what it is and why UU’s celebrate in this way. Unlike other communions that you may be aware of, our UU celebration is a celebration of community. The chocolate that is used is hot cocoa, made using an Aztec/Mayan recipe. The cocoa is vegan/dairy free/no salt/gluten free/low carb and, believe it or not, delicious! Maggie Green and Rev. Nancy will be hosting this service. Come to learn and to explore your UUWC community in a whole new (and tasty!) way.

One last item: Rev. Nancy will be away from 2/10-2/14. In an emergency, contact Nika Quirk or a member of your Council. This means there will be no newsletter next week, which is why some advance information is included here. Events scheduled for 2/12-2/16 will be published on the announcement insert in the Sunday bulletin.

Rev. Nancy



Greetings Westside Congregation!

The end of January is proving to be cold and snowy! While seasonal, it’s also unusual weather for us. Please be careful driving; many New Mexicans have never learned how to drive in icy conditions. Even those of us who have shoveled more than our fair share of snow in other places can get caught in the learning curve of the newbies. If it’s icy on the ground when we have church events, we do sand the walkways for safety.
Here is what’s happening at UUWC this week:

  • The Programming Committee meets on Sunday at 12:30 in the Conference Room. This is an open meeting of people are interested in planning our services and other events for the congregation. If you are curious or have specific ideas for a Sunday program or would like to know more about how to get involved in leading events, please come! We promise not to draft you for anything you are not wildly wanting to do!
  • The Men’s Group meets Tuesday at 7 pm.
  • Thursday, February 6 @ 2pm: Community Conversation Circle meets in the Green Room. Come to vent, to process, to support each other and find comfort in the midst of our current political realities. While we will not be pursuing an intensive political analysis; we will address how the new administration is affecting us. Light refreshments will be available.
  • Friday, February 7th at 2pm: Ditto the above.

This Sunday, February 2nd, marks the beginning of Black History Month. Laurel Anderson and Rev. Nancy will present a program titled: Ain’t No Back on a Merry-Go-Round. (From Langston Hughes’ poem) We will be viewing a short video about the first protest in 1960 in which black and white people protested racial segregation together. This event was part of Laurel’s childhood experience, so see if you can find her in the slide of the children!  While our February programming is not exclusively about Black History Month, there will be a mention of it in each service.

Rev. Nancy



The Program for Nov. 10, 2024 that provided a response to the General Election is available here.

Dear People of Westside,

Congratulations on last Sunday’s successful Annual General Meeting. Our budget was passed, our open service spots on the Nominating and Endowment committees were filled, and we easily met our quorum. Meeting our quorum has been a difficulty in the past, but not this year! Increased membership means an increased quorum; in addition to our quorum we also had other active members and non-voting people in attendance. All in all, our community did a very good job of showing up and acting on the issues before us. Go UUWC!

Here is what is happening this coming week:

  • Thursday, Jan. 23rd: The Humanist Group will meet in the Conference Room at 11:45 am.
  • Thursday, Jan. 23rd: The Women’s Group will meet at 2:30 pm in the Conference Room.
  • Sunday, January 26th: The Social Justice Committee will meet at 12:30 in the Conference Room.
  • Sunday, January 26th: CUUPS will hold an Imbolc celebration. Set-up at 4pm; Potluck at 6pm and Ritual at 7pm.

Our service this Sunday will focus on Creativity. Led by Wendy Dampier and Theresa Watson, we will engage in exploring a variety of creative processes, including the construction of a community project. Come prepared to engage creatively with life!

Rev. Nancy

Dear People of Westside,

This week we hold our Annual General Meeting. This is the single official business meeting of our congregation that is required by our By-laws. All active members are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in the meeting. A quorum of 1/3 of our membership is required for voting to occur; voting is necessary in order to elect people to vacant positions and to pass our 2025 Budget. All inactive members, friends and visitors are invited to attend and participate in discussions. UUWC customarily extends voice without vote to non-members.

This meeting occurs following our Potluck Lunch. Our Potluck Lunch will be served in the Social Hall at the conclusion of our service. Following the meal, we will move into the Sanctuary for the meeting.

Here are the other important reminders for this week:

  • Feed the Rio Rancho Kids meets Tuesday at 9am in the Green Room to assemble the snack packs. Please use the Courtyard Door!
  • The Men’s Group meets Tuesday at 7pm. Contact Bill Shore for more information.
  • The Humanist Group meets at 11:45am in the Conference Room on Thursday. Please use the Courtyard Door.
  • The Women’s Group meets on Thursday at 2:30-4pm in the Conference Room. Hobbit Merrit will present Part II of a program about surviving Covid. If you missed Part I, come anyway!
  • January 17th, 9-11 am. Anti-racist book club: Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire & Revolution in the Borderlands by Kelly Lytle Hernandez historian. Read part one and meet for a discussion at Whispering Bean on Corales Rd by Sprouts.
  • Saturday, January 18th: Labyrinth Walk. Meet in Sanctuary.
  • Remember your Potluck dish for Sunday! Please arrive in time to drop your dish off in the kitchen before the service. If possible, please include an ingredient list so those on prescribed diets can eat safely.

Our service this week is titled, “Surveying Our Domain: UUWC”. We will review who we are and where we are now and where we want to go. For our 25 new members, this will be very informative; it will help all of us work together toward our goals for 2025. This is followed at 3pm by the interfaith Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service at St. Francis Episcopal Church. See poster on our bulletin board. Rev. Nancy will be participating. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring canned goods (no glass) for Storehouse West if you would like to make an offering.

Rev. Nancy


Greetings UUWC!

As we get into the swing of 2025, things are picking up in our congregation. Here is the summary of events for the coming week:

  • Thursday, January 9th at 2:30-4 pm the Women’s Group will meet in the Social Hall. Hobbit Merritt will lead us in a 2 part program titled, “So You Survived Covid”.
  • January 11th: DATE CHANGE for Border Meeting. Meeting 1 pm -4 January 11th at All Saints Lutheran Church in ABQ
    3 Guest speakers about the border from El Paso. Dr. Eva Moya, Professor of Social Work, Dr. Georgina Sanchez-Garcia: Professor at UTEP, Fr. Peter Precourt: Pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in El Paso. Contact Dee Curry for more info:
  • Sunday, January 12th our Council meets at 12:30 pm in the Conference Room. If you have material you would like them to consider, please get it to Nika Quirk before 12 noon on Saturday. Council meetings are open to the congregation with the occasional exception of a portion devoted to Executive Session.

In the near future, there are two other major events:

  • The first is our own Annual General Meeting which is scheduled for January 19th per our By-Laws. If you are a member of the congregation, you should have received an emailed invitation with the agenda and proposed By-law revisions. If you are an active member and did NOT receive that, please contact Delbert Schafer ( and he will resend it to you. If you are a friend or recent visitor to the congregation, you ARE invited to attend the meeting and to participate in a limited manner. We customarily extend “voice without vote” to non-members, enabling everyone to speak while only active members are responsible for voting. The meeting will follow our Potluck Lunch on that Sunday.

Also of note, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday, January 20th. Below you will find links to 2 events. One is to the interfaith service at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Rio Rancho at 3pm on Sun. 1/19. We will be represented at the service. In addition to the link below, the flyer is posted on our bulletin board. The 2nd link is to the MLK Day Luncheon with speaker on Monday, 1/20. That flyer is also posted on the bulletin board.

Our Service this week is titled, “The Neutrino and the Unicorn”. It will be an exploration of the relationship between science and spirituality. Several of our December Reflections addressed this; we will be pursuing a conversation with its roots in that material. Rev. Nancy and Karen Schafer will lead the service.

Rev. Nancy













Happy New Year! I hope your holiday is safe and joyous.

Here is what is happening during this holiday week:

  • On Friday, January 3rd, the LEFT storage shed will be thoroughly cleaned. If you have any concerns about its current contents, please contact either Karen Schafer or Rev. Nancy. The shed is always open, so you can check for yourself and then follow-up as needed.
  • On Sunday, January 5th, we will need folks to help take the seasonal decorations down AFTER THE SERVICE and store them away for next year. All efforts will be greatly appreciated.
  • The Programming Committee will meet at 12:30pm in the Conference Room on Sunday after coffee hour. This is an open meeting of volunteers; everyone is welcome to participate in planning for services and other events.
  • On Wednesday, January 8th, the Community Care Team will meet at 9:45am in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard Door.
  • At 2:30 pm on Thursday, 1/9, the Women’s Group will meet in the Conference Room. Our Program is titled, “Five Years Ago We Got Covid”. It will be led by Hobbit Merrit.

A HEADS-UP: Our Annual General Meeting occurs on January 19th following our Potluck Lunch. If you are an active member, you will receive an emailed invitation to the meeting, complete with an Agenda, a budget, and a copy of our By-Laws. PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE BY-LAWS or the BUDGET. If you want them for the meeting, please either bring your portable device or print them out. We will NOT have copies available at the meeting for everyone. If you are not an active member, you are also invited to attend and participate. We customarily extend voice without vote to non-members.

Our Sunday Service this week is titled: “It’s About Time!” We will be exploring the phenomenon of time from a variety of perspectives, including the personal, the communal, and the dynamics of physics. Come prepared to engage with both playful and thought-provoking material!

Rev. Nancy


Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

This Newsletter covers the next 2 weeks of scheduling at UUWC, effectively taking us up to New Years Day, 2025. Delete it at your peril- or email me and ask to have it resent. There are a lot of special events happening between the various holidays and our regularly scheduled programming, so make sure to mark your calendar.

Our Office Administrator, Erin Uhles, will be working a holiday schedule for the next week. This Friday, 12/20, she will work late in the day, following her daughters Holiday Event. She will also work on Monday, 12/23 instead of her regular Tuesday. If you need to reach Erin, please email her to set up a time to schedule either a phone call or an appointment.

Rev. Nancy will also have holiday time off. Please remember that she is a part-time staff member AND that she is available in urgent circumstances at any time. She will be co-hosting our Christmas Eve Service, then be on “urgent only” call for Wed-Fri. She will return to UUWC to prep for Sunday 12/29 on Saturday, 12/28. She will also be on “urgent only” status on New Years Day, 2025. For the record, her usual scheduled days off are Monday and Saturday.

Here are the events for the week from December 18-25th:

  • Friday, 12/20 @9am: Anti-racist Book Club. Contact Dee Curry for more information.
  • Saturday, 12/21 @10-12pm in the Sanctuary: Border Group Film viewing in the Sanctuary: Borderland, The Line Within.
  • Saturday, 12/21 @6pm: CUUPS Solstice Ritual. Potluck @ 6pm in Social Hall; ritual to follow ~ 7pm. This is a family friendly event.
  • Tuesday, 12/24, @5 pm: Pick-up (volunteer) choir rehearsal for Christmas Eve Service in the Sanctuary. Come rehearse some special music!
  • Tuesday, 12/24 @ 6pm: Our Annual Christmas Eve Service will be held in our Sanctuary. You, along with family and friends, are invited to a service of music surrounding the Christmas story. Our special choir will sing and there will be a light supper of soup and bread for everyone after the service. Come to encounter a unique perspective on an ancient story and to enjoy the fellowship of your community.

Our service this Sunday, 12/22, is titled: Light in the Dark. Rev. Carole Eagleheart and Rev. Nancy will lead us in exploring Hanukkah, Solstice, and Christmas in our continual UU search for truth and meaning. The service will be filled with candles and songs and a special star ritual. It will be followed by a Holiday Brunch in the Social Hall. In keeping with the 3 holidays we’re celebrating, we will offer potato latkes, Christmas Cookies, and some special Solstice lemon sun cookies. There will also be a variety of egg dishes to represent the visual image of the round yellow sun AND the concept of eggs as “seeds” of life. We have no meetings on this Sunday, so we can relax together and socialize.

Beginning on Christmas Day/Wed, 12/25, the schedule is as follows:

  • There is NO WOMEN”S Group this week. Meetings will resume in January on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 2:30-4pm.
  • Thursday, 12/26 @7pm the Men’s Group. Contact Bill Shore for more information.
  • Sunday, 12/29 at 9:30am the Adult Religious Ed class will meet in the Conference Room. We are reading the newly available UU publication: Love at the Center, a collection of essays edited by Rev. Dr. Sophia Betancourt, our UUA president. Please read the Preface and essays #1&2 for this class. This is an E-Book; you must download it from Barnes & Noble or Amazon to read it. ALL are welcome!
  • Sunday, 12/29 @ 12:30 pm in the Green Room:  State Representative Kathleen Cates will be here to give a presentation on how to keep track of what is going on during the Legislative Session which opens January 21.  She will also demonstrate online how to find out information about all the elected officials and all the bills.  Finally, she will give some tips on visits to the Legislature and what she can do if we decide to do a group tour to Santa Fe during the session.  There will be time for Q & A. This will be followed by a brief Social Justice Meeting as time and need allow. EVERYONE is welcome to attend this presentation.
  • We hope to receive people from our latest Membership Class into full membership in this service! If that’s YOU, please let Rev. Nancy know if you can make it. Alternative options are available for those who will be traveling so that they can vote at Annual Meeting.

Our Sunday Service on 12/29 will be led by Stacie Gebeke and Rev. Nancy. We will be exploring the traditions of Yule, Kwanzaa, and the New Year. This service will mark the end of our December 2024 theme: Light in the Dark. Your December Reflections will continue through 12/31. Our deep thanks to all of you who contributed to our program of Reflections. If you missed one, they are on our website!

I hope to see you for our community activities during this last part of the Holiday season. Wherever you are and however you are celebrating, I hope you are able to rest, to reconnect with who and what matters most to you, and to resume your life with joy!
Rev. Nancy



Here is what’s happening at Westside during the next week:

  • Carole Eagleheart’s 80th Birthday Party is on Saturday at 5pm.
  • This Sunday is our Town Hall Meeting and Potluck!  Please bring a potluck dish to our shared lunch after the service, labelled with an ingredient list so people can follow their health plans.
  • The LEFT shed is scheduled for a major clean-out as part of putting our holiday decorations away. If you have ANY concerns about material stored in that shed, please email Karen Schafer or Rev. Nancy. We will be streamlining what we store and welcome your input.

Here are some guidelines for bringing food to our Potluck:

  • Please arrive a few minutes early to drop your dish off at the kitchen door.  Try really hard NOT to go in the kitchen or congregate in the Social Hall! The Kitchen team will keep hot food hot and cold food cold and set it all out on the tables after the service. If you decide to bring soup, you must also bring paper bowls; we do not have enough bowls for everyone otherwise. Please do not bring plastic or Styrofoam. We will not be able to use them b/c they violate our commitment to Green Sanctuary practices.
  • Please plan to take your dish home. If there is leftover food in it, you may throw it out or bring it home or offer it to someone else to take home. We have take-out containers for this purpose. We cannot keep food for the week ahead. We will NOT be washing serving containers. We need to minimize the time our kitchen crew spends cleaning up. It takes a LOT of time and effort to set up and clean up for our Potluck, so please help minimize that for our kitchen volunteers.
  • There will be a “cleaning station” consisting of a garbage can to scrape your plate into, a bin for dirty silverware and another bin for mugs and plates. Please clear your own space before leaving if you are able to. Again, try to stay out of the kitchen.
  • ALL of the tables and chairs must be broken down and put away before we leave; we have tenants who rent our Social Hall on Monday morning and it needs to be ready for them. If you are able to help with this, we thank you. Please do not overextend yourself physically in an effort to help!

We are in need of people to help set up and clean up for both regular Coffee Hour and our monthly Potlucks. If you would be willing to help we’d like to pencil you in! Please let either Rev. Nancy or Karen Schafer know when you’re available. We will work with whatever works best for you, whether that’s monthly, quarterly, annually or only on days ending in “Y”.

Thank you all for all of your contributions!
Rev. Nancy

Border Group 12/21/2024 10-12 Movie Borderland: The Line Within

This documentary focuses on the intricacies and complications of immigrants and the immigration issue in the United States. The filmmaker presents the film as a critique of current immigration policies. At the same time, the film examines the existence of what seems to be a border industrial complex targeting immigrants landing in America in modern times.

Labyrinth: 12/21/24 Always welcome but is cancelled to view Border movie.

Anti-racist Bookclub: 12/20/24 Finish book discussion of “Biased” by Jennifer L. Eberhardt, PhD.

Feed Rio Rancho Kids will be putting together week-end snack packs on Tuesday, the 17th at 9:00 in the Green Room.

State Representative Kathleen Cates will be here on December 29th 1t 12:30 in the Green Room to give a presentation on how to keep track of what is going on during the Legislative Session which opens January 21.  She will also demonstrate online how to find out information about all the elected officials and all the bills.  Finally, she will give some tips on visits to the Legislature and what she can do if we decide to do a group tour to Santa Fe during the session.  There will be time for Q & A.



Dear Westside Community,

Greetings People of Westside!

This December is a busy holiday season for many people, so I hope we’re all doing two things. First, I hope that we’re making sure to take good care of ourselves. We still need to keep healthcare appointments, get vaccines, maintain our healthy eating and exercise habits, and connect meaningfully with the people that matter most to us. We also need to be honest with ourselves about how we’re feeling in the midst of all the holidays. If we’re feeling blue or experiencing grief or stress due to life events, we need to remind ourselves to honor those feelings and not try to force ourselves into feeling more “fa-la-la-la-la!” than we really do. Second, I hope that our congregation can be a source of both celebration and support for each other as we move through so many holidays in the midst of a disappointing cultural shift. Appreciate joy wherever you find it, and keep reminding yourself about those stars that can only shine in the dark. Go outside under the night sky to realign your perspective and regain your psychospiritual balance.

Dear People of Westside,

If you are reading this newsletter you should also have received our December Reflections, which began this past Sunday, December 1st. Each day of December you will receive an email with a reflection written by someone in our community. Our overall theme is: Light in the Darkness; Without Darkness, the Stars Cannot Shine. There are a lot of holidays in December that reference light and dark in some way. The reflections you will receive are as varied as the holidays themselves. We hope you will find them meaningful as you become acquainted with your community in a whole new way.

Here is what is happening at UUWC this week:

ØThe Men’s Group meets next Tuesday at 7pm onsite. Contact Bill Shore for more information.

ØThe Community Care Team meets on Wednesday at 9:45am in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard Door.

ØThe Council meets this Sunday, 12/8, at 12:30 pm in the Conference Room. If you have something for them to consider, please contact Nika Quirk by Saturday at 12 noon to have it included in their agenda.

ØThe Social Justice Committee meeting has been changed to Sunday, December 29th. Kathleen Cates (NM Legislator) will be speaking at the meeting. We will return to 4th Sundays in the New Year.

ØThis Friday, 12/6, we will hold a Membership Class from 4-7pm in the Social Hall. A light supper will be provided. If you are new to UUWC and curious about who we are and how things work, this is for you! The purpose of the class is to provide information to prospective members; the decision to join the congregation is made privately by each person. Please email Rev. Nancy if you are able to attend!

This Sunday our service is titled: A Light in the Dark. Led by Lisa Dowling-Toland and Rev. Nancy, we will explore the origin of Advent and its meaning for us as UU’s. Come to experience the music, the myths and the magic of the season!


Rev. Nancy


This past Sunday we hosted over 50 people at our Thanksgiving Potluck and Town Hall Meeting. This is an amazing first for UUWC! We ate, we drank, we socialized, and we laughed at the Thanksgiving Trivia Quiz on our tables. Most of us were stunned to learn that the average number of calories consumed by adult Americans on Thanksgiving Day is 3500-4000! Once we got going, the conversation just got better and better. Our Town Hall Meeting minutes are posted in the Social Hall on our newly configured bulletin board; you can double check them there if you were in a turkey or carb induced haze. J Thanks to everyone who contributed to the set-up, clean-up, and buffet of food that we all enjoyed so much.

Here is what is happening in the near future; the remainder of this week is quiet, due in part to the national holiday:

ØThe Programming Committee will meet this Sunday 12/1 at 12:30pm in the Conference Room. This is a volunteer committee; everyone is welcome to help plan our Sunday Services, Religious Education opportunities, and special events to nurture the spiritual life of our congregation.

ØWednesday, December 4th at 11 am the Stewardship Committee will meet to review the 2025 Stewardship Campaign. If you are planning to pledge, please return your pledge card ASAP.

ØWe are tentatively planning our December Membership Class for Friday, December 6th from 4-7pm. We will serve you a light supper of soup/salad/bread/beverage. If you are interested in attending this, please email Rev. Nancy if you have not already done so.

ØOur recent Community Conversation Circles have been very well attended; interest has been expressed in continuing this venue for a while- perhaps on a monthly basis. If you are interested in attending a gathering on Dec. 12th at 12 noon-1:30pm, please let Rev. Nancy know. If you cannot make that time slot but would like to attend, please let her know what would work better. We will schedule a meeting for whatever day/time works for the most people. This is an unstructured and safe place to continue to explore our thoughts/feelings in regard to the events in our world as our recent political shift unfolds.

ØThis perhaps the most unusual notice I’ve ever posted in the newsletter, but I am really serious. I have 2 bags of turkey bones that can be used for soup stock. If you are interested in having them, please let me know so I can get them to you ASAP. They will be in our church freezer. J

ØOur December Reflection Project will begin this Sunday, Dec. 1st. If you signed up to write a reflection, please send it to Lisa Toland: If you signed up but forget which date you signed up for, email Rev. Nancy. She has the sign-up Calendar sheet and can look it up for you. We have 3 more opportunities to sign up for: 12/23, 12/26, and 12/30. Email either Rev. Nancy or Lisa Toland if you would like one of those dates. If you have already signed up it is ok to do a second one.

Our service this week kicks off our December theme: Without Darkness, Stars Cannot Shine. This week’s service is titled, “Anticipation”. We will be exploring an overview of the experiences and symbolism of light and dark through Cherokee story, science, and poetry. Throughout the month we will be focusing on the many holidays that address this theme.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Rev. Nancy



Dear Westside Community,

It is with joy that we recognize that our numbers are increasing! Attendance at our Sunday Services has been over 50 for the past 3 weeks. If you are among the newcomers and this is your first newsletter, please know that you are welcome to attend any meeting or event mentioned here. If you have questions about anything, please feel free to contact Rev. Nancy. She will either answer your question or introduce you to someone better suited to do so.

Here is what is happening this week at UUWC:

  • Thechoir will sing an upbeat harvest song for our special Thanksgiving service. Come and rehearse at 4:00 pm on Friday if you’d like to sing. Our choir is a semi-spontaneous group of volunteers that likes to sing on special occasions. Everyone is welcome J
  •  The Men’s Group meets Tuesday evening at 7pm. Contact Bill Shore for more information:
  • Due to the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, the Women’s Group will not meet.
  • Thank you to everyone who signed up to contribute to our December Reflection Project. Please get your Reflection to Lisa Toland ASAP.
  •      This Sunday, 11/24, is ourThanksgiving Sunday Potluck. We hope that everyone will stay for turkey and potluck sides and desserts. Please bring your favorite holiday dish, along with a list of ingredients for those who need to monitor their diet. We will provide turkey and gravy, along with coffee and cider.
  • Following our Thanksgiving Potluck we will hold our November Town Hall Meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. JOur service this Sunday is titled: Giving Thanks: Despite and Because! Laurel Anderson and Rev. Nancy will lead us in a service exploring the dynamics and power of gratitude and applying them even in a world gone mad. We will gather in the Sanctuary as usual at 11am, however our service will be shorter than usual so we may spend more time as a community celebrating over our food. The service will be replete with stories and images and the choir will sing! Please join us for this meaningful gathering! J


Rev. Nancy



Dear People of Westside,

Bob Dylan summed it up when he wrote “The times, they are a-changin!” If you haven’t heard or thought of this song in a while, click on this for a little auditory memorabilia: Bing Videos It’s more than appropriate for us today. People keep telling me how much they hate change, although it seems like most of us are okay with change as long as we approve of the change in question. Change gets hard when we disapprove of a specific undesirable change. Dylan’s message could be recoded to read, “get with the program” for today’s world.  Regardless of the wording, the message is the same. Change is always happening everywhere! Here’s a jump-start for the coming week at UUWC:

  • If you have thoughts about how best to continue our Community Conversation Circles, please email them to either Rev. Nancy OR . We would like to know what day/time works best for you and any other thoughts about creating a safe and creative space for responding to our post-election world.
  • The Anti-racist Bookclub meets at 9am. Contact Dee Curry for more information.
  • FRIDAY is the opening of the ENCHANTED VISION ART SHOW. We have over 90 pieces of art from over 30 artists displayed throughout our building. The display is a work of art itself! Beginning at 5 pm Friday evening, we are hosting an open-to-the-public art show. Wine and hors d’oeuvres  will be served Friday evening. The exhibit continues on Saturday from 11-5pm and on Sunday from 1-5pm. Come support your community!
  • Tuesday: Feed the Rio Rancho Kids will meet at 9am in the Green Room. Join them if you’d like to help assemble backpacks for hungry kids.
  • The Social Justice Committee will meet THIS Sunday at 12:15 in the Conference Room. Bring your lunch and beverage with you; we are meeting slightly earlier than usual in order to coordinate with the Art Show. We are also meeting out of sequence b/c the Art Show will be happening in our Social Hall; we switched Social Justice with our Town Hall Potluck which will happen on 11/24. See Below
  • Next Sunday, November 24thwe will hold a Thanksgiving Potluck as part of our Thanksgiving Service. Roast Turkey will be provided; you are invited to bring the side dish or desert of your choice to the potluck. An ingredient list is important for those needing to monitor what they eat for a variety of reasons. We will begin our service in the Sanctuary at our customary 11 am time, then move to the Social Hall for an extended meal-time at approximately 11:30. We will hold our Town Hall meeting after our shared meal.

This week’s service is titled, “Transgender Remembrance Day”. Aeryn Riley will lead us in observing this sensitive occasion. Following the service there will be coffee and finger foods available in the Social Hall. Due to the Art on display, there WILL BE NO SEATING OR TABLETOP SPACE AVAILABLE.  Please take your coffee and munchies and circulate to admire the art and share conversation with your community. The Art Show re-opens to the public at 1pm, so we need to be ready to welcome them then.  If you are planning on contributing to our food table, please bring FINGER FOODS only. We will not have utensils or eating surfaces available; it will be a “cocktail party style” coffee hour.


Rev. Nancy



Greetings Westside Community!

Our Sunday service this week is titled “At the Crack of Dawn”, led by Rev. Nancy and Carole Eagleheart. We will be sharing an experience that acknowledges our grief at the outcome of the election and helps us get in touch with realistic hope for the future.

The service will include inspirational music and a community candlelighting ritual. We encourage you to attend as a way to give and receive support.

We will also be offering 2 Community Conversation Circles this week on Tuesday and Wednesday from 12 noon to 1:30pm. We will gather in the Green Room to share our thoughts and feelings in response to the recent events. We will provide coffee and tea. Please bring a brownbag lunch, or the snack of your choice! This is a time for us to commiserate and share our thoughts and feelings in a safe space.

Rev. Nancy Hitt
Nika Quirk, Council Moderator


We are aghast at the election results from yesterday’s Presidential election. Our grief is real and it runs very deep. We are concerned about the impact on people we love, on our country, and on the entire world we live in. We share concerns about marginalized and oppressed people, our economy and the ecosystems of our planet. For many, our worst fears have become reality.

Please take the time you need to recuperate from this event. You know what helps to heal you, so engage in whatever that is. Extra sleep, conversation with trusted friends, comfort foods, meditating in/on nature- all these and many other responses will help us to regain our equilibrium. We are resilient people; we are strong people; we are people committed to our UUWC community as a place of refuge and passion and transformation. Please keep your connection with UUWC for your own sake and for that of the entire community. There will be a LOT to consider and a lot to respond to in regard to the new administration in January. We need each other. We need to show up for each other.

I have included a link to the Rev. Dr. Sophia Betancourt’s message (President of UUA) and a link to an article by Tom Nichols at the Atlantic Daily. Both deal with reality in clear terms and offer responses for the future. After you’ve caught up with our UUWC messages, please check them out if you have not seen them already.

Here is our UUWC schedule for the week:

  • The Men’s Group meets Tuesday at 7pm.
  • The Community Care Team meets Wednesday at 9:45am.
  • The Humanist Group meets Wednesday at 4pm.
  • Preparation for the Art Show begins at 11am Friday.
  • Your Council also meets on Sunday ay 12:30 in the Conference Room.

Here is a message from Carole Eagleheart:
A deep thank you to all the people who participated in UU the Vote.  Many of you wrote letters and postcards, reaching people in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada and Ohio.  Others helped by stamping and sealing letters, by sending texts, or by working at the polls. I know many of you feel grief and disappointment at the results, but you can find comfort in knowing you did your part.  And together we achieved our goal of becoming a Good Trouble Congregation. Together we prepared and sent 1,715 postcards and letters, and sent 18,870 texts, along with knocking on more than 300 doors to get out the vote.  We’ll celebrate that hard work with a special cake at coffee hour on Sunday.

Here is a message from Karen Schafer: Please contact Karen Schafer at if you might be able to help with the Thanksgiving project that Feed Rio Rancho Kids has undertaken. Also, please check the list of new winter coats for some of our neediest kids.  Karen can also send you sizes or the list on posted on the UUWC bulletin board.

We are in the process of updating our Sunday Service for this week; I will email you that information when it is complete.  Plans to address our need to discuss our responses to the election are underway; you will be emailed with details as they are finalized.

Remember to check the links below!


Rev. Nancy

11.6.24 UUA Announcement: US National Election Results

Trump Has Won, but Democracy Is Not Over – The Atlantic


The Rio Grande is gold! At long last the leaves of the massive cottonwoods have turned that vibrant golden hue that means Fall in New Mexico. Hooray!  Here’s what’s happening at UUWC this next week:

  • We have some schedule changes due to our Art Show on 11/14-17. Please read on to see what they are:

o   The Border Group and Labyrinth Group are cancelled from 11/16.

o   The Antiracist Book Club will meet at Whispering Bean on Friday, 11/14 at 9am.  We will be discussing the book: “Biased”: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do. The author is Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Phd

  • The Women’s Group, regularly scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 2:30pm will NOT meet on November 14th. The Art Show folks will be very busy setting up art and tables etc. If you’d like to help in any way, contact Nika Quirk or Carole Eagleheart. The Women’s Group will resume on December 12th since the fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day.
  • Remember to sign up for our special UUWC Holiday Reflection project! The calendar for December is in the Social Hall. Pick a date and sign your name in that block. If you need the instructions resent to you, please email Rev. Nancy. Your submission needs to be emailed to Lisa Dowling-Toland. 1-200 words; no photos or scanned material; please cite authorship of any quoted material; original poetry is lovely! Our theme is: “Light in the Dark: Without Darkness, Stars Cannot Shine” Thanks to all of you who have already signed up for this! We are excited to be able to share our thoughts with each other during the intense holidays of December.  Deadline is Sunday, November 17thExpect to start receiving daily reflections from your community starting December 1, 2024.
  • The Programming Committee meets Sunday at 12:30 in the Conference Room. This is a voluntary committee; all interested people are welcome to attend! You can bring your coffee with you. J

Our service this Sunday is titled, “The Nature of Healing”. It will be led by Theresa Watson and Rev. Nancy. Expect to encounter beauty, peace, and hope to sustain us no matter what happens politically next Tuesday.



Rev. Nancy

Dear People of Westside,

Here is what’s happening at UUWC this week. We are also prepping for our December holidays, so read on to see how you can be a part of that too!

ØMoonspirit CUUPS invites you for Saturday, October 26, 6 pm potluck and 7 pm ritual. Samhain (sow-win) marks summer’s end in the Celtic Wheel of the Year. The harvests are finished, and we now mark the shorter days and colder nights that signal the coming of winter. We meditate on the dark after summer’s brightness. In this transitional time between summer and winter, tradition tells us that the “veil between the worlds” thins and we can more easily communicate with our ancestors and those who have passed from this earthly life. This ritual is open to all.

ØThe Men’s Group meetings have been rescheduled. They are now: Nov. 12th and 26th. The group meets at 7pm.

ØSCHEDULING UPDATE: On November 16th there will be NO Border Group OR Labyrinth group due to the ART show. Through the winter months, the labyrinth walk will be starting at 11 am. instead of 9 am. This is due to temperature and not needing to groom the labyrinth in the winter.

ØNovember 15th our Anti-racist group will meet 9-11 am at “Whispering Bean”. We will be discussing, “Biased”: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do. The author is Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Phd

December is often thought of as one of the darkest months of the year despite the many holidays it holds. This year your Programming Committee is sponsoring a new-to-us activity. We will be creating an  email series of daily reflections to engage us all in the various spirits of the season. Our theme for the month is: “Without Darkness, Stars Cannot Shine”. You are invited to write a short (1-200 words) reflection that addresses some aspect of that theme in the context of the December holidays. There is no wrong way to do this! All UU’s have words of wisdom to share with each other; this is your chance to speak to your community. Rev. Nancy will be sending you a detailed email with directions about how to sign up, who to send it to, and how to format it etc. By New Year 2025 you will have received a new reflection every day of the last month of 2024 from your community. We hope that many conversations among us are started by our shared Reflections.

This Sunday Carole Eagleheart and Nika Quirk will lead us in a service called “The Cauldron of Life.”  Bring photos of your deceased loved ones to put on the altar.  We will be remembering them as part of the service.  Because it is Halloween we will also be remembering the witches and reflect on why they were hunted down through the centuries.


Rev. Nancy

  • Dear People of Westside,

    Here is what’s happening at UUWC this week:

    1. Tuesday, Oct. 22nd at 9am Feed the Rio Rancho Kids will meet in the Green Room to assemble the backpacks. Please use the Courtyard door.
    2. Tuesday, Oct. 22nd the Men’s Group meets at 7pm. Contact Bill Shore for more information.
    3. UUWC’s Moonspirit CUUPS group set up our booth and altar at the annual Pagan Pride celebration in Bataan Park, Albuquerque on September 29. Our entry in the altar contest, “The Divine Feline”, won 2nd prize. Jeannette Lloyd and Nika Quirk also led a group of event attendees in the Sandusky Witches Dance and several UUWC members performed with the Pagan Choir of NM. It was a wonderful day of celebration, outreach and fun!
    4. On Saturday, Oct. 26th,  Moonspirit CUUPS will hold a Potluck Supper and Samhain ritual beginning with setup at 4 p.m and program beginning at 6pm in the Social Hall.
    5. This is the last Sunday for the Democracy Room and our letter writing campaign for UU the Vote! Come a few minutes early and join everyone in the Green Room as we dash off those final letters to prospective voters!
    6. Our Potluck Lunch and Town Hall Meeting is this Sunday, Oct. 20th at 12:30 following the service. Please bring a dish of your choice, with ingredient label if possible. You are invited to bring a dish that celebrates your national heritage to accompany our Indigenous dishes for this Potluck. We will offer 3 Sisters Soup, Wild Rice and vegetables, cornbread, and blueberries on our Native Menu.

    Our Service this week is titled: Indigenous Peoples Day. Led by Wendy Dampier and Rev. Nancy, we are offering a reverent and thought provoking glimpse into the issues and heritage of Indigenous People. Our goal is to help distinguish appreciation from appropriation and learn more about the Indigenous People of Turtle Island (North America). The service will include music in Cherokee, the Presidents Proclamation, and a LOT of Native art.


    Rev. Nancy


Many of us are concerned about friends and family living in the forecasted hurricane path, as well as the people just beginning to recover from Hurricane Helene. On top of the political concerns we share, there is a lot of stress in our lives. Contrary to some publicly expressed political opinions, none of us has the power to control the weather- we just have to cope with the realities of life. One of the important ways to do that is to make sure to continue to do the things that are meaningful to us. Attending a committee meeting or a UUWC activity won’t change the weather, but it does help us affirm our commitments and values. Participating in UU the Vote may actually influence elections, so read on for what’s happening at Westside this week:

If you have food donations for Storehouse West, please make sure they are NON-Perishable. While we all know that fresh food is more nutritious, that does not apply to spoiled food. DO NOT LEAVE FRESH FOOD OF ANY KIND in the donation basket for Storehouse West. It goes bad and someone has to clean it up- which is nasty. If you have fresh food to share, please leave it on the table with a note/sign indicating that people can help themselves to it. Please also monitor it and remove any leftovers BEFORE you leave for the day so they don’t spoil! Thank you J

Thursday, 10/10 the Women’s Group will meet for the first time this fall in the Green room at 10:30. Please use the Courtyard door. This is a planning meeting; everyone is welcome.

Friday, 10/11, we are holding a Vote Forward function from 5-7pm in the Social Hall. We will continue to write the letters and postcards for UU the Vote AND we will discuss our responses to the video “Bad Faith” that 23 of us watched last Sunday. This is a potluck, so bring your favorite munchies.

Saturday, 10/12 we are holding an All Church Clean-up, beginning at 10am. A lunch of pizza and salad will be provided. Our Cleaning team does a bang-up job, but many cleaning tasks are seasonal. Now is the season! If you have a favorite cleaner, bring it.

October 18th Anti-racist book club will be finishing “White Fragility” discussions by Robin Diangelo.

Hope you can join us at Whispering Bean on Corrales Road from 9:00 am – 11 am.

October 19th Labyrinth Walk come join us at 9:00 am for our monthly labyrinth walk. If you would be interested in helping us groom, come at 8:00 am. We meet in the Sanctuary!

October 20th Immigration group: No Human is Illegal! Join us at 10 am in the Sanctuary to discuss our present and future projects to provide humanitarian assistance to those (asylum seekers) caught in the mist of policy changes in our government. Those who are making hats, please feel free to bring your project to work on as we talk.

Our Service this Sunday is titled, “Keeping House”. We will be receiving people into membership and exploring stewardship– and celebrating with cake after the service! Come to welcome the new members and get your special stewardship packet!


Rev. Nancy

  • Balloon Fiesta is upon us! By the end of this week we will have launched the 52nd event and filled the skies yet again with shapes and colors and just plain magic. That said, please drive safely when the balloons are aloft; lots of spellbound tourists create lots of driving hazards- and a lot of the roads in/out of Fiesta related events are under construction.

    Here’s what’s happening at Westside this coming week:

    • On Tuesday, October 8th the Men’s Group meets at 7pm.
    • On Wednesday, October 9th, the Community Care Team meets in the Conference Room at 9:45-11am. Please use the Courtyard Door.
    • On Thursday, October 10th at 10:30am the Women’s Group will gather in the Green Room.   This is our first meeting for this fall; it will be a planning meeting. Future dates/times/programs are all negotiable! Please use the Courtyard Door.
    • This Sunday, October 6th  don’t forget the Democracy Room. This Sunday Karen Schafer will be there from 10:20 until the start of the service to help you write letters for UU the Vote. The letters will go topotiential voters in swing states to encourage them to get out and vote. The letters are simple and it’s something you can do to help protect our democracy.
    • Our Programming Committee meets Sunday at 12:30 in the Conference Room. We will be developing our holiday programming for 2024 and discussing some of the aspects of our services.

    Our service this week is our annual Animal Ministry service, complete with blessings for pets. Remember to bring a picture of your pets, both past and present for our focus tables. You may also bring pictures of endangered species or animals in other circumstances you are concerned about. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early so you can display your photos to your satisfaction.


    Rev. Nancy


Dear People of Westside,

After the bizarre fiasco of last week’s newsletter somehow omitting text and just sending the “bullets”, I’m trying something new. I will apologize in advance if the elves are at it again! I know this is longer than usual, but it’s all IMPORTANT!!

ØOn Saturday at 4pm the Humanist Group will be rehearsing their presentation for this Sunday. If that’s you, we’re looking forward to it!

ØOur Adult RE class is reading the murder mystery: Night Work, by Laurie King through a Hindu lens. This was inspired by the author’s use of inscriptions for each chapter from material about the goddess Kali. If you love a good mystery, I encourage you to try this! You also are likely to be surprised how the juxtaposition of Kali aligns with the both the story line and our currently lived political/cultural experiences. All are welcome!

ØSunday September 29, 10 am – 6 pm, Pagan Pride Day at Bataan Park, 748 Tulane Dr NE (corner of Carlisle and Lomas), ABQ.  Stop by UUWC’s Moonspirit CUUPS booth and vote for our altar in the contest.  This is one of our annual outreach events.  Food trucks, music, vendors – come and enjoy a lovely day.  Jeannette Lloyd, Nika Quirk, John Fischer and Lisa Toland will perform with the Pagan Choir of NM; Jeannette and Nika will be teaching the Sandusky Witches’ Dance in late afternoon.

ØErin is working to get the Breeze Directory updated with the portraits that Dick Barrett took. Pease contact Dick by Sept. 30th to make your portrait selection.

ØFrom Nika Quirk, Council Moderator

We did it!  After an iterative process over several months, our congregation has developed a set of Values Statements to use as a foundation in all we do.  Thanks to everyone!

ØAttached is a document that includes our congregation’s purpose statement from our By-Laws and the completed values statements.

Attached below is a document that includes our congregation’s purpose statement from our By-Laws and the completed values statements.  As we conduct our committee activities, do events in and outside of our congregation, and even consider what our 2025 budgets need to fund, I hope you will reference these values.  They name what we care about and how we want to take action.  In fact, as members of our Council realized on reviewing the final statements that came out of the recent Townhall discussion, our Values Statements may also serve as our Relational Covenant.

Special Events this Sunday:

Our service this Sunday is titled: Preserving Our Democracy and Freedom: Opposing White Christian Nationalism. It will be presented by members of our Humanist Group.

At 12:30 on Sunday you’ll have the chance to see the compelling documentary “Bad Faith” on the screens in our sanctuary.  This is a powerful film that traces how the right wing worked for years to lure evangelicals into supporting a project designed to dismantle democracy.  They call it Christian Nationalism, and it’s only after the January 6 insurrection that liberals started to awaken to the real threat it poses to our democratic institutions. The movie, which has a high audience rating of 4.4 out of 5, is 90 minutes long, so we’ll have bagels and cream cheese at coffee hour to serve as lunch. Invite your friends, because we all need to be aware of what we are facing.


Rev. Nancy

  • I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and in good spirits. Things are beginning to pick up at UUWC; we have a lot happening in the next few months as the fall and winter holidays draw closer. Our Stewardship Campaign begins in October and the Art Show is happening in November. We have a lot to look forward to! Here’s what’s happening this week:Friday, 9/20, the Anti-racist Book Club meets at 9-11am. The group will be discussing “White Fragility” by Robin Diangelo, Chapters 1-6.
  • Today at 6:30 the Drum Circle will meet. Bring your own instrument or use one of ours.Tomorrow, Saturday 9/21, the Labyrinth Walk will be held at 9-10 am. If you’d like to help groom it, arrive at 8am. This will be followed by a discussion of the podcast, “Beyond El Mayo and the Drug Cartels”. Bring your loom and knitting to work on those winter hats!On Tuesday, 9/24, Feed the Rio Rancho Kids will be assembling the snack backpacks at 9am in the Green Room. Please use the Courtyard Door!Also on Tuesday, at 7 pm, the Men’s Group will meet.On Saturday, October 6th, the Cleaning Team will be sponsoring an ALL CHURCH CLEANING DAY. Beginning at 10am, we will engage in a Deep Cleaning of the seasonal chores that are not part of the weekly cleaning. This means windows and woodwork and cobwebs etc! Lunch will be included. Please contact Hobbit Merritt to let her know you will be there!

We have a special event this Sunday! Rio Rancho Councilwoman Deb Dapson will be joining us at Coffee Hour to speak to the issues she will be focusing on as a newly elected official. PLEASE BRING YOUR QUESTIONS!! She is prepared to engage in a LOT of Q&A, so come prepared to explore the things that matter most to you in our local community. Think affordable housing, book banning- the works! The Social Justice Committee is hosting this event and will provide special finger foods!

This Sunday our service will be an Autumn Equinox Celebration led by Carole Eagleheart and Nika Quirk. There will be music and lots of apples as we explore the power of ancient stories to help us move forward into this new season.

Lastly, Rev. Nancy will be spending her day off and 2 fall holidays on a short trip. Leaving Sunday after church, she will return Wed. evening. She can be reached by text or email in an emergency: 505-315-0818.

Rev. Nancy



Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

There are quite a few things happening at UUWC. Please read through the list carefully so you don’t miss anything! In chronological order they are:

It’s UU the Vote time!  In 2022 our congregation was recognized by the UUA for being a Good Trouble Congregation.  This year we are going for it again.  That means we will need to write an average of 20 postcards or letters per member encouraging people in swing states to get out and vote, along with some other actions we need to take.
On Saturday at 1 pm we’ll be having a postcard party at Ruth Bogart’s house. Her address is 6636 Icarian Rd. NE. It should be fun, because we’ll be using colorful pens to make the postcards grab people’s attention.
And Sunday morning we’ll be launching our official UU the Vote letter writing .Come 20 minutes early at 10:40 am to the Democracy Room (otherwise known as the Green Room) and we’ll show you how easy it is to write two sentences on a pre-printed letter. We’ll be doing this before the service every Sunday for six weeks, encouraging you to write four letters each Sunday. If you have trouble with handwriting, you can help by sealing letters and sticking on postage stamps.
We already have a jump on this:  17 of our members have already started writing letters and have completed 160 of them.  We can do this!

Our Adult Religious Ed class meets at 9:30 in the Conference Room. This week we will begin a new series of classes using a murder mystery by Laurie King as an entry into exploring the Hindu goddess Kali. The King book is titled: Night Work. This week we’ll begin with a presentation about Hinduism and the goddess. The book is available both new and used. Everyone is welcome; all classes are always open. Contact Rev. Nancy for more info.

Also on Sunday is our Town Hall Meeting with Potluck lunch. Please bring a dish of your choosing to share, labelled with ingredients if possible. Following lunch we will hold our Town Hall Meeting. Our agenda includes discussing our UUWC values which you received in your newsletter recently. We will move to the Sanctuary for this in order to make use of the video screens so that everyone can see the material that has developed so far.

In the next few weeks there are several special events to look forward to.                       1) Labyrinth September 21st 9-10 am: meet in UUWC sanctuary. If you want to help groom, meet at 8 am.

2) Our No Human is Illegal border group will meet September 21st at 10 am. We will be listening to a Border Chronicle podcast entitled “Beyond El Mayo and Drug Cartels “. If you like, bring your looms or crochet hats to work on while we listen.

3) Anti-racist book club: On September 20th 9-11 am we will be discussing “White Fragility “ by Robin Diangelo chapters 1-6.

On Sunday, September 22nd, we will host a Q&A session with Deb Dapson as part of Coffee Hour. Ms. Dapson is a recently elected Democratic City Council Member in Rio Rancho. The Social Justice Committee will provide special refreshments for this event. Please think about the questions you have about our local city and its needs. Even if you don’t live in Rio Rancho, you are welcome to come!

This week’s service is titled, “The Joy of Transition” Aeryn Dowling-Toland will share her story of transition. Gender justice is one of our UU values; expect this to enrich your awareness.

Rev. Nancy




Hello People of Westside!

I hope you had a relaxing Labor Day weekend and are easing into Fall. The Equinox will soon be upon us; in two weeks we will be celebrating the balance of light and darkness before we shift into full on fall. Although if the prevalence of pumpkin spice foodstuffs, soap, air freshener and hand lotion is any kind of testimony, we may be prematurely there already. I actually love the spices we associate with fall, but I confess that I found the recent display of a pumpkin-spice protein drink to speed weight loss to be too much.

Here’s what’s happening at Westside in the next week or so:

  • Saturday, September 7th at 9:30 am in the Social Hall we will hold a New Member Class. If you are not yet a formal member of our congregation, we encourage you to attend this one-time class (it comes complete with brunch!) to find out more about UUWC. It is a time to learn a bit about our history, our goals, and our ongoing programming. It is a time to ask questions and network with a group of people in similar circumstances. The class is led by Rev. Nancy and Nika Quirk (our Council Moderator). Following the class we hope you will take time to consider formal membership and let us know of your decision. Please email Rev. Nancy ( if you will be attending. An accurate head count means adequate coffee!
  • On Saturday September 7th at 10 am the Humanist Group will meet in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard door.
  • Tuesday, September 10th at 7pm the Men’s Group meets.
  • Wednesday, September 11th at 9:45am the Community Care Team will meet in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard door.
  • Saturday, September 14th at 1pm there will be a “UU the Vote” postcard party at Ruth Tucker-Bogart’s house. More info to follow, but mark your calendar!

On Monday, September 9th at 2pm there will be a Celebration of Life for B. Leo Cafferty at the Daniels Funeral Home on 4th St. in Albuquerque.
Leo died on June 21st at the age of 96. He was a long-time member of UUWC who will be remembered fondly by those who knew him. Rev. Nancy will officiate.

This Sunday is our very special UU Water Communion Service. If you have water that you have collected in your travels, please bring it. You may also bring water from your own back yard or faucet or the Rio Grande or the puddle up the street. This is a reflective service of unity that will explore the complex interdependence of human life, using water as a visible/tangible symbol. You do not need to have special water to participate; there will also be water provided during the service. This is one of four services that are unique to us as UU’s, so please join us if you can.
Rev. Nancy



Greetings People of Westside!

I am happy to have returned home after a successful trip across the northern part of the lower 50 states during my vacation. We successfully moved my son from Portland, Oregon to Massachusetts. Since we then drove up to see extended family in Portland, Maine, I can say I’ve literally driven from Portland to Portland and sea to shining sea. It was great to see family, including my 7 month old grand-nephew. Baby time always makes me smile.

I am still smiling as I return to life at UUWC. We’re wrapping up the end of the Summer with a low-keyed week. Here is a list of what’s happening:

  • Saturday, September 7th the Humanist Group is meeting in the Conference Room. Contact Karen Schafer for more info.
  • Also on Saturday, September 7th we are holding a New Member Class. If you are interested in more information about becoming a member of the congregation, this class is for you! We will start at 9:30 by serving you brunch, and then engage in sharing material that will be helpful to you in your decision. We hope you’ll join us, but that decision is yours to make after thoughtful consideration. Please RSVP to Rev. Nancy ( so we have an accurate head count for Brunch!
  • UU the Vote is gearing up! You are invited to a “Postcard Writing Party” at Ruth Tucker-Bogart’s house on Saturday, September 14th at 1pm. More info to follow, but mark your calendars now!
  • Our Programming Team meets this Sunday, September 1st at 12:30 in the Conference Room. If you would like to share ideas about future programs for Sunday services and/or educational events, please come! This is a highly collaborative process, so don’t be shy. If you are interested in presenting a program or assisting in one, please let Rev. Nancy know. We offer training/practice sessions for that as need arises. We also promise not to commandeer participation for any reason.

If you did not have a chance to explore the links that Nika sent in last week’s email, please notify Rev. Nancy and she will resend them to you. They are well worth looking at!

Our service this week is led by Aeryn Dowling-Toland and Wendy Dampier. They will be leading us in an exploration and celebration of Labor Day- an occasion dear to UU hearts.




Hello UU Westsiders! 

Hello UU Westsiders!  Your Council Moderator, Nika here, sending out the newsletter while Rev. Nancy is on vacation.


From the UUA:  Take a few minutes to read and listen to UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt’s message celebrating the beginning of a new congregational year:


UUWC Values Exercise Continues…Please read through the Proposed UUWC Values Statements in the attached PDF file.  We invite you to “try them on” and discuss with others.  If you’d like to express your feedback on the Values Statements in writing, please email to

We will also include time for feedback in our September Townhall.


We are sending out a Call for Artists for our Third Annual Enchanted Vision Art Show, which will be held the weekend of Nov. 15-17 at UUWC.  Do you know artists who might be interested in entering?  Please share the attached flyer with them.


Events during this upcoming weekend and next week:


Rev. Nancy returns this week and will be presenting this Sunday’s Service at 11 a.m. entitled “It’s Normal, It’s Natural & It’s Dead Wrong”.  Laurel Anderson will be our Service Associate.

The Social Justice Committee meets at 12:30 this Sunday after our service and Coffee Time.  All are welcome.

Feed RR Kids’ next packet assembly will be in the Conference Room at UUWC on Tuesday, August 27 at 9:00 AM.  If you haven’t already, please give Kitty a heads up that you can be there. It is always a lot of fun and satisfaction.  Kitty (505-507-5632)


UUWC Men’s Group meets at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27 at UUWC.


Don’t Forget! Monday through Thursday each week, there is Yoga with Cathy Frank in the Social Hall.  Check the Events Calendar on for class times.

We are Open for Space Rentals – when you hear of someone planning a big birthday or anniversary, looking for space to teach a class, or needing space for another type of event, please refer them to Erin, our Office Coordinator, 505-896-8192,



Manage Email Preferences


Your Council Moderator, Nika Quirk here, sending out the newsletter while Rev. Nancy is on vacation.


You can feel in the air that Summer is coming to a close, chiles have roasted, and the Harvest rolls in.  Enjoy the golden days and rain showers.


Take a minute to read this great article celebrating the work of Feed Rio Rancho Kids (and mentioning UUWC as their partner).  We are honored and proud to support this critical work in our community.


This week we are sending out a Call for Artists for our Third Annual Enchanted Vision Art Show, which will be held the weekend of Nov. 15-17 at UUWC.  Do you know artists who might be interested in entering?  Please share the attached flyer with them.


Lots going on during this upcoming weekend:


Drum Circle gathers this Friday August 16 at 6:30 p.m.  Bring your drum or borrow one from the UUWC collection.  It should be a gorgeous night to drum on the porch!


Next Anti-racist Book Club Event: Friday August 16th 9-11 am

Finishing the book: My Grandmother’s Hands

Location: Whispering Bean by Sprouts on Corrales Rd.


Next Labyrinth Event: August 17th at 9:00 am. Come join us in a community walk. If you would like to help groom the labyrinths, meet Dee Curry at 8:00 am.

Next Border Event: Saturday August 17th at 10 am  We will be making hats for winter donations. If you have a loom and yarn, bring those items with you. If you don’t have these items, they will be provided for you. If time permits, we will have an update on border issues.

Stacie Gebeke is our presenter for this Sunday’s Service at 11 a.m. entitled “Woodstock Revisited”. The music, the weather, and the counterculture that made history over 4 days. Unexpected connections and spiritual growth.

Our monthly potluck and Townhall Meeting follows the 8/18 service.  All are welcome.  Please plan to join us.

Don’t Forget! Monday through Thursday each week, there is Yoga with Cathy Frank in the Social Hall.  Check the Events Calendar on for class times.

We are Open for Space Rentals – when you hear of someone planning a big birthday or anniversary, looking for space to teach a class, or needing space for another type of event, please refer them to Erin, our Office Coordinator, 505-896-8192,

Greetings UUWC!

This is my last email for the next few weeks! I am flying to Portland, Oregon tomorrow to meet my son. He is moving his “stuff” back to Massachusetts, so we will be driving across the country in a van filled with boxes etc. I am looking forward to seeing him as well as both of my daughters and my extended family. By the time we’re done, I will have travelled from sea to shining sea and literally from Portland to Portland. I will be back in the pulpit on Sunday, August 25th.

In my absence, Nika Quirk will be sending you the weekly newsletter, so make sure to look for it!

Here’s what’s happening this coming week:

  • Tuesday at 7pm, the Men’s Group meets.
  • Wednesday at 9:45 the Community Care Team will meet in the Conference Room. Remember to use the Courtyard Door!
  • This Sunday 8/11 our Church Council meets. If you have something you’d like them to consider, contact Nika Quirk before noon on Saturday.

This coming Sunday our service is titled, “Kindness and Caring: We Need Them Both” led by Laurel Anderson. Be kind to yourself- come and reconnect with your spiritual community!

Rev. Nancy


Dear UUWC Members and Friends,

I hope you all have somewhere comfortably cool to be during this very hot week. There is a lot of enthusiasm in the air as the politics of our nation adapt to the recent changes. And yes, there is still a lot of well-placed concern. You will be hearing more about our “UU the Vote” program in the next few weeks which will give us an opportunity to act on our convictions to encourage people to vote. In the mean-time here is what is happening this week:

  • These 3 programs will no longer be part of the Meet-up notification system: Community Labyrinth Walk, Anti-racist Book Club, The Border Project. Look for information about them on our website as of August 15th. If you have questions, contact Dee Curry.
  • Here is a link that will take you to our UU Pacific Western Region newsletter. The feature article in this edition is from Rev. Summer whom a number of us met last fall. There are also several online videos and programs available for your participation, so check them out! If you’re interested in following up on any of them as part of our adult religious education, please let Rev. Nancy know! Here is the link: PWR Newsletter – August 2024 (
  • Rev. Nancy will be on vacation from 8/8 to 8/22 inclusive. She will be accompanying her son on a move across country- literally from Portland to Portland, sea to shining sea- and then visiting with family on the east coast before returning. During her absence please contact Nika Quirk, your Council Moderator if you need help. Nika will also be writing this newsletter in Rev. Nancy’s absence, so if you have something you’d like included in it, please send it to her.
  • This Sunday our Programming Committee meets at 12:30 in the Conference Room. All are welcome.
  • This Sunday Albuquerque poet laureate Mary Oishi will explore the “priesthood of poetry”—how it connects us to the universal creative/manifesting spirit—and to each other.  She’ll also share what it was like growing up as a Japanese American child raised by a Ku Klux Klan family.

Have a good week!
Rev. Nancy


Greetings People of Westside!
Whatever your political persuasion, there has been a LOT going on this past week. I hope that those of you who were able to join us for last Sunday’s service took Rev. Carole’s advice to heart and are remembering to find something sweet in every day. We all need to be diligent about self-care so that we can continue to take care of all the other things that matter to us. One way to do that is to participate in the life of your congregation by attending services and classes and participating in the work of our various committees. Being with people who care about you and share similar concerns about the world we live in offers us opportunities to give and to receive the care we all need.

We are also offering a New Member Class on Saturday, September 7th. If you would like more information about UUWC this is the place to be! Please let Rev. Nancy know of your interest. We are still coordinating details like time etc. Expect to be fed brunch, connect with a group of people, and learn about this congregation!

  • On Tuesday evening at 7pm the Men’s Group will meet.
  • Friday, July 26th, 6 pm Potluck and 7 pm ritual offered by Moonspirit CUUPS as we celebrate Lammas at 1650 Abrazo Road NE, Rio Rancho. Please bring a glass jar with a lid (you will be taking it home with you). We look forward to having you join us! **Lammas is the festival of the First Harvest**
  • Our Social Justice Committee meeting is this Sunday at 12:30 following Coffee Hour. Meet in the Conference Room!
  • As of August 15th all events that were posted on Meet-Up will be posted on our website ( and on Facebook (facebook.comuuwcrr) Meet-Up has increased its prices by 1/3rd. You will no longer receive notices about meetings in your email box; you will need to check these sites for updated information.
  • Feed RR Kids is launching a new program to add to the current production of snack packs for the week-end.  We are collecting donated supplies for teachers when their kids run out of stuff.  There are many programs at the beginning of school to supply backpacks with school supplies but as the year runs on they disappear.  Many teachers spend a lot of their own money to restock critical items.  There is complete information about what we need on the front of the white doors leading out of the Social Hall to the Green Room.  The next Assembly Day is August 27th at 9:00 a.m. in the Green Room.  All are welcome.
    –Karen Schafer, Co-Founder, FRRK.

This Sunday our service is titled, “Doomed to Repeat”. Aeryn Riley will be speaking in a commemorative WWI service designed to help us learn from history. On Sunday afternoon at 2:pm there will be a viewing of the documentary, “They Shall Not Grow Old”. Directed and produced by Peter Jackson, this 90 minute film includes actual footage of the war and interviews with veterans. There will be an opportunity to gather in the Social Hall afterward to “debrief”, snack, and discuss the film. Please let Lisa know if you will be attending so she can plan adequate snack supplies!

This is also the last week of World Watercolor Month. If you took a canvas and paints home, please use them and bring in your contribution. We have a number of amazing designs on display and would very much like to add yours to it. You do not have to sign it…..

An update: Bram Cast-Hecht has been at UNM in Albuquerque this past week. Please send cards to her home address: 2210 Margarita Drive SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124Judy Deutsch broke a hip and is at Rust following reparative surgery. Her address is: 1498 Sagebrush Drive, Corrales, NM 87048. Both Bram and Judy are healing and ask for no visitors at this time.

Rev. Nancy


Greetings People of Westside!

There’s been a lot of craziness and violence in the world around us recently. Sometimes we need to fall back and regroup in order to move forward with conviction. If that’s where you’re at, Fear Not! We have several opportunities to recharge your batteries this week!

This Friday, July 19th we have several events:

The Anti-racist Book Club meets in the morning at 9am; contact Dee Curry for more information about this meeting.

AT 6:30 pm on Friday, come to our Drum Circle. Drumming is a surprisingly soothing activity. It often helps discharge and direct energy as well as calming our heart and mind. Bring your own drum or use one of ours!

Saturday morning is our Community Labyrinth Walk at 9am. If you’d like to help groom the labyrinth, come at 8am. It’s definitely cooler in the am- although you are free to use the labyrinths at any time.

If you’d like to channel some of your energy into a creative and useful purpose, come at 10 am to learn how to make hats for people in need at the border. While it’s hot now, it will be bitter cold by November and these will be very important! Contact Karen Barrett for more info!

Next, mark your calendar for the CUUPS meeting and potluck on NEXT Friday, July 26th. The meeting is at 4pm with Potluck scheduled for 6pm.

That done, refocus on this coming weekend. It is our Town Hall Meeting and Potluck Lunch Sunday, with a special feature: see below! (Remember to bring your potluck dish to share!)

Also, BRING YOUR WATERCOLOR TO CHURCH!! If you have grabbed a canvas and a watercolor set to help us observe World Watercolor Month, it’s time to start bringing in our art! WWM is an “awareness cause” that promotes creativity, peace, and children’s art programming as an effort to stimulate creativity and peace. In addition to lighting a candle in our services, we are painting- anything you want! We still have a few canvases and watercolor sets- although you are welcome to use your own materials also. We will be displaying our creativity in a number of places- you may sign your art or not as you prefer!

Now, for the Special Event at our Potluck, read on:

If you’re feeling anxiety about the state of our country and our world, come and refresh your spirit this Sunday in our service called “Life Is Sweet.”  Carole Eagleheart will help us find ways to recapture our energy for the months that lie ahead of us. It’s National Ice Cream Day and we’ll celebrate with ice cream sundaes as dessert for our potluck lunch!

Have a wonderful week in spite of the headlines!
Rev. Nancy


Greetings Westside!
Below is the agenda for the coming week. Many of our travelers are returning home- at least for a while- and others of us are just setting out on a summer jaunt. Whichever part of the cycle you’re in, you can keep in touch with our UUWC community via this newsletter and our Breeze church program. Speaking of which: if you have not already done so, PLEASE sign up with Dick Barrett to have your picture taken! It doesn’t take long and you are the only one there- no audience! Our goal is to be able to provide a pictorial directory online through Breeze. Dick has volunteered to take photos of the congregation at no charge, although if you wish to purchase them for yourself you will be able to do so. You will be given a password to use on his website so only you can sign in and see your pictures. There is no charge for those uploaded to Breeze. Just a reminder: While we use Breeze online, it is a private program just for UUWC. The public cannot access it. Pictures are being taken in the Sunroom; enter through the courtyard door!
Here are this week’s activities:

  • Saturday, July 13th at 1pm: the HUMANIST GROUP meets in the Sunroom/Conference Room. Enter through the courtyard door.
  • Tuesday, July 16th, the MEN’S GROUP meets at 7pm.
  • Wednesday, July 17th: the COMMUNITY CARE TEAM meets at 9:45am in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard door.

ln the near future:
July 19th Special Event for Anti-racist for participating members.. Resume and conclude book August 16th “My Grandmother’s Hands”

July 20th 9:00-10 am community Labyrinth walk. If you want to help groom, come at 8.

July 20th at 10-11 am. Come make winter hats for the children and discuss immigration issues.

Also, there are 2 attachments below with information about a once per month 3 session program sponsored by the Advocacy and Democracy Team of UU Santa Fe. Please check them out. They are FREE and should be highly informative.

This Sunday our Council meets in the Conference Room at 12:30. If you have material you would like them to consider, please contact Nika Quirk BEFORE 12 noon on Saturday.

Our Sunday Service is titled, “Patterns and Purpose”. We will be exploring the universal phenomenon of spiritual growth from some unusual perspectives. Come grow with us! Rev. Nancy and Lisa Toland will lead this service.

Rev. Nancy


Happy Fourth of July!!

At a time when so many of us are deeply concerned about the political scene and the restrictions of many former freedoms, it is more important than ever to celebrate Independence Day.

Especially when we feel like celebrating may be more of a farce than a genuine expression of joy, we need to take a deep breath and refuse to let anyone or anything deprive us of the freedom to dream and to act in accordance with our dreams. Independence Day has always been about the struggle for liberty; it has never come cheaply. So get on your party spirit and connect with those you love and celebrate your dreams together. Remember the words of US General “Vinegar Joe” Stillman during WWII: Don’t let the bastards get you down!”

UUWC has no meetings scheduled this week. There is a kind of freedom in that insofar as everyone needs time to relax and regroup. Our Sunday Service is titled “Freedom: To and From”; we’ll explore many dimensions of freedom. Our Programming Committee meets at 12:30pm in the Conference Room following the service.

Have a Spirited Fourth of July!!
Rev. Nancy



Dear People of Westside,
This past Sunday we held our Flower Communion, a uniquely UU service with an unusual history rooted in the work of our forebears. Rev. Dr. Norbert Capek initiated the Flower Communion as a ceremony designed to help congregations visualize the beauty of their community and strengthen their connections. Below is a picture of what UUWC created. As you will see, the colors are vibrant. It is a 360 degree bouquet, although the picture does not rotate- sorry. It’s beautiful and so is our community.

I’m not good at editing stuff so here’s the rest of the info you need for this week; the picture is at the end b/c it’s huge.

This Thursday, June 27th, we will host a PRESIDENTIAL POTLUCK DEBATE. Join us in the Social Hall at 6pm with a dish of your choice to share. (Please label with ingredients as possible). At 7pm we will adjourn to the Sanctuary to view the televised Presidential debate between Biden and Trump. In addition, we will be filling out postcards of encouragement to voter suppressed areas, encouraging them to vote. Members of the Sandoval Democratic Women will be joining us.

The Men’s Group will meet on Tuesday, July2nd at 7 pm.

Our Social Justice Committee will meet this Sunday at 12:30 in the Conference Room

This Sunday, June 30th, our service is titled, “Tantra for UU’s”. Cathie Frank will lead us in some chanting and pew yoga as part of her presentation about Tantra Yoga. Come expecting to learn something new and share a unique experience with your UUWC Community.



Dear People of Westside,

This past Saturday we participated in the Albuquerque Pride Parade. We also shared a booth with 1st Unitarian at Balloon Fiesta Park. I am happy to report that both events were a wonderful success! Our float in the parade proclaimed a theme of “UUWC Sees You; Come See Us” on the top of Chase’s white truck with an enormous set of rainbow spectacles on the hood of the truck. We were able to chat with more people than anyone could count which is great PR for us! Our service on Sunday am continued the joyful spirit. As an Open and Affirming Congregation, this is a focal point for us each year. Many thanks to everyone who participated in this event- including those who served on the committee, made decorations, donated supplies, walked in the parade and staffed our booth! You all demonstrated what it looks like to belong to Beloved Community.

This week is a lot quieter! Our Men’s Group meets Tuesday evening at 7pm, and next Friday is our Antiracist Book Club at 9am at Whispering Bean. The group is reading, “My Grandmother’s Hands”. Contact Dee Curry for more information.

Our Council meets this Sunday at 12:30pm. If you have something for them, please contact either Nika Quirk or Delbert Schafer by NOON on Saturday.

Our service this Sunday is a Father’s Day Service, led by the Women’s Group. You are invited to bring a photo or memento of any/all of the fathers in your life to place on the table at the front of the Sanctuary. Please place your item on the table as you arrive BEFORE the service begins. You may reclaim it after the service. Thank you!

If we’re really lucky the picture of our Pride Parade truck will open when you click on the link below.

Rev. Nancy



Dear Westside Community,

The month of June is Pride month here at UUWC. We are participating in the Albuquerque Pridefest on June 7th and 8th- details are below! Pride events have always been a vibrant part of our community values and identity as an Open and Affirming congregation. We have held that status within UUA for a number of years and are in the process of renewing our official standing. The opportunity to renew this is a new development; when we first made the commitment it was a “one and done” deal. Expect to hear more about these new developments in the near future!
Here is what you need to know this week”

  • On Wednesday, June 12th, the Women’s Group will meet in the Conference Room at 11am. We will review and finalize the Order of Service for our Father’s Day Service on June 16th.
  • Saturday, June 15th at 9am is our Labyrinth Walk. If you’d like to help groom the Labyrinth, come at 8am.
  • Saturday, June 15th at 19am is our Border Meeting. No Human is Illegal! We will be learning how to make winter hats for one of our next projects. The hats can be made at home once we’ve learned how to do it.

Here is the PRIDE schedule:

  • Friday, June 7th from 5-8pm is the FREE Pre-Fest at Balloon Fiesta Park. We are co-hosting a booth with First Unitarian. Come check us out!
  • Saturday at 10 am the PARADE starts. We have a float that you really need to see. (There’s a pun in there!) Details for the parade can be found at
  • Saturday at 3- 8pm the Festival at Balloon Fiesta Park officially opens. There is a $25 admission fee; tickets are on sale online at  We’ll be there too!

This Sunday is Pride Sunday. Rev. Nancy will lead us in celebrating Pride and exploring it’s ongoing development and meaning for all of us. Expect special photo’s of UUWC at Pride and special music too!

Next Sunday, June 16th, the Women’s Group will lead our Father’s Day service. You are invited to bring a picture or memento that honors the fathers in your life. Please arrive early enough to place it on the table at the front of the sanctuary before the start of the service. Thank you!

Rev. Nancy Unsubscribe From This List | Manage Email Preferences


Dear People of Westside:

Here are several pieces of important information for you:

  • The Social Justice Committee would like to encourage people to educate themselves and others about the background to the current conflict in Gaza. Here is a link to a four-minute video from the United Nations Palestinian Rights Committee. It was recommended by Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East, and contains information that many people may not know about the roots of the conflict:

  • Also on behalf of the Social Justice Committee, here is a link to information about candidates running for public office. It’s titled Leaders We Deserve.

  • This Sunday, June 2nd, our service will begin as usual at 11 am in the Sanctuary. We will have an abbreviated service that omits a formal presentation/sermon. Instead, we will adjourn to the Social Hall to participate in a Values Clarification exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to identify the values we hold in common that are most important to us. Your input is important! This is a collaborative effort designed to help us plan our future together. Please plan to attend if at all possible; lunch will be provided.
  • Due to the special Values Exercise on 6/2, our regularly scheduled meetings for the month of June will all slide up one week. This means that Programming will meet on 6/9; Council will meet on 6/16; our Town Hall Meeting w/Potluck will meet on 6/23 and the Social Justice Committee will meet on 6/30.
  • This weeks’ Community Conversation Circle will meet on Thursday, May 30th at 2:30 pm in the Green Room. Light refreshments provided.
  • The Men’s Group will meet as usual on Tuesday, June 4th at 7pm.

Rev. NancyUnsubscribe From This List | Manage Email Preferences


Dear People of Westside,
This week has lighter scheduling than many other recent weeks! Here is what’s happening:

  • Saturday at 10 am: The Humanist Group meets in the Library. Please use the Courtyard door.
  • Saturday at 10:30 am our Community Conversation Circle meets in the Green Room. Please use the Social Hall door.
  • The Social Justice Committee meets at 12:30 pm on Sunday following our morning service. All are welcome to attend.
  • If you were not able to examine the compostable/disposable trash bags provided by Jami Hart, look for them this week on a table in the Social Hall. These bags have it all- they contain your trash and they decompose in the landfill our trash ultimately lands in- a win/win proposition. Information about purchasing them is available at the table. You may take a bag home with you to try out too! Thank you Jami!!

Looking ahead: Next week, June 2nd, we will hold a special service. Beginning at 11am (our usual starting time) we will hold an abbreviated service in the Sanctuary. In place of the sermon, we will engage in a congregational Values exercise. Lunch will be provided! We will conclude at 1pm. Our goal is to identify our common goals so that we can plan meaningfully as we move forward. There are no right/wrong answers- and you can expect to have fun doing this. Please plan to participate if at all possible. Look for more information in next week’s newsletter too.

Throughout the month of June our weekly meetings will slide up a week so that we can work on our Values on June 2nd. Here is the updated schedule:

June 9th: Programming Team   (also Pride Sunday)
June 16th: Council Meeting   (also Father’s Day)
June 23rd: Potluck and Town Hall Meeting
June 30th: Social Justice Committee

Our service this week is titled, “Esprit de Corps” and will be focused on the dynamics that connect us as a denomination and as a spiritual community. Rev. Nancy and Kathy Wright will be leading the service.

Rev. Nancy

Greetings Westside Community!

Once again, the weather is doing its rollercoaster thing out here in New Mexico, and the birds in my backyard are in a feeding frenzy. I’ve discovered that I can predict rain better by observing their behavior than by checking the weather report. When the little birds (as opposed to the larger pigeons and doves) go crazy, the weather is sure to follow. I’m keeping track to see how accurate they are!
No matter the weather, there are a number of things going on at UUWC! Here is your weekly update for both ongoing and new opportunities:

  • Tomorrow/Thursday at 2:30 our Community Conversation Circle meets in the Green Room. We’ll be pursuing our exploration of the Article II revisions to our national UUA bylaws that includes both a restructuring of the relationship between UUWC and UUA and the change from 6 Sources & & Principles to 6 Core Values. These have been deep and rich conversations that we don’t often have the opportunity for- please consider attending. Light refreshments provided!
  • Friday at 9am at Whispering Bean our Antiracist Book Club meets to continue their conversation. Contact Dee Curry for more info.
  • Friday at 6:30 pm the Drum Circle meets at the church- outdoors if the weather is good; in the Social Hall if it is not! Bring your own drum or use one of our various percussion instruments.
  • Saturday at 9am is our group Labyrinth walk. This is an excellent opportunity to take time out to meditate- either with a specific focus or simply with an open heart. Contact Dee Curry for more info.
  • Saturday at 10 am “No Human Is Illegal” meets in the sanctuary. Contact Dee Curry for more info.
  • Sunday 5/19 is our Town Hall Meeting and Potluck!! If you have an item for the THM agenda, please contact Nika Quirk before Saturday 12 noon. Please bring a dish of your choice to share at the potluck- labelled with ingredients if possible.
  • Sunday evening at 6pm our CUUPS group will be holding a Beltane ritual and potluck. Potluck begins at 6 with the ritual to follow ~7pm. All are welcome to learn and participate!
  • Next Tuesday at 7pm the Men’s Group will meet. Contact Bill Shore for more info.
  • Wednesday at 9:45 the Community Care Team will meet in the Conference Room. Please use the Courtyard Door!
  • The Women’s Group will meet in the Conference Room at 11-12:15. We will continue our preparations for the Father’s Day Service on 6/16. All women are welcome!
  • This is a note from Bill Shore: People who have recently become disabled, here is contact info. for you that helps you apply for income and other benefits. Please call the New Mexico Human Services Income Support Program, at 800 283 4465. Bill is providing this information as part of research he did for the Social Justice Committee.
  • Here is a notice from our Council: We are grateful to those who stepped up to support recent projects such as our sound attenuation panels and donations to the Border work. Please remember however to make your regular pledged donation for our operations. Our expenses in April exceeded our income – and there were no unusual expenses. Thank you in advance for supporting our congregation.

This Sunday our program is titled, “Ha! Ha! Ha!” Rev. Nancy and Theresa Watson will be presenting a program about humor- and it will include a variety of opportunities to laugh. If you have a favorite joke (especially a UU joke!) bring it with you! We’d love to share a little humor among ourselves as time allows!


Greetings Westside!

Greetings People of Westside!
I hope this newsletter finds you in good spirits and good health. There is a lot going on at Westside- some of it in the next week as well as other projects that will continue to develop over time. All of this is better because of your presence and participation! Here’s the summary for this week- please read it and mark your calendars. Please note the message from your Council!!

  • On Saturday, May 11th, we will hold a Community Conversation Circle in the Green Room at 10:30. Light refreshments will be provided. We will be continuing our exploration of the revisions to the national Article II section of our denominational bylaws. this involves both a restructuring of the denomination and the relationships between congregations and UUA AND the change from 6 Sources/7 Principles to 6 Core values. If you would like the link to the video “Much Ado about Article II’, please email Rev. Nancy and she will send it to you. Everyone is welcome; both friends and members of the congregation.


  • On Tuesday, May 14th the Greeters will meet in the Conference Room at 10 am. Light refreshments will be provided. We have news about streamlining some processes and will have the opportunity to “play” with some of the aspects of greeting people at our door on Sunday morning. Please use the Courtyard Door!


  • Sunday, May 12th our Church Council meets at 12:30 in the Conference Room. If you have something you would like them to consider, please email the necessary information to Nika Quirk by 12 noon on Saturday 5/11.

Note from UUWC Council:
This year after a prolonged period of UUWC not contributing to UUA dues we budgeted and paid our 2024 dues. We did not realize that additional steps were necessary to become a certified UUA congregation listed on We obtained an extension of time to complete the additional forms and our treasurer, Ruth Bogart has submitted that required information and we are now listed as certified. However, in order to send delegates to GA, a congregation must have paid dues the prior year. So we must wait until 2025 to send delegates.

Sunday is also Mother’s Day. This year our Men’s Group is presenting our Mother’s Day program. (The Women’s Group is presenting our Father’s Day program in turn.)

Rev. Nancy



We’ve had a bit of an IT adventure the past few days. You will receive an additional email tomorrow to update you on our tech status. For now, you may be assured that our Breeze account and the email you receive from it are safe. That said, here is the updated schedule of events and things to know for the coming week:

  • Saturday, May 4th, is World Labyrinth Day. Both Dee and Donna will be onsite from 1-2 pm to walk our labyrinths. If you would like to participate in this international ritual for Peace, please join them! Remember your sunscreen!
  • Next Tuesday, May 7th, the Men’s Group meets at 7pm. Contact Bill Shore for more information.
  • Next Wednesday, May 8th, the Community Care Team meets at 9:45 in the Green Room. Please use the Courtyard Door to enter!
  • Next Wednesday, May 8th, the Women’s Group meets at 11-12:15 pm in the Green Room. Contact Rev. Nancy for more information.

Here are the updates on various projects and other information you should have:

  • We have begun another series of Community Conversation Circles. Our focus is the amendment to Article II for the UUA Bylaws. the amendment will be voted on at GA in June of this year. It includes a restructuring of the relationship between individual congregations and the UUA, in addition to revamping our 7 Principles/6 Sources to form 6 Core Values. You received a link to a video outlining a comparison of the two documents last week. It is important for us to keep informed about these developments and discover what it means to us. Bring your questions, observations, and concerns to the table! Light snacks provided. Our next CCC meeting is Saturday, May 11th at 10:30 am.
  • Our contribution to the “Give Grandly” offering for the support of those seeking asylum is $844. This will be matched by a donor who is supporting the project. GREAT JOB UUWC!!
  • We need your photos of previous PRIDE celebrations or other PRIDE-friendly events/occasions! Nic will be creating a collage from them and posting it as our PRIDE artwork at the rear of the Sanctuary for the month of June. Please get them to him ASAP! Contact Nic Provenzo for more information!
  • We will be receiving 3 people into membership at this Sunday’s service. Please plan to be there to welcome them! Yes, there will be Cake.
  • The Programming Committee will meet at 12:30 pm in the Conference Room on Sunday. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation and planning for our Sunday Services.
  • Next Sunday, May 12th, the Men’s Group will present a Mother’s Day Service.

This week our service is titled, “Circles, Spirals, and Triskelia’s, Oh My!” Stacie Gebeke will be presenting a program using a unique approach to mindfulness.


Hello Westside People!
There is a lot going on at UUWC this week. Below is the schedule of events AND the extra details that will make it easier for you to participate!

  • On Saturday, April 27th at 10 am: The Humanist Group will meet in the Sunroom. Contact Karen Schafer for more info!
  • On Saturday April 27th at 10:30 am our Community Conversation Circle will meet in the Green Room. This is the last meeting of this series in which we will be discussing how we envision our congregations future. Light snacks are provided!
  • On Sunday, April 28th the Social Justice Committee will meet at 12:30 in the Conference Room. A representative from “Mother’s Demand Action” (gun control) will join us briefly to discuss possible future programming.
  • On Thursday, May 2nd at 2:30 our Community Conversation Circle will begin to explore the proposed UUA changes in the national bylaws to Article II. This affects the relationship between individual congregations and the UUA, as well as the change from 7 Principles to 6 Core Values. The material is very important to us as UU’s moving into the future together. We will continue to hold weekly CCC’s on a rotating schedule: May 2nd, May 16, & 30 will be Thursdays at 2:30 pm in the Green Room. May 11th and 25th we will meet on Saturday at 10:30 am. Please try to attend at LEAST one or more of these meetings.
  • There is also a link below to a video by Ken Ing about the proposed changes. While it is almost an hour long, it is done in segments so you can view a shorter portion to suit your schedule. Ing does an excellent job of explaining what the changes are and raising some thought provoking questions. Whether you “like” the proposed Core Values or not, the questions need to be considered seriously!

On Sunday Barbara Gabioud from the UU Fellowship of Silver City will be presenting a program titled, “The Evolution of a Local Border Justice Project”. We will be presenting her with 100 backpacks for kids seeking asylum. We will also be taking up a special offering to kick off the “Give Grandly” fund drive to help with Border Justice projects. This is an additional offering in our service; it will go in its entirety to this project. Below is a link to the website with more information about the program and information about how to either write a check or use your credit card online to contribute. The easiest way to do so on Sunday morning is to bring cash for this purpose!
Rev. Nancy
Video Much Ado About Article II – Fifth Principle Project   Scroll down to the YouTube link!!


Good Morning Westside!
My apologies for the later than usual update on what’s happening! Life intervened and it’s taken me a while to catch up. Here is what is happening this week, with more new possibilities to come next week!

  • There is a new storage bench outside the Social Hall door. In addition to providing seating for us, the storage portion is to collect your used newspapers. The newspapers are used by a handicapped person whose companion dog is paper trained since their owner is not able to walk them. The donations are transported as needed to their house. Your contributions are very much appreciated!
  • Friday, April 19th: At 9am the Antic-racist Book Club meets at Whispering Bean. Contact Dee Curry for more info.
  • Friday, April 19th at 3:30pm: the Pridefest/parade team meets in the Conference Room.
  • Friday, April 19th at 6:30pm: Drum Circle meets in the Social Hall. Bring your own percussion instrument or use one of ours! No experience necessary.
  • Saturday, April 20th at 9am: Labyrinth Walk.
  • SATURDAY IS CLEAN-UP DAY!! 10-12noon. In honor of Earth Month we are cleaning up our patch of it and grooming our grounds. Bring your own tools and gloves and SUNSCREEN. Our labor will be followed by lunch in the Social Hall.
  • Tuesday April 23rd at 9am: Feed the Rio Rancho Kids will assemble the snack backpacks in the Green Room. Please use the Courtyard Door.
  • Wednesday April 24th at 11-12:15pm the Women’s Group will meet in the Green Room. All are welcome!
  • Next Sunday, April 28th Barbara Gabioud will present a program about Asylum Seeker Shelters and other border issues. We will receive an offering to initiate the “GIVE GRANDLY” fund drive that begins May 1st to support these needs. This will not replace our regular Gifts of Love and Commitment; this will be an additional offering.
  • Our Town Hall Meeting is this Sunday, April 21st at 12 noon following our service. This is our POTLUCK Sunday, so bring a dish of your choice to share- labelled with ingredients if possible. Our agenda is full of new information, so please plan to be there!

This Sunday we will honor Earth Day with a program titled, “Earth Day and Climate Change” presented by Carla Clarke.

Hope to see you at any or all of these opportunities!
Rev. Nancy



Dear People of Westside,
Here’s a quick rundown of what’s happening in our community. For more detils, remember to check the Breeze Event calendar. If you aren’t yet registered in Breeze, contact Erin our Office Administrator at If you are already registered in Breeze, check out your personal info. If you follow ALL the prompts down to the bottom of the page you will discover more opportunities to share information. This is totally at your personal discretion! One helpful item to fill in is the date of your birthday. The Community Care Team would like to send birthday cards to people- but need to know your birthday to do that! They would appreciate the information.

Here is the weekly update:

  • ON Saturday, April 13th we will hold a Community Conversation Circle in the Green Room at 10:30. Light refreshments will be provided. These ongoing conversations are proving to be very valuable as we consider our future, so please come!
  • AT 12:15 we will hold a Membership Class in the Social Hall. If you (or anyone you know of) is interested in learning more about our congregation, please let me know. We will be serving a light lunch and I need an accurate count! We consider membership to be a deeply personal decision, so the purpose of the class is to offer information so you can make that decision. If you are unable to attend this class, the next one will be on the 2nd Saturday of August which is 8/9/24.
  • SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: On April 28th Barbara Gabioud will be speaking to us about supporting the Asylum Seeker Shelters and other border issues. We will be presenting her with 100 activity backpacks for children. We will also be receiving a special offering to inaugurate the “Give Grandly” border project fundraiser that begins in May. This will not replace our regular offering.
  • Tuesday 4/16 the Men’s Group will be meeting in the Social Hall at 7pm. Contact Bill Shore for more information.
  • Thursday 4/18 at 2:30 we will hold the Community Conversation Circle for this week.
  • Friday, April 19th the Anti-racist Book club will meet at the Whispering Bean at 9am. Contact Dee Curry for more information.
  • Friday at 6:30 pm the Drum Circle will gather in the Social Hall. Bring your own instrument or use one of ours. No previous experience needed.
  • Saturday at 9am is our Labyrinth Walk; it’s a great way to start the day!
  • At 10-12pm on Saturday morning we are holding an open grounds clean-up in honor of Earth Month. Bring your own tools and come pull weeds and repair our landscape. Lunch will follow at noon.

Our Council meets this Sunday at 12:30 in the Conference Room. If you have something for the agenda, please contact Nika Quirk or Delbert Schafer by 12noon on Saturday. Meetings are open and usually extend voice without vote for guests with the exception of Executive Sessions.

Our Service this week is titled: Roots and Wings and UU Things. Presented by Rev. Nancy and Laurel Anderson, we will be exploring all of this in light of the proposed revisions to the denominations by-laws. If you don’t know much about UUA, expect to learn more. If you are knowledgeable about UUA, expect to have some provocative material to think about! Also, remember to look at the 2 new art pieces in the Sanctuary that have been posted for our Celebration of the Earth during April.

Rev. Nancy


This Week at Westside



Newsletter 3-28-2024

This Week at Westside for March 21, 2024






Last Sunday we had a guest speaker: Curandero/Professor Cheo Torres. It was a great opportunity to hear about how traditional and western medicine can work together for the greater good of all. In an uncanny way, Cheo’s presentation fit right in with one of our major themes for our congregational life: NOT Either/Or, BUT Both/And! If I had to choose a motto for our community, that might be it! We live in a world that asks us to choose the “one right or best” response in everything from our spouses and long- term partners to politics to you-name-it. One of the driving forces in our culture is the need to have and to be “the best!”. Of course, as UU’s, we all recognize that what that best thing is varies from person to person; there is no single right answer or best way to do things! Not even our own- which our fellow UU’s are often quick to point out to us! The good news is that we work at making room for everyone. The bad news is that we work at making room for everyone- which is often overwhelming despite our noble ideals. The very real good news is that our congregation is an intentional voluntary community where people choose who they are and how to express that. We work on that together and challenge and support each other in building a healthy community with a harmony of creative differences at our core.
That said, PLEASE come to this week’s service! We will be celebrating our Chocolate Communion Service. Don’t know what that is? It is a uniquely UU service designed to help us identify and embrace the values of our community. It is a participatory service- to whatever extent you are comfortable participating. You may recall that chocolate has medicinal value and was used historically by people on a spiritual quest. We’ll be reviewing that history-briefly- and applying it to our very modern community. Guests are welcome. You will be served a non-dairy/vegan, gluten-free, organic, free-trade cocoa as part of our service. If you have any other questions, please email Rev. Nancy. Oh, and it’s delicious!  Ruth Tucker-Bogart and I will be hosting this service. Expect it to be the best kind of fun, in which we learn a lot and connect meaningfully with each other. 
Sunday Service Schedule:
2/11: Chocolate Communion Service
1/18: Saving Our Democracy w/Rev. Judy Deutsch (this is Town Hall Sunday with POTLUCK! Bring FOOD!)
2/25: Guest Speaker: Amina Everrett/Black History Month.
ALSO, I/Rev. Nancy am on vacation. I am technically “off” this week (except for the Chocolate Communion Service and Council meeting) and I will be away from2/12-2/20 to celebrate my 50th Wedding Anniversary. I will return to full capacity on Sunday 2/25. That Sunday we have invited a guest speaker, Amina Everrett, to speak to us in honor of Black History Month. THERE WILL BE NO NEWSLETTER DURING THAT WEEK!
If you are in need in any way during my absence please contact a member of your Council: Ruth Tucker-Bogart; Nika Quirk, Delbert Schafer; Kathy Wright. (Carole Eagleheart is on extended vacation in Fl) They will have access to me for any emergency. Otherwise, please remember that although you may email me, I will not be responding till after 2/25!
Here is the schedule for the next 2 weeks as best I have it:
  • Adult RE will meet on 2/11 in the Conference room at 9:30 to continue our discussion of “The Girl Who Drank the Moon” by Kelly Barnhill. Everyone is welcome to attend, so if you’re good at jumping into the middle of things, come check this out. I have one more copy of the book to loan to anyone who’d like it.  NO CLASS ON 2/18!!
  • Your church council meets this Sunday at 12;30 in the Conference Room. If you have issues for their consideration, please email BOTH Nika Quirk and Delbert Schafer BEFORE NOON ON SATURDAY 2/10!!

Our Social Justice Activities: (contact Dee Curry for more info)

  • February 16th at 9-11 am we will be discussing the first 136 pages of “Unsettling” by Gilberto Rosas for our Anti-racist Book Study at Whispering Bean Coffee shop on Corrales R. 
  • February 17th at 10-11 am we will continue planning our next asylum seekers project in our “No Human is Illegal” group at UUWC sanctuary. 
  •  February 17th at 11 am please feel free to come, learn, and walk on the 2 labyrinths on our property at UUWC.                                       Coming up – quite a weekend of Lunar events!  Friday 2/9- New Moon: Fresh starts, new beginnings, growth & transformation, Intentions. Lunar Imbolc: dark, seeds-of-the-future, germinating time.
  • Saturday 2/10 –
    Lunar New Year: The Yang Wood Dragon of 2024 symbolizes transformation, growth, and balance. It encourages us to embrace change, honor our inner energies, and seek harmony between the Divine Masculine and Feminine.


  • Tuesday, 2/13: Rio Rancho Feed the Kids assembly at 9am. Contact Karen Schafer for more info.
  • Tuesday 2/13: Men’s Group at 7 pm. Contact Bill Shore for more info.
  • Wednesday 2/14: Community Care Team at 9:30 am in the Green Room. Use Courtyard Door to avoid disrupting Yoga! 
  • Wednesday 2/14: Women’s Group at 11-12:15 pm in Green Room. Led by Ruth Tucker-Bogart. 
  • Friday 2/16: Drum Circle at 6:30 pm.
Shalom till 2/25!
Rev. Nancy


Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

We’re in that weird time of year that is sometimes known as the Winter Doldrums. You won’t find it on any seasonal calendar and CUUPS doesn’t have a ritual for it, (can we create one?) but it’s here nonetheless. The days are getting longer- but in such small increments that it’s hard to notice or make much use of. We’re on the downside of the winter holidays and nowhere near close to spring. While a few people are traveling, many more are sick with colds that are hanging on forever. A lot of folks tell me they’re just going through the motions and waiting for spring.  Fear not! Connect with UUWC and discover that your community is thriving- sometimes quietly and sometimes at full tilt. The good news is that you don’t have to choose one way of connecting over the other; you can have it all! We have BOTH quiet reflective opportunities AND active energetic opportunities. If you don’t find what you’re hoping for on our schedule, consider talking with a Council member or myself about starting it up. 
Here’s what’s happening this week:
  • This Sunday, Adult RE will meet in the Conference Room at 9:30 to continue discussing the book, “The Girl Who Drank the Moon” by Kelly Barnhill. So far, we’re finding it amazing that this fantasy story marketed for teens is also a scathing indictment of a lot that we regard as wrong in our world. Copies of the book are available if you’d like to join the discussion. Everyone is welcome!
  • Our Programming Team meets on Sunday, 2/4 at 12:30 in the Green Room. Delbert Schafer will be joining us to discuss media issues and possibilities for improving our experience both as leaders and members of the congregation in our services. The good news is that we have options for how we move forward in a tech-savvy and meaningful way. We also have several suggestions for future programming of several different kinds to consider as well as working on our Sunday schedule for the next 6 weeks. If you have some ideas about any/all of this, please join us! Everyone is welcome, both members and friends of the church.
  • TOGETHER WE GROW is the name of our new mural in the Social Hall. There are suggestions for posting and crayons and pens etc. to make it possible right in front of it. Please contribute your ideas about what kind of community you would like to see us grow into. Feel free to use words/phrases/poetry/sketches/comics/etc- anything that speaks for you about who UUWC is and how we want to live together as an intentional community. In addition to your own posting, please take the time to read what others have posted. It is OK to comment or add additional thoughts to what is already there. You may either sign your post or not, as you choose. These materials will become part of the resources for developing our Relational Covenant as our task force begins to draft that for us.
It is with regret that I share with you the news that Fanny (Steve) Fankuchen died this past Saturday evening.  His family will be holding services both in California (where he was living near his son) and on the East Coast where other friends and family are located. Fanny was an active presence in our congregation for a number of years prior to the pandemic lockdown, and he continued to maintain connections as his health allowed after that. If you would like contact information for his son, Jory, please email me and I will send it to you. There are tentative plans to hold a “Memorial Event” for those of us who knew him at UUWC in March. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in that. In keeping with who Fanny was, it will be a non-traditional event. 
This Sunday, 2/4, we have a guest speaker! Eliseo “Cheo” Torres retired recently from teaching at UNM. He will be speaking about an inclusive model for health care that incorporates the traditions of Curanderismo and his lifelong experiences as a healer. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about time-honored practices and expand our awareness of health and healing.
If you have information about programs/meetings/activities that need to be on our calendar, PLEASE contact Erin Uhles, our office administrator. It is very important that our calendar be accurate! Erin can be reached at:
Rev. Nancy

Greetings and Salutations!

Last Sunday we held our Annual General Meeting, complete with Potluck Lunch. Close to 40 people attended, a wonderful mix of members, friends and visitors. Conversation was warm and lively over all of the food! The desert table was especially impressive! Our meeting was highly productive; both By-Law update/revisions were passed unanimously, as was our 2024 Budget and the 2024 Ballot for elected positions! Good Work Everyone!
Moving ahead with this week’s events:
  • Tomorrow, Friday January 26th , please join Rio Rancho MoonSpirit CUUPS for our Imbolc celebration.  It will be a deep contemplative ritual with some dance and a bonfire at the end to burn your leftover Yule greenery.  We will begin with a potluck at 6pm, followed by ritual.  Bring warm clothing layers, and robes if you have them (not required, but adds a nice deep touch to the ritual). 
  • Tuesday, January 30th the Men’s Group will meet at 7pm onsite. Contact Bill Shore ( for more information.
  • Our Social Justice Team meets on Sunday at 12:30 following our service. We will be in the Conference Room; all are welcome!
  •  Since UUA is not holding a General Assembly this year, there is a regional opportunity to meet other UUs, discuss ideas and learn. Threads That Connect, Stories That Inspire, our Pacific Western Regional Assembly on April 19 and 20, is now open for sliding scale registration. People can attend either in person, at First Universalist in Denver, or remotely.
This Sunday Bill Shore will be our speaker at our Sun. Service. His title is: “My Life As a Social Activist”. Bill will have copies of his recent book to examine and a special event for us to participate in during the service. As people committed to Social Justice, this is close to our hearts!
Have a wonderful week!
Rev. Nancy
Greetings Westside Congregation!
All sorts of things are happening in our congregation this week. Our heating/cooling system has been worked on, Adult RE is starting a new book- read down this list to see what it means to you:
  • 9am on Friday our anti-racist book club meets at Whispering Bean to discuss the book, “When the Line Becomes a RIver” by Francisco Cantu. Contact Dee Curry for more information.
  • 6:30 pm on Friay is our Drum Circle. Bring your own instrument or use one of ours! Contact Stacie Gebeke for more info.
  • Saturday at 9 am: Come walk the Labyrinth! Dee Curry will be there to answer questions.
  • Saturday at 10 am: Our Asylum Seeker Support Program will update you as to what is happening at the border.
  • On Wednesday, January 24th, the Women’s Group will meet at 11-12:15 in the Green Room.
  • On Wednesday 1/24 at 3-4:30pm the Craft Group will meet in the Green Room. Bring whatever portable handcraft you are working on!
  • On Sunday 1/21 our Adult RE class will begin to explore the book, “The Girl Who Drank the Moon” by Kelley Barnhill Contact Rev. Nancy if you are interested and need access to the book.
  • On Sunday, 1/21, we will host our monthly Potluck Lunch. Please bring a dish of your choice! If your dish needs to be kept hot or cold, or reqires a last minute stirring or garnish, please tape instructions to it and be prepared to LEAVE IT IN THE KITCHEN FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS.  They will gladly coordinate safe food handling practices for whatever is donated. We are trying to minimize the people in the kitchen for SAFETY SAKE, so please do not linger! Thank you.
  • On Sunday, 1/21, our wall mural will reappear in the Social Hall. We are asking for your input in regard to our values for the community as we grow. What is important to you to include as part of our life together? You can name single words/phrases/ poetry/sketches- whatever helps you express yourself most clearly. Pen & Pencil, crayons, and watercolors and markers will be provided. You may post in person or anonymously. This is the first step in Part II of our Community Healing Process. Everyone- including friends and guests- may contribute.
Our Annual Meeting will be held in the Social Hall following our Sunday Service. If you are a voting member, you should have received an official notice that includes the agenda and the By-Laws and proposed updates to them. PLEASE ATTEND THIS MEETING if it is at all possible. We need a quorum to be able to conduct our business legally. If you are NOT a member, you are invited to attend the Potluck lunch AND the meeting. We customarily extend voice without vote to non-members. Please remember to READ the proposed By-Law updates in the attachment.
Our Sunday Service this week is titled: A Year of Growth. Rev. Nancy and Nika Quirk will co-lead this service. We will be reviewing some of 2023 and looking ahead to 2024 and new opportunities for spiritual growth, deepening community connections, and taking meaningful action in our world. We have a lot to look forward to!
Rev. Nancy


Greetings Westside!

I hope you all received the official notice from your Council about our Annual Meeting 2024. It’s scheduled for January 21st, the 3rd Sunday of January per our By-Laws. In it you will find information about the agenda and an attachment containing a copy of our current By-Laws with the proposed amendments in PURPLE ink. The amendments are inserted directly after the current material that they would update if voted into use. Please take a few minutes to look this over. We will have time for discussion at the meeting, but it is very helpful if we all arrive well prepared. If you have questions prior to the meeting, please contact either Nika Quirk or Rev. Nancy for more information. Also, PLEASE KEEP THE BY-LAWS FOR YOUR RECORDS!! We are all responsible for being familiar with them; saving them on your own computer is a good way to have them handy. 
Here is what is happening this coming week:
  • Monday, January 15th at 5pm we will be holding a Media Training event in the Sanctuary. Wendy Dampier will lead a hands-on training of PowerPoint and how to prepare a media presentation for UUWC using the provided template. Please come, and bring your personal laptop, or we have one to loan. Wendy  will provide us tips and tricks, including where to find images, music, and graphics.
  • Tuesday, January 16th at 7 pm our Men’s Group will meet at the church. Contact Bill Shore for more information.
  • Friday, January 19th at 9am our anti-racist book club will meet at Whispering Bean to discuss the book, “When the Line Becomes a River” by Francisco Cantu. Contact Dee Curry for more information.
  • Friday at 6:30 pm our Drum Circle will meet in the Social Hall. Bring your own drum or other percussive instrument or use one of ours!
  • Saturday, January 20th at 10 amwe will be meeting at UUWC in supporting Asylum Seekers on our Southern Border. This group time will be a learning time, update on our 2 shelters, and a time to share new learning, experiences, and/or ideas about immigration. We are collecting warm clothing to be taken to the Deming shelter on January 15thAll Clothing donations MUST be onsite at the church by Sunday January 21st.  Clothing may be any size any style. 
  • Saturday at 11 am Dee will be present to facilitate using our Labyrinths. They are open dawn to dusk 365 days/year for personal use. If you would like to walk them in the company of others or learn more about the and different ways to use them, come at 11 am!
This week our Sunday Service is titled, “UU Principles for a Beloved Community”. Stacie Gebeke and Rev. Nancy will lead us in exploring Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. 
ALSO ON SUNDAY: The Rio Rancho Interfaith MLK service is at 3pm at Church of Christ Rio Rancho 1006 22nd St. /SE. Please join us for this if you can. It is a multi-church event with choirs and readings and a guest speaker. This year Dean Wilbert Nelson of Phoenix College will be speaking to the theme “It Begins with Us”.  If you would like to contribute to the offering, please bring dry/canned goods for Storehouse West. Checks should be made out to Storehouse West. All cash donations will go to Storehouse West also. 
We are looking forward to a busy and meaningful week leading up to our own Annual Meeting on 1/21/2024!
Rev. Nancy Hitt



Greetings Westside in 2024!

It feels odd to type out 2024! I hope all of you had a lovely New Year celebration- however you prefer to do that. There were fireworks in my neighborhood, although I spent the day without a whole lot of fanfare myself. I’ve always enjoyed having a day dedicated to doing nothing in particular with plenty of time to think ahead. And there are a lot of things to think about for UUWC!!
Here are the events for the coming week at UUWC. There are a lot of them, so make sure you check the whole list! 😊
  • Tuesday, 1/9/24: Rio Rancho Feed the Kids will assemble the snack backpacks beginning at 9am in the Green Room. Please remember your last minute donations for this Sunday so they can be included! 🎒🎒🎒
  • Wednesday, 1/10/24 at 9:30 am the Community Care Team will meet in the Green Room. PLEASE USE THE COURTYARD DOOR! 😁
  • Wednesday, 1/10/24 at 11-12:15 pm the Women’s Group will meet in the Green Room. PLEASE USE THE COURTYARD DOOR! 🙂
  • Wednesday, 1/10/24 at 3pm-4:30 the Craft Group will meet in the Green Room. Bring your handcraft of choice! Please enter through the Courtyard Door. ☺️
  • This Sunday, 1/7/24, our Programming Team will meet at 12:30 in the Green Room. We will be planning upcoming services for February and March, discussing both Children’s and Adult’s RE programming, our Media Team and a new choir program. Please attend if you want to contribute to ANY of these things. 🎶😲
  • In support of Asylum Seekers, we are collecting warm clothing. Clothing may be for any size adult or child. Especially helpful are scarves/gloves/mittens/hats/jackets/heavy sox…anything to keep people warm in the cold weather. New and used clothing is all welcome. Items must be AT UUWC BY 1/14/24 for shipment to Deming NM on 1/15/24. If you have any questions, please contact Dee Curry. 

We also have 2 special announcements:

  • On Sunday, January 14th at 3pm, the Rio Rancho Interfaith Martin Luther King Jr. Observance will be held at the Church of Christ, Rio Rancho. 1006 22nd Street SE, Rio Rancho. This years’ service is titled, “It Begins with Us” and features Dean Wilbert Nelson of Phoenix College as the guest speaker. Please bring a contribution (dry/canned goods, cash/check) for Storehouse West as an offering if you would like to contribute.
  • Our UUWC Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 21st following the 11am service. You will be receiving an official notification of the service and the agenda, along with a copy of our By-Laws if you are an active voting member. If you are a recent new member, please plan to attend this meeting! It is very important that we fulfill our By-Laws criteria for a quorum and that everyone is part of the evolving life of our congregation. Friends of the congregation are also welcome to attend the meeting as vocal/non-voting participants. This will also include our regular Potluck lunch. 😁

This week our Sunday Service is titled: 12th Day Math Is a Mess! Come start the new year with a little humor, some tragic drama, and realistic hope.

Rev. Nancy

I hope that you are finding this week between Christmas and New Years to be a relaxing interlude. It’s delightful to have reduced traffic on the roads and less shopper frenzy in the stores. My trip to the grocery store today was almost a Zen experience compared to the past few weeks! Things are calm at UUWC also, but there are still things happening. Skim through the material below to make sure you don’t miss anything!
  • This SATURDAY AT 2PM IN THE SANCTUARY Carole Eagleheart will lead a Media Training. We need a team of people who are able to create and/or run the video slides in our Sunday services. Our goal is to have a group of people who take turns doing this so that all of our services include this feature and no one is overwhelmed by doing it all the time.  If you are willing to learn how to do this so you can be part of this team, please come! If you are someone who leads services from time to time, (or who would like to!) please come to this meeting also. It is helpful to know how best to format information for the media people so that their job is easier. You will not need your own computer/laptop; we have a dedicated laptop for this purpose.
  • The Craft Group is gathering again! Starting Tuesday, January 2nd, bring your handcraft of choice to share tips and skills and make social connections! Bring whatever portable handcraft you enjoy doing. The group will gather in the Sun Room. Please use the Courtyard door.
  •  The Mens Group meets at 6pm on Tuesday evening, January 2nd. Please contact Bill Shore for more information.
  •  The UUWC Humanist Group will meet at 10:00 on Saturday, the 6th in the Sun Room.  Doug Clark will lead a discussion on the essay, “Love at the Ethical Basis.”  All are welcome.  Please enter through the courtyard door.  
  • There will be NO Adult RE class this week due to the holiday. (Sunday is New Year’s Eve.) Expect to resume class on January 7th when we will examine several books and options for our next project together.

This Sunday’s service is titled “Kwanzaa: The American Holiday”. Cathy Donovan will lead us in an exploration of the roots, practices, and meaning of this uniquely American holiday. Come to expand your knowledge and understanding of this celebration of racial heritage. 

I hope to see you on Sunday- but if not- Happy New Year now!
Rev. Nancy


Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

Tis the season to be jolly, to enjoy snow, and hot cocoa and cookies and the warmth of community. While I cannot guarantee the snow (although the Sandia’s look beautiful with their long strokes of snow running jagged down the mountainside) I can guarantee that there are numerous opportunities to celebrate community. Some of them are highly practical and some are downright mystical! Many have elements of many kinds of experience. 
  • Your Nominating Committee will be contacting people to ask them to serve in our elected positions for 2024. This includes our Council, our Endowment Committee, and the Nominating Committee itself. All other positions are either appointed (Committee on Ministry) or voluntary (everything else). Please consider what you might like to do to serve your congregation. Annual Meeting and the election is on Jan. 21st, 2024.
  • The Women’s Group will meet next Wednesday on 12/27 at 11 am in the Green Room. All people identifying as women are welcome. This is a collaborative group that rotates leadership monthly. Come check it out!
  • On Saturday, December 30th at 2pm we are holding a “Techie Teach-in”. Carole Eagleheart will present both information and a hands on demonstration of how our video screens and their supporting computer work. We need a team of people who can run the video slides during a Sunday service. We are hoping to be able to schedule people so that no one is overwhelmed by the task. If you are someone who occasionally speaks in a service, we ask that you try to be there so you will have a sense of the overall process. This equipment is still very new to all of us, so let’s learn together how to make the most of it!
  •  Our Craft group is restarting! We will meet in the Sunroom; please use the Courtyard Door. Bring any kind of portable handcraft: painting, stitching, sketching, mosaics, clay, knitting, etc! We begin on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 2pm.
Our Sunday Service is at 11 am as usual despite the fact that this Sunday is Christmas Eve Day. Our program is titled: Those Holiday Dudes: the Grinch, Santa, the Elf on the Shelf, Scrooge, and Jesus. Come to consider what their stories have in common and why we’re so culturally obsessed with them year after year! We will sing some seasonal songs and there will also be 2 trivia questions with prizes for the people with winning answers!
There will also be cookies and gingerbread houses to decorate (and eat!) in the Social Hall after the service.
Our Christmas Eve service begins at 6pm. If you would like to sing in our Pop-up choir, please come at 5 pm to rehearse. The service is titled, “Dance in the Desert”; it is based on a book of the same name by Madeleine L’Engle. We will sing lots of carols and enjoy the stories of long ago. Following this service there will be bread and soup and cookies and cocoa in the Social Hall. If you would like to contribute anything to that menu, please let Carole Eagleheart or Rev. Nancy know. 
I know that a number of you are already enroute to your holiday celebrations with family and friends. I hope you travel safely and enjoy your celebration!

Rev. Nancy Hitt



Winter Greetings Westside!

The weather forecast is calling for genuine winter weather this evening and into tomorrow- but for those of you who hate the cold I have two pieces of good news. The first is that the weather should be milder by Sunday so it will be easy to come to church AND we have fully functioning heat in every room of our building! So get out your pen and mark your calendars- or cue up your calendar app and start typing- because we have a lot for you to do in very cozy comfort! 😊
  • The Men’s Group meets on Tuesday at 7 pm. Everyone identifying as a man is welcome. For more information, contact Bill Shore.
  • CUUPS will hold its Winter Solstice celebration on Friday, December 22nd at 6pm in the Social Hall. If you want to help with setting up, be there at 5pm. For more information, contact Donna Johnston.
  • This Sunday is our monthly Town Hall Meeting. Delbert Schafer, our Council Scribe, will lead the meeting. Delbert and Ruth Tucker-Bogart will include a live demonstration of how to use our Breeze directory. Please plan to attend this! We are switching our directory over to an online format. This is in keeping with our certification as a Green Sanctuary. This program is very easy to get the hang of!
  • Our Pot Luck Lunch will occur right before the meeting. Please bring a favorite dish of your choice, labelled with ingredients if at all possible for those monitoring dietary needs.
  • This Sunday’s service will be a Yule Celebration, led by Carole Eagleheart, Rosie Emery and Jeannette Lloyd. It will be a joyful celebration of the return of the light, filled with bells, music and candles. Come and celebrate!
  • We have new locks on all of our outside doors and the Church Office door. If you have had a key, it will no longer work. Please contact a member of the Council (Carole Eagleheart, Delbert Schafer, Kathy Wright, Nika Quirk, Ruth Tucker-Bogart) or Erin in our Church Office for a new one. 
Last Sunday we experienced technical difficulties which meant we could not view the video about Hanukkah miracles. I insisted that even atheist and humanist UU’s can appreciate the miraculous, and I promised a link to it- it’s 3 minutes of your time that will be well spent viewing it.  Here is the Link:
On Sunday, December 24th we will hold our customary service at 11 am, followed by a cookie-decorating and gingerbread house- making event during our Coffee and social time. There will be no committee meeting that Sunday; the Social Justice Committee will meet on Sunday 12/31 instead. The Morning service is titled: Those Holiday Dudes. It will feature Scrooge, Santa, Jesus, the Elf on the Shelf and the Grinch. We will sing some seasonal songs and explore these figures from a UU perspective. Expect to laugh and to think differently than you may have before! Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 6pm in the Sanctuary. If you would like to sing in our “pop-up” choir, be there at 5pm to practice. In addition to the traditional story of Christmas Eve, we will share a special story by Madeleine L’Engle. Her story (and our program) is titled, “Dance in the Desert”. Plan to stay for Soup and Bread and Cocoa and Cookies to warm you up on your way home!
Remember to introduce yourself to one of our 8 new members who were received into membership last week!
Rev. Nancy


The past few weeks have been busy ones for us! On December 1-3rd we hosted our second annual art show titled: Enchanted Vision. It has proven to be a roaring success!! This years event grew; we had more artists and more art than last year. Our total sales figure is at $1936.00. We made some wonderful connections with the community around us and were able to hold some intriguing conversations with people who asked for more information about who we are as a congregation. Many people worked on this event, but our primary organizer (without whom there would have been no event) was Carole Eagleheart. To everyone who cooked, cleaned, donated time, $$$, energy and effort, we say THANK YOU!! 👏😁👏😁👏
Here is what we are looking forward to this week:
  • Our Women’s Group meets Wednesday, December 13th from 11-12:15 pm in the Green Room. All women are welcome.😊
  • Any church member who would like to serve on the By-Laws Task Force should contact either Nika Quirk or Rev. Nancy. We are not doing a total overhaul; there are a few specific portions of our By-Laws that need updating. This is a short- term task force. 😁 Once the recommendations are in place, the congregation will vote on it.
  • Your Council meets on Sunday at 12:30. If you have issues you’d like to draw to their attention, please email them to Delbert Schafer, Council Scribe, by 12 noon on Saturday 12/9. All meetings are open until/unless the Council moves into executive session.
  • Feed Rio Rancho Kids will not need to assemble additional packets this month.  However, we start early in the New Year with packet assembly on January 9 at 9:00 a.m. in the Green Room.  Please also add to your calendar an APPRECIATION PARTY for FRRK volunteers and donors on January 20 at 3:00 pm in the Social Hall.  More on that later.  A huge thank you to all UUWC members and friends who help make this program possible every month! 👏👏👏
  • WE NEED A TECH TEAM!! On December 30th at 2pm Carole Eagleheart will be in the sanctuary to teach all interested parties HOW TO USE THE VIDEO SCREENS and how to DESIGN THE SLIDES!! If you have ANY tech ability at all, or if you participate in preparing and leading services on Sunday mornings, PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. Our goal is to have a team with a dependable schedule so that no one is overwhelmed by this task. If you lead services, it will help you to know how to facilitate your material so that it’s user-friendly for the Tech person.
  • We will be receiving people into membership during this week’s service! Please plan to attend and extend your welcome to them if you can.
Our Service this week is titled: Miracles: Eastern, Western & Scientific. Rev. Nancy and Laurel Anderson will lead us in exploring the ancient Jewish holiday of Hanukkah from multiple perspectives. What can this mean for non-Jews? Non-theists? Humanists? UU’s of every stripe? We will conclude the service in the Social Hall with a special ritual that will include hot latkes with sour cream and applesauce to go with your coffee. This will also be a good time to meet our new members!
Rev. Nancy

Greetings Westside!


Here are several updates that may be helpful:
  • The Wisdom Walkers trip to Siphon Beach needs to be updated because the beach is officially closed at this time. If you are interested in being part of a comfortable hike to a different location, please contact Theresa Watson at The group will choose a new route together!
  • The Council is recruiting people to participate in the task force to update our By-Laws! If you are interested in being part of this, please speak to Nika Quirk or any member of the Council. The task force is needed for specific updates, not a review of the entire document. (that was done last year; per the By-Laws it is required q5yrs.) The task force will be responsible for formatting updates that will then be voted on by the official membership of the congregation. This is a short term project!
  • Membership Opportunity! If you would like to become an official member of UUWC, please speak to Rev. Nancy or send her an email at: We are planning a reception of new members in our Dec. 10 Service. In order to vote at our Annual Meeting on January 21st, a person must be received into membership at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. This is likely to be the last opportunity to do so for the 2024 meeting. Some of  you have already participated in a membership class, some of you have extensive UU experience/history, some of you are completely new to things UU! No matter which  category you think you’re in, please speak to Rev. Nancy to sort this out. We would love to have you join our congregation!
There are some very important things happening this coming week. Read through these announcements to see what applies to you and who to ask for more information:
  • If you are providing food for the Art Show on Friday evening, please drop it off by 3pm on Friday. Laurel Anderson will be onsite at 2 pm to receive your donation. Thank you!
  • THE ART SHOW STARTS FRIDAY EVENING at 5 -8pm. Come to view and purchase exciting new art for your home or as a gift. Bring your family and your friends! Friday begins with a wine and cheese soiree’, complete with door prize. The event continues on Saturday from 11 am to 5 pm   and also on Sunday following our regularly scheduled service from 1- 5 pm. Please let Carole Eagleheart know if you can help clean up!
  • Sunday AM Adult RE will meet as usual in the Conference Room to continue discussion of Rendle’s book on Behavioral Covenants at 9:30 am. If you have read the book- or even skimmed one of the 13 copies that are circulating among us, please join us!
  • On Sunday we have a guest speaker! The Rev. Kendyl Gibbons, a published UU humanist author, will be presenting a program titled: How to Be a Humanist. We will also have live music in the Sanctuary courtesy of Marikhel Windsong at the piano. This is a special opportunity to explore humanism from a UU perspective- and YES, there is more than one way to identify as humanist! Come to learn and explore.
  • Following the service, there will be coffee etc in the Social Hall so that you can meet Rev. Gibbons in person.
  • The Programming Team will meet at 12:15 (or ASAP after the service)  in the Conference Room. The early time is to allow for the Art Show to resume at 1pm. Please bring your coffee/snack with you; we need your voice! We will be ending our meeting by 1pm for the Art Show.
  • We need greeters, especially for the first Sunday of the month. If you’d be willing to serve in this capacity, you will be supplied with “hands-on” training by experts. All you need to bring is a smile and the ability to say hello; everything else will be provided. If you are interested in this, please contact Theresa Watson at   Thank you!
  • Wisdom Walkers: Let’s try that walk at Siphon Beach again. We’ll meet at the church on Saturday Dec. 10 at 10:00 and carpool to the site. The walk is approximately 2 1/2 miles long running parallel to the river and through the Bosque with a nice viewpoint at the end. RSVP to Theresa via text 757-752-1678 or email < >.
  • Community Care Team: Next Wednesday at 10:30 we will meet in the Green Room to coordinate and update a variety of projects. Please enter the building through the Courtyard door to avoid interrupting other meetings.
I hope to see you at some (or even all) of these events! If you have questions, please email me directly at:
Thank you!
Rev. Nancy Hitt

I had originally planned not to send this newsletter this week due to the holiday, but it appears there is a lot going on! So, rather than lose our momentum, here are the Minutes from the Town Hall Meeting last Sunday and some other helpful information as well:


This month’s Town Hall morphed from a special Gratitude program that began in the Sanctuary and moved into the Social Hall. A special Autumnal feast for all participants was served to a joyous group of participants.

  • Art Show – call for help to broadcast the show over next few weeks.  Please take a flyer or two – post them somewhere or share with someone you think would enjoy it.  If you use social media, please take a photo of the flyer and post it.
  • Call for Volunteers – we have some specific opportunities.  Our community truly needs everyone to be engaged with what makes this congregation a vibrant place for us all.  Remember – many hands make light work!

By-Laws Task Force – there are a couple of clarifications that need to be made in the By-Laws language; we need 2 people to work with Nika and Rev. Nancy to get that ready for a vote at the Annual Meeting. This is not a major overhaul of the By-Laws, we are updating and clarifying a few specific passages. These changes must be voted on at Annual Meeting, January 21st, 2024.

Greeters – read Theresa and Bram’s invitation to join the Greeting Team found below.

Cleaning Committee – contact Melinda; a few more hands would really help out! This is a once-a-month commitment.

  • Safety in Children’s RE – although we only have a small group of children and youth that attend our Sunday services, we continue our work to have meaningful RE activities in a safe space for any child or youth that attends.  The Council has revisited the UUA recommendations and we will follow their guidance to always have at least two non-related or partnered adults working with our children and youth.”  This is effective immediately. As of January 2024, we will be requiring a background check for all RE volunteers.  This is for the safety of the children, the volunteers, and our congregation. It is also our denominational policy.
  • Building Issues – your Council is continuing to work on bringing our physical building and its systems up to what it should be.

T-coil – after a thorough search, we have not been able to find any record of who installed the system.  Delbert has found someone to inspect the system on 11/20.

HVAC – Council members are continuing negotiations with Kidzz, the contractor, to complete the heating/cooling system in Sanctuary and Social Hall.

Water – after getting a couple of months of very high water bills and the realization that the conference room bathroom has no water, Delbert arranged for an inspection on 11/15 which showed that we have a large pool of water under the building.  Your Council approved the repairs, which have been made.

  • Learning from Feedback – part of being a healthy person or a healthy congregation is to be willing to receive and consider difficult feedback.  Now that we have a couple of months distance from the events of late August, we want you to know that Rev. Nancy and the members of the Committee on Ministry are reviewing the communications that the Council received from those who left our congregation.  We want to make sure that we learn from that feedback.  Rev. Nancy and the Committee will make recommendations as needed to the Council.
  • Developing our Relational Covenant – our Wednesday Healing Conversations have ended and we are no longer scheduling any Wednesday meetings at this time. Our next steps are taking place in a variety of ways:

o The Adult RE class is now beginning to read and discuss Gil Rendle’s book on Behavioral Covenants.  We have a few copies of the book available for you to borrow.  Class meets at 9:30 in the Conference Room on Sunday mornings. Everyone is welcome!

o Rev. Nancy will be putting up a new mural in the Green Room (due to the Art Show) so that we can engage in Envisioning Our Future together. Please add your thoughts, words, images, poetry etc! What are the characteristics and qualities you want to see our community develop? What is it that you hope to be able to do together with our congregation? What kind of UU congregation do we want to become? Please post your questions in addition to your hopes. Dreaming together this way helps lay the foundation for our Relational Covenant and other plans for our future as a healthy community!

o Our recent services have included what it is to be a Beloved Community, how we can practice the 7 Principles, what it is to Listen more carefully to each other.  We will continue to use our verbal covenants at the start of each meeting and have activities in our Townhall Meetings that invite us to be in deeper connection and conversation with each other. We will also be scheduling a workshop or two in the new year to explore and practice our communication skills. Expect to laugh a lot, learn a lot and munch a lot. We WILL feed you!

o In January, after our Annual Meeting, our intention is to gather a 5-member task force to do further work with the whole congregation to develop our UUWC Relational Covenant.

The congregation participated in an exercise to discuss the meaning of our mission statement as a means of getting to know each other better.

Treasurer Ruth Tucker Bogart emphasized that the stewardship committee has sent out the pledge packets. She asked that they be returned by Dec. 1 so that she can work on creating the budget for 2024. Please return your pledge card ASAP if you have not already done so! Thank you. If you have lost/misplaced it, please let Ruth know so we can give you another one.


Stewardship Opportunity Available: aka Could YOU be a Greeter?

  • Wanted: Young of heart person with an affable personality, a ready smile and a warm greeting to welcome folks to our church home.  Experience is not necessary. Nor is age an issue. Training is free and is conducted by world renown greeter Bram Cast-Hecht. Compensation includes gratitude, return smiles, conversations with interesting folks, and more stars in your crown! To apply see Bram or her trusty sidekick Theresa!

Our Social Justice Team meets this Sunday in the Conference Room at 12:30. All are welcome.

Our service this week is titled: “Living the Lie”. It will include a dramatic presentation by a new ensemble of our members as we explore healthy communication. Expect to laugh and learn with your spiritual community!

I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, however you choose to observe it. I am thankful for your presence in my life and the work we do together!


Rev. Nancy

Greetings Westside!

This past week has been a bit bizarre in regard to events at UUWC, hence the late email you are receiving! Unfortunately, we identified a water leak at the far end of the building which had saturated the ground beneath the Conference Room and the Sun Room. Plumbers are at work as I write this, fixing things so that we will have water in our bathrooms and in the kitchen this Sunday. The ups and downs of diagnosing the problem were a rollercoaster ride for those of us planning our Sunday activities. As of this moment, we are good to go with our special holiday celebration. If that changes, you will receive an emergency email letting you know about alternative plans.
  • Our Sunday Service this week is a Celebration of Thanksgiving. It is a special service with its own format just for this one day. We will begin as usual at 11 am in the Sanctuary. Following a program of music, reflection, and thanksgiving, we will adjourn to the Social Hall for a celebratory meal. There will be no sermon, and Joys and Concerns may be offered in the pauses provided in the Thanksgiving ritual. Once in the Social Hall, we will light the chalices on each table and sing “We Would Be One” before beginning the meal. There will be a break between the meal and dessert, during which we will engage in a special activity designed to help us connect more profoundly with our mission statement as a congregation. Following that, we will help ourselves to desert and attend to the Town Hall Meeting Agenda as usual. Announcements will be made during Town Hall Meeting. Rev. Nancy, Kathy Wright, Carole Eagleheart, and Nika Quirk will lead these events.
  • Our Potluck Town Hall Meeting just happens to occur on Thanksgiving Sunday this year! (see above) Please bring the Thanksgiving side dish or dessert of your choice; turkey will be provided. Please label your contribution with an ingredient list if possible; it helps people to be responsible for their health.
I hope to see you on Sunday morning for our special service and community meal. If that is not possible, I wish you a deeply meaningful Thanksgiving holiday of your own. There will be no news-blast next week. 🫠
Rev. Nancy
  • Our November 12 service, presented by Laurel Anderson is entitled “Lend Me Your Ears”.   It is about listening- how we listen, when we listen, if we listen!  Come join us!
  • The Council meets on Sunday 11/12 at 12:30 in the Conference Room. All are welcome. 
  • Feed Rio Rancho Kids is having their next packet assembly on 11/14 at 9 am in the Green Room. 
  • The Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act (#ASWAA) is a bi-partisan bill that would allow asylum seekers to support themselves and their families sooner AND fill needed jobs. It would alleviate overcrowding in metropolitan shelters and disperse workers to needed businesses throughout the country. The current 180-day waiting period has harmful effects on people seeking safety, their communities, and the economy overall as businesses everywhere struggle from historic labor shortages. Here is the link to the petition re: asylum seekers:
  • Our December Art Show is coming up sooner than you think – December 1-3! Here is a list of foods that we need to have donated for the event. Connect with Laurel Anderson to sign up! Cheese, Pepperoni and Olive bites Brie with water crackers Sushi California Rolls Deviled Eggs Mini Muffins Veggie tray with Dressing for dipping Cheese stuffed dates Fruit tray Dried Apricot with Cream Cheese & Walnut Cheese Board Mini Beef Tacos (Trader Joe’s) Mini Cheese Pizza (Trader Joe’s)
  • If you have not received a Stewardship Packet or have received one without a pledge card, please contact Kathy Wright. If you HAVE received one, please complete it and turn it in either to the offering plate or the Admin Office on Sunday.
  • If you need help in Rev. Nancy’s absence, please contact Nika Quirk, your Council Moderator.
It is with regret that we share the news of the passing of Dana’s longtime partner, Lynda. Lynda died last Sunday evening in the company of her son and Dana at UNM Sandoval. Our hearts go out to Dana in this time of loss.
Rev. Nancy
Nika Quirk


Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

Greetings Westside!

Here’s the update as to what you need to know for this week:
  • Community Care Team meets at 10-11 am on Wednesday, November 8th.
  • Women’s group meets at 11:30-12:15 on Wednesday, November 8th in the Green Room.
  • Envisioning Our Future: come and brainstorm together about the next phase of our healing journey. 1pm in The Green Room on Wednesday, 11/8.
  • There will be NO ADULT RE on Sunday Nov. 5th.
  • The Programming Team meets on Sunday 11/5 at 12:30 in the Social Hall.
  • The Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act (#ASWAA) is a bi-partisan bill that would allow asylum seekers to support themselves and their families sooner AND fill needed jobs. It would alleviate overcrowding in metropolitan shelters and disperse workers to needed businesses throughout the country. The current 180-day waiting period has harmful effects on people seeking safety, their communities, and the economy overall as businesses everywhere struggle from historic labor shortages. See the link below to sign the bipartisan petition.
  • Our December Art Show is coming up sooner than you think! Here is a list of foods that we need to have donated for the event. Connect with Laurel Anderson to sign up! Cheese, Pepperoni and Olive bites Brie with water crackers Sushi California Rolls Deviled Eggs Mini Muffins Veggie tray with Dressing for dipping Cheese stuffed dates Fruit tray Dried Apricot with Cream Cheese & Walnut Cheese Board Mini Beef Tacos (Trader Joe’s) Mini Cheese Pizza (Trader Joe’s)
  • If you have not received a Stewardship Packet or have received one without a pledge card, please contact Kathy Wright. If you HAVE received one, please complete it and turn it in either to the offering plate or the Admin Office on Sunday.
  • I regret to report that Rev. Nancy has tested positive for Covid, so she will not be available till she is clear. Nika Quirk and Laurel Anderson are working on this week’s service- come and be surprised!
  • If you need help in Rev. Nancy’s absence, please contact Nika Quirk, your Council Moderator.
I hope to see you soon!
Rev. Nancy
Here is the link to the petition re: asylum seekers:
I hope this email finds you hale and hearty and enjoying the fall color of the leaves drifting down around us. Things at Westside are bubbling along, so take a good look here to make sure you don’t miss anything!
  • Thursday, October 26th we will be holding our final Healing Conversations meeting. It is at a different day/time to increase availability for those previously unable to attend. The meeting will be from 1pm-2:30pm in the Green Room. EVERYBODY is welcome to attend; come for the first time or come again-whatever works for you. Come to share your thoughts and feelings and to listen to those of others. 
  • The Healing Wall mural will remain in place until next Wednesday, November 1st. At that time we will retire the current mural and post a multicolored mural for you to post your hopes/dreams/thoughts/concerns/visions/etc. about our future together. This mural will be titled, “Envisioning Our Future”. Please post words/phrases/poetry/sketches/descriptions/etc. on the mural. This is a great way to share your thoughts with the community. We will also draw from it as we develop a Covenant of Relationship for future use. Please include everything from descriptions of behavior to congregational projects of every sort! Dream Big!
  • Also on November 1st, we will hold the first of the second part of our healing process meetings. Titled, “Envisioning Our Future” we will be pursuing our hopes, dreams, cautions, projects, desires, concerns, etc. for our future as a congregation. Everyone is welcome, both members and friends of the congregation. These meetings will continue in this Wednesday 1:30-3pm slot. They will also include new information about resources and possibilities for us as we move forward. Come prepared to share your hopes and learn about new possibilities!
  • If you are considering membership at UUWC, that’s terrific! Please let Rev. Nancy know of your interest so she can schedule the single class we ask you to participate in before signing in to the Congregation. ( Attending the class does not obligate you to join the congregation- although we certainly hope you will.
  •  On Saturday, October 28th, you are invited to participate in a candlelight Samhain ritual at the Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation.

    There will be a potluck dinner at 6:00 pm and the ritual will begin at 7:00 pm.  In it we will honor our ancestors and remember our loved ones.

    Note:  This particular ritual will not be appropriate for children because it will be a quiet, meditative event, but all adults are welcome.

  • This Sunday we will celebrate the ancient festival of Samhain, which marks the entrance into the dark time of year, a time of both death and rebirth.  The service, called “Surrender into Renewal,” will be led by Nika Quirk and Carole Eagleheart.  You are invited to bring photos of loved ones who have died.  We will place them on our altar and honor their lives.  This year we also encourage you to bring photos or mementos of other people who have died who have had an impact on your life.  They might be mentors or others you have never even met, such as favorite authors.
Below are 2 links to interviews with UU leaders. The first is a link to Rev. Dr. Sophia Bettancourt’s speech to the denomination after being elected to the presidency of UUA at General Assembly 2023. The second is our own Rev. Judy Deutsch, being interviewed by the Morristown UU Fellowship that she and her late husband Marshall Deutsch founded in 1955. Beginning with 50 members, it has grown to 200+!
Lastly, I am sure you will be pleased to know that in keeping with our By-laws, your Council has appointed Kathy Wright to fill the vacated seat on the Council. Kathy will serve in this capacity until our Annual Meeting in January 2024, at which time she may choose to either step aside or put her name on the ballot for an elected position. Kathy will serve as a member-at-large for the remainder of this term. Please take a moment to thank her for her service when you see her!
Rev. Nancy


Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

My apologies for the late issue of this email! I had planned to wait till after several planning meetings this week to send it so I could update you as to the latest and greatest news- and then totally forgot to actually send it. Until 3 am last night when I awoke with a start and realized I hadn’t done it! The good news is that I did go back to sleep; the even better news is that here is all the information you need to be up to date for the coming week:
  • Our Drum Circle meets this evening (Friday 10/20) at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join the circle; bring your personal drum or use one of ours!
  • Saturday at 9am come and join our Labyrinth Walk and Social Justice presentation.
  • Tuesday October 24th: Join the assembly of the snack backpacks for Feed the Rio Rancho Kids at 9:00 am! 
  • Wednesday, October 25th at 11:30 am the Women’s Group meets in the Green Room. All women are welcome!

Here is an update regarding our Healing Conversations and future plans for our healing journey:

  • On Wednesday, October 25th we will hold our fifth Healing Conversation meeting in the Green Room at 1:30-3pm. Everyone is invited to participate in conversation about your thoughts and feelings in regard to our crises in late August and our healing process since then. If you have already attended, you are welcome to come again and speak to how you are feeling now. If you have not attended before, you are welcome to come and share whatever your experiences have been. These meetings have been very well attended by over half of our congregation. We have observed that the overall feeling-tone has changed from processing our feelings of injury to beginning to look forward to new developments as a congregation that incorporate what we have learned from our experiences. This will be the last regularly scheduled (see below) meeting to focus on processing our initial responses. But hold this slot open…………….!!
  • On Thursday, October 26th we will hold a final ALTERNATE day/time meeting in order to make this format available to those of you who have not been able to attend on a Wednesday. This meeting will convene from 1-2:30pm in the Green Room. EVERYONE is invited to attend even if you have attended other meetings on Wednesdays. If you would like to support those whose schedules made the Wed. meeting unavailable to them, please join us on Thursday too! This is a one-time opportunity for a final sharing of this kind.

Beginning on Wednesday, November 1st, we will hold our first meeting to begin Envisioning Our Future Together. From 1:30-3pm we will meet in the Green Room to discuss how we want to live together as a congregation. This will include all sorts of brainstorming about who we are as a UU congregation and how we want to plan for our future together. These conversations will be used to generate material for a Covenant of Relationship that will be developed in our future. A Covenant of Relationship is a UU tool for congregations that helps us describe how we want to live together. It is a simple descriptive document with a behavioral focus that each congregation develops for themselves. Where it is posted and how it is used is also up to each congregation to decide. These conversations will also help us identify how we want to respond to conflict and other crises as we continue our congregational journey together. We are NOT rushing this process; it will take some time to identify and discuss all of our thoughts and concerns and dreams. This meeting is the beginning of what will ultimately become an ongoing process that is incorporated into our life together. As we move forward, your Council will convene a task force to produce a document for Congregational and Council approval. There will be lots more information about that both here in this newsletter and in Town Hall Meetings and in our Sunday am Announcements as we move forward. We are also planning a series of workshops (they will be FUN!) on conflict management and other activities to increase our collective skills at being the congregation we want to be. No one is born knowing how to do this; we all need to learn throughout our lifetime.

Also on November 1st, we will remove the Healing Wall mural and put up a new one. This mural will be brightly colored as befits Envisioning Our Future Together. Please use it to post your thoughts- descriptive words, phrases, concerns, images, suggestions, cautions- whatever comes to mind- about what you would like to see incorporated into our life together and into our Covenant of Relationship with each other. Poetry and pictures are welcome- not that we’ll be able to use them in the final document of our Covenant, but if it helps express your vision more clearly, please share it to help everyone better understand your ideas!
I know this is a lot of information. If you have questions, please try to attend one of the scheduled meetings AND/OR contact either Nika Quirk or Rev. Nancy with them. We expect to be sharing the information repeatedly in many different ways so everyone has access to what they need.
At her recent visit, Rev. Summer described our congregation as “wonderful”. I second that motion! We are doing an excellent job at a difficult task that is equipping us to grow together in new ways. Thank you!
Rev. Nancy

Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

You are receiving this email a little early because there is SO much happening at UUWC that I want to make sure that you have time to schedule it all in! Please read through this carefully; some events are only a day or two away, while others are on the weekend.
  • On Wednesday, October 11th we will hold the 3rd gathering of our Healing Conversations. We will meet in the Green Room; light refreshments and water are available. Everyone (member and friend) is welcome to attend. Conversation is focused on the personal thoughts and feelings in regard to the events of 8/20 and 8/27 of those present. Participants are asked to hold the process of the meeting in confidence; many people are sharing deeply personal and sensitive information. Time: 1:30-3pm. If this time is not possible for you, please let me know so we can schedule the same event at a day/tie that DOES work for you. We are trying to make this opportunity available to everyone as we move forward.
  • On Thursday, October 12th, the Reverend Summer Albayati will be visiting us to consult with both leadership and the congregation. She will meet with your elected/appointed leadership from 11-12:30pm; then she will meet with the congregation from 12:30-2pm for a Potluck Lunch and whatever conversation you would like to have with her. She is your best resource for all things UU! She has advised us that she will not be telling us what to do; that is not the UU way! She will be listening to our questions and concerns and suggesting possible responses and resources. 
  • At the Potluck Lunch with Rev. Summer we will appreciate whatever contribution you’d like to bring! So far, we know to expect soup and some amazing bread. More/other bread, fruit, salad, cheese, and/or dessert food is all welcome!
  • On Saturday, October 14th, From 9-12pm in the Social Hall. Brunch Potluck, Crafting, Labyrinth Walk, and Eclipse Viewing! The partial eclipse will begin at 9:13 AM and end by 12:09 PM. The full eclipse will last for 4 minutes and 48 seconds with the maximum at 10:37 AM. 
    We will hang out together as the eclipse progresses. Bring your potluck contribution, a safe eclipse viewing device if you have it, (we have some!) and a crafting project if you are working on one. We hope to see you!
  • This Sunday is our Town Hall Meeting and Potluck Lunch! Nika Quirk, your newly confirmed Council Moderator will be leading our Town Hall Meeting. Please plan to be there to support her in her new role! Potluck Lunch is planned as always; please bring the dish of your choice, with an ingredient label if possible!
  • Our Sunday Service this week will kick off our Stewardship campaign for 2024. Our slogan for this year is: Stronger Together; Dreaming Big. You will receive your stewardship packet in the service; if you are unable to be there we will hold it for you or mail it via snail mail as needed.
We have the option of being together a whole lot this week! I’m looking forward to seeing you- a lot of you!
Rev. Nancy

Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

The air is cooler, the sun is shining, and Balloon Fiesta is fast approaching! While I never enjoy the increase in traffic, I do enjoy the amazing display of balloons overhead during the week of the festival. I also hope you find time to check out the crafts event at the Sandia Resort; our artists and artisans are amazing!
Speaking of amazing, here is what is happening at UUWC this week:
  • Our Healing Wall mural is being used very constructively to express our feelings about our recent (8/20 and 8/27) experiences of crisis. Make sure to add yours. If you’ve already posted, feel free to do so again as your feelings evolve. Please take time to read what others have posted also; it’s a great way to be aware of what’s happening in our congregation.
  • Our 2nd Healing Conversation meeting was this past Wednesday. Again, we had ~ 12 people, half of whom had attended the first meeting and half of whom had not. It was a deep and sensitive discussion of many different aspects of these events. Please remember that our 3rd session is next Wednesday at 1:30-3pm in the Green Room Light refreshments are available. Everyone is invited; you do not have to be a formal member of the congregation to participate in these events.
  • Thursday, October 12th, Rev. Summer Albayati from UUA will be here to meet with the congregation from 12:30-2pm. We will be hosting a potluck, so bring the lunch food of your choice. Rev. Summer will be available to meet with us face-to-face and chat with you about all sorts of things UU. She is our Church Life Staff person from UUA and is working with our Council and the Committee on (Shared) Ministry to help us develop plans and monitor our progress as we heal together. A former resident of NM, Rev. Summer is looking forward to meeting with us. If you have questions about how UU congregations do anything, she is the person to ask! As her title suggests, her primary focus is on the congregations in her care and their relationship to the denomination. Her job does not include individual counselling. This is a unique opportunity to meet with her, so please come for whatever period of time that you can!
  • There is no meeting of the Women’s Group this week; our next meeting is 10/25.
  • Saturday October 14, 9-12 in Social Hall. Brunch Potluck, Crafting, Labyrinth Walk, and Eclipse Viewing!  The partial eclipse will begin at 9:13 AM and end by 12:09 PM. The full eclipse will last for 4 minutes and 48 seconds with the maximum at 10:37 AM. We will hang out together as the eclipse progresses. Bring your potluck contribution, a safe eclipse viewing device if you have it, and a crafting project if you are working on one. We hope to see you there!
  • Below is a link from Dee Curry to information about the Border Project. A list of needed donations is included.
  • Your Council meets this Sunday at 12:30 in the Conference Room. If you have issues or ideas for them to consider, please contact Nika Quirk, Council Moderator at: Remember that all Council meetings are open to the congregation with the exception of Executive Sessions. If you have something you’d like to address, make sure to contact Nika ahead of time so it can be included on the agenda.
  • This week’s service is our Animal Blessing Service, led by Bram Cast-Hecht and Theresa Watson. Please bring photos of your pets; there will be a table for pictures of the pets we are currently living with and a table for those who have crossed the rainbow bridge as well.
There is a lot going on here, which is fantastic! I’m looking forward to seeing you a lot this week!
Rev. Nancy



Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

Fall is the harvest season, whether we’re farmers or not! There is something about the rhythm of the seasons that affects our whole lives even if we’re not particularly in touch with growing vegetables. Maybe it’s the ever present and ubiquitous cinnamon spice flavors that threaten to take over everything. Even merchants who don’t sell food have latched on to it as an attention getting maneuver; I have seen signs for Cinnamon Spice oil changes and U-Haul trailers. It’s become a bit of game to see how many different kinds of Cinnamon (or pumpkin) Spice things I can find. I am proposing that our Town Hall Potluck for October be a Cinnamon Spice marathon: let’s see how many different kinds of Cinnamon Spice foods we can bring. There are cereals and breads and cookies and pies and coffee and curries and all sorts of possibilities- and of course we need the occasional non-spice outlier to keep our palates fresh, so don’t feel limited to the spice sensation! That won’t arrive till October 17th, so in the meantime, here’s what’s happening at Westside:
  • This past week saw the installation of our Healing Wall mural in the Social Hall. There are markers and crayons etc. for your use by the mural on the rear wall of the Social Hall. Many of you have already sketched pictures and posted poetry, or comments, questions, concerns and hopes on it. Please continue to use it. It’s very helpful for all of us to see the range of feeling in our congregation; it helps us to better understand each other. There is no limit to how many times you can post on it. You may sign your post or not- your choice. Even if you prefer not to post anything, I encourage you to read what others have posted.🖊📝🖌🎨
  • The first of our Healing Conversation meetings occurred this past Wednesday. A dozen of us gathered in the Green Room for 90 minutes to discuss the events of 8/20 and 8/27 and the thoughts, feelings, and questions that have arisen from them. It is very helpful for us to share our responses so that we can support each other and plan wisely for the future. We will be offering these meetings on Wednesdays from 1:30-3 as we move forward. Please attend whenever you can- and if this is not a workable time for you, please let Rev. Nancy know so we can find a good alternative. We want everyone to have the opportunity to speak and to listen in our healing process. 👭👫
  • The Men’s Group will meet on Tuesday, October 3rd at 7 pm onsite. Bill Shore is leading the group; Bill has had a lot of UU experience in both congregations and fellowships over the years and as a clinical psychologist he is well equipped for this group. 👨👨
  • Our Programming Team meets this Sunday at 12:30 in the Green Room to plan services and RE for all ages. If you have ideas about either Sunday service programs or educational programs of any sort, please come share them! 🗓💡💡
  • This week’s service is titled, “Up, Up, and Away!” and will be led by Stacie Gebeke and Rev. Nancy. Stacie promises an “uplifting” experience- all puns intended!😁
Happy Fall Y’all!
Rev. Nancy



Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

Between the showers and the cooler early morning temperatures, I’m really enjoying our New Mexico weather of late. I actually have a squirrel in my back yard, which I haven’t seen since I left New England 12 years ago! He initially thought he’d rival the birds for their seed, but once I put out dried ears of corn for him in the tree, he seems to recognize that as his. After he gets through running around, he sort of collapses on top of the cinderblock wall and stretches out as if he’s on a beach, just basking in the sun. Apparently life is good!
I’m going to echo that sentiment for UUWC; even in difficult times, we’re doing a good job of carrying on and embracing the changes that will lead us to a bright future. Here’s what’s happening this week: (Please scan all the way to the end, there is a LOT of new information!)
  • Wednesday, September 27th the Women’s Group will meet in the Green Room at 11:30am.
  • On 9/27 from 1:30-3pm we will hold the first of a series of Healing Conversations. See below for details.
  • This Sunday, September 24th, the Social Justice Team will meet in the Conference Room at 12:30. Everyone is invited. 
  • Our service this week is titled, “Mystical Humanism: Say What?” Although it looks like an oxymoron, the term is actually a good description of many UU Humanists. Come find out more about this aspect of being UU. We will explore the roots and wings of Humanism. 
Status Update:
As discussed at last Sunday’s Town Hall Meeting, our congregation is moving forward with plans for healing and new growth after the recent crises of 8/20 and 8/27. Here is the status report on people: the Council has received statements from Shawn Squires and Lorna Hinson that they are on a voluntary leave of absence; during this time they remain in communication with the Council. Jay Cain is on a voluntary leave of absence for an indeterminate period of time; she has asked for no contact with UUWC. Matt Eldringhoff has resigned his membership from the congregation, effective 8/20/2023. Steve and MIchelle Poiani have written the Council to inform them of their decision to “sever their affiliation with UUWC”. (Their words)  In order to process these events and those of 8/20 and 8/27, the Council/Committee on Shared Ministry/Rev. Nancy are continuing to work with Rev. Summer Albayati of the Church Life Staff of UUA to put a program of healing and growth in place for our congregation. Here are the most recent developments- which may be different than those you were last aware of. Both healing and growth are organic processes that evolve in responsive and complex patterns; they often do not follow straight lines. Here is what is in place as of September 21st:
  • Healing Wall is being constructed in the Social Hall. The purpose of this blank mural is to help all of us express our feelings in response to our recent experiences. You are invited to write poetry, descriptive paragraphs, expressive phrases or just words that convey your feelings. You may draw or paint pictures. There will be pens/markers/crayons/watercolor paints available for your use. In addition to posting your own expressions, please take time to read/engage with others. It will be helpful for us to connect with each other. You may post difficult thoughts and feelings and positive thoughts and feelings; the content is up to you. We will be exploring this together in the future. Please remember that this is shared space and be respectful of other people’s postings.
  • On Wednesday, September 27th from 1:30-3pm we will host the first in a series of Healing Conversations in the Sun Room. Please enter through the Courtyard to engage in conversation with Rev. Nancy and a member of the Committee on Shared Ministry. There will be light refreshments available. These conversations will be scheduled on upcoming Wednesday’s with Nika Quirk (our new Council Moderator) and Rev. Nancy. They are a “come as you can” event; you do not need to reserve a seat! You may come to one or none or many of these events. We are all aware of our shared need to talk about the recent troubling events and how we grow from here; this is a comfortable way to begin this conversation. 
  • On Thursday, October 12th,Rev. Summer will visit us onsite from 11am -2pm. From 11-12:30 she will meet with church leadership; from 12:30-2pm she will meet with the congregation at a potluck lunch reception.  Expect to receive more information about this event as we move forward. Rev. Summer is taking time out of her vacation to visit us; she is eager to meet UUWC! 
  • These plans replace earlier plans. If you are among those who expressed interest in meeting individually with Rev. Summer, please speak to/email Rev. Nancy about alternative plans. 
Here are several other announcements about upcoming events and opportunities:
  1. Great news:  We will be holding our 2nd Annual Enchanted Vision Art Show the first weekend in December.  Those of you who were involved last year will remember it as a fun and exciting event.  In the weeks to come we’ll be inviting you to help, especially on opening night, Dec. 1, when we kick off the show with hors d’oeuvres and wine.  At the moment we’re asking you to spread the word to your artist friends who might want to participate in the show.   They can go to  for the entry form.
  2. “We had a visitor at the little library this evening. I happened to see them and went out to converse with them. The mother told me that the young boy was in cross country racing, and would run by my house, and he begged his parents to bring him to the little library so he could check out the books. I brought out all my extra books.  The young man must’ve taken off with at least 10 books! I am so delighted!”
    Karen Schafer says THANK YOU to all who helped with the snack packs for FRRK.  They did 251 packets, the most ever in one session!  And, remember FRRK is collecting new winter coats for elementary age kids.  If you get one, please bring it to UUWC and put it in the Conference Room.
  3. This Sunday, 9/24, the Pagan Pride Day will be at Bataan Memorial Park, 748 Tulane Dr NE, Albuquerque from 10 am to 6 pm. Our Moonspirit CUUPS group is participating and Donna Johnston, Nika Quirk, Jeannette Lloyd and Michelle Martin will be staffing our booth, creating an altar and providing a children’s story time. There will be food trucks, music, and vendor booths. A wonderful event to include in your weekend plans!
This is a lot of information, but it’s all important! Thanks for reading to the end 🤗
Rev. Nancy

Greetings Westside Community!

I hope you’re enjoying the cloud cover and intermittent rain as much as I am! Only in the desert can clouds be appreciated as a special sort of treat. It is beginning to feel like Fall is really here and the Wheel of the Year is indeed circling onward. There are a whole lot of metaphors in those words that I will not subject you to- but please feel free to make your own sense of them as it applies to our life together and to your personal circumstances. 
Here’s what’s happening this week, followed by a description of the work we will be doing with Rev. Summer Albayati from UUA:
  • On Tuesday, September 19th, Rio Rancho Feed the Kids will assemble backpacks at 9:30 am in the Green Room.
  • On Saturday, September 23rd, we will hold a Membership Class at 10am at the church. The meeting will include brunch and end at 12 noon. If you are interested in joining the congregation, please email Rev. Nancy ( to let her know. This is a one-time meeting to acquaint potential members with information about UUWC so that they can make an informed decision about “signing the book”. 📖🖊
  • Remember your water! This week’s service is our annual Water Communion Service, led by Stacie Gebeke. You are invited to bring water from places that are meaningful to you- from your travels, your home, our recent rain- for use in the service.
  • Following our Sunday Service we will hold our monthly Potluck Lunch in the Social Hall. Please bring the dish of your choice- with ingredients labelled if possible for those on special diets.
  • Town Hall Meeting will follow our Potluck Lunch. This month’s agenda includes updates about recent events and plans for the future.
It is not possible to adequately describe the events of both 8/20 and 8/27 in detail in this format. Both Sunday’s held unexpected critical events that continue to affect our community. The events of 8/27 included a disruption to the Sunday Service by 2 of our members, based on events rooted in the resignation speech of one of our members at the 8/20 Town Hall Meeting. Both events involved strong language, agitated behavior, and accusations of wrongdoing. 8/27 included dramatic gesturing, yelling, and people pacing the aisles before leaving the service. It was later determined that the events of 8/27 were based on misinformation about the response to the resignation on 8/20. Both events have resulted in confusion, misunderstanding, and trauma within the congregation.
The Council and the Committee on Ministry attempted to negotiate understanding and emotional safety for all during the following week. They discovered that everyone had strong feelings and were not able to find a successful intervention; everyone was too close to the events. The Council agreed that Rev. Nancy contact Rev. Summer Albayati, our UUA Church Life Staff person. It is her job to be a resource in times of conflict and stress. Rev. Nancy and Jay Cain (Council Moderator) met via Zoom with Rev. Summer and discussed our crisis. Ultimately, the Council voted to accept the following plan from Rev. Summer:
  • Rev. Summer will serve as our Mediator in helping us to repair and rebuild our community in the aftermath of these events. 
  • Rev. Summer will meet individually via Zoom with the persons involved in the events.
  • Rev. Summer will also meet separately with both the Committee on Ministry and the Council.
  • Rev. Summer will be available to meet with individuals in the congregation who want to speak to her about their experiences of these events and what it has meant to them.
  • Rev. Summer will host a whole church meeting via Zoom to facilitate discussion of our plans to move forward.
  • Rev. Summer will visit UUWC in person during the second week of October.  This date is non-negotiable; she will be in NM on vacation to visit family and has offered to take advantage of that to meet with as many of us as possible in person. TIme/date TBA. 
As you can see, there is a lot of listening and speaking together that needs to happen so that we can rebuild our community. We need to learn new skills, repair injuries, and choose new ways of doing things together that help us to build Beloved Community at UUWC. There are also a lot of other details and plans that need to be discussed. SOME of this will begin to happen in our Town Hall Meeting on 9/17. You will receive updated information as it is available at that time. At any time, you may contact any member of the Council or the Committee on Ministry or Rev. Nancy to share your questions, thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. Using email is helpful; everyone’s contact info is on Breeze.
Reverend Summer reminds us that crisis is always startling and often painful. It is also an opportunity to learn and to grow. Essentially, what we make of our experience is up to us. Your leadership is inviting you to participate in a deep and meaningful journey of healing that will ultimately strengthen and sustain us.
Rev. Nancy

Greetings fellow Westsiders!

Here are the activities and the information you will want for the coming week:
  • On September 15th at 9:00 am at Whispering Bean, we will begin our reading of “The Other Slavery“, The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America by Andres Resendez..Andres is a professor and historian at the University of California. This book is a Winner of the Bancroft Prize and a National Book Award Finalist. 
  • On September 16th at 9:00 am, we will be meeting at UUWC to walk as community on our labyrinths. You are welcome to join Dee whether there are two or ten people. We will begin in the sanctuary! Anyone interested in helping me groom the labyrinths, meet at 8:00 am.
  •  On September 16th at 10 am, we will be meeting at UUWC in supporting Asylum Seekers on our Southern Border. This group time will be a learning time, update on our 2 shelters, and a time to share new learning, experiences, and/or ideas about immigration. We will be planning this quarter’s asylum project.
  •   Our weekday Build Your Own Theology classes- series 1 & 2 begin NEXT week. BYOT 1 on 9/13 from 2-4 and BYOT 2 on 9/15  from 1-3pm. Our Saturday classes are not yet scheduled.
  • The Community Care Team will meet on Wed, 9/13 at 10 am.
  • The Women’s Group will meet on Wed, 9/13 at 11:30 am. We will be discussing the future and reformatting.
  • Rev. Nancy and Jay Cain have a consult scheduled with Rev. Summer Albayati, our UUA  Congregational Life Staff person for the Pacific Western Region, to which we belong. We have asked for Rev. Albayati’s help with our crisis on 8/27. Expect to hear more about this in the future.

Do you like the cartoon “Calvin and Hobbes”?  We laugh at Calvin’s antics but some of his observations are profound.  This Sunday’s guest speaker Lisa Silva will present the program “My Spirituality through a Calvin and Hobbes Lens.”

Rev. Nancy


Antiracist Book Club: Join us at Satellite Coffee on Alameda Friday,  August 18th at 9:00 am for our discussion of “How to Raise An Antiracist” by Ibram Kendi.

Immigration Group: Come be a part of a group interested in supporting asylum seekers and learning more about what is happening with immigration in the US. We will be meeting Saturday, August 19th at 10 am.

Labyrinth Group: If you want to learn more about the labyrinth, help maintain our labyrinths, or simply walk our labyrinths, join us Saturday, August 19th at 9 am.

Greetings Fellow Westsiders!

I hope you’ve been enjoying the cooler nights after the recent rainstorms as much as I have! It has been delightful to wake to cooler mornings, puddles, and freshly washed air. 
Here’s what’s happening this week at UUWC:
  • Last Wednesday Melinda and Eric delivered 99 lbs of canned and dry food goods to Storehouse West for us. Thank you Melinda and Eric for continuing to transport our monthly donations for us! 😇😇
  • Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Breeze Gift Campaign. Your gift helped us to meet our quota (we needed to receive 25 donations of $10 or more) and receive 3 months of free service from Breeze. Hooray for the gift that keeps on giving! 🤗
  • Here is a corrected link to the Sustainability Survey. My apologies for the glitch last week! Please take a quick look at this and fill it out and send it back to Heidi Raki. Just hit “submit” and she’ll get it! 📝
  • Next Wednesday at 11:30 am our Women’s Group will meet in the Green Room.👭👭
  • This Sunday is our scheduled Council meeting after coffee. The Council will meet in the Conference Room at 12:30. If you have items for their consideration, please get them to Jay Cain by noon on Saturday! (

This Sunday Carole Eagleheart, assisted by Debbie Rettke, will present a service on “Protecting Our Beautiful Planet.” She will reflect on the beauty of our earth and propose practical actions we can take as individuals and as a congregation.  You’ll get to see stunning landscapes from her trip to Iceland, hear Icelandic music, and even taste Icelandic candy. 🌍🌎🌏

A SPECIAL EVENT: Our long-awaited stained-glass window/shadowbox will be dedicated in this Sunday’s service. The stained-glass piece is a memorial gift from the Jeys family; it hung in the central spot on our front Sanctuary wall for many years. During the reconstruction of our Sanctuary we discovered it had suffered much damage from our New Mexico sun and windy weather. The window was removed and repaired by an expert stained-glass artist. It has now been encased in a shadowbox frame, complete with interior backlighting to highlight its beauty. It has been hung in place and is ready for our first ceremonial lighting and dedication this Sunday. Be sure to take the opportunity to thank John 
Stover, Les Goldner, Becks Choudhoury and Forest Spring for their efforts on our behalf in creating and mounting our stained-glass. 👏👏👏
Hope to see you Sunday!
Rev. Nancy

Greetings UUWC,

A lot is happening at Westside this week! Here are our upcoming events:
  • Next Tuesday, August 7th at 7pm our Men’s Group will meet onsite. 👬
  • On Wednesday our Crafting Group will meet at 3pm in the Green Room. Bring whatever handcraft you prefer to chat over!  The AC will be on and the room will be comfortable. We will leave a notice on the Social Hall door with a number to call/text if you arrive late. Maintaining onsite security means locking the door once we’re in the Green Room, but if you call/text us we’ll be delighted to come and get you! 😁
  • Asylum Seeker Donations: Sunday, August 8th will be the last day for this quarter to bring donations for UUSCF shelters. They need the following: Underwear and socks all sizes, peanut butter crackers, granola bars, Welches fruit snacks, and small size Vienna sausages. Any questions:🛍🛍
  • ARE YOU GOOD AT GREETING PEOPLE?😁😊☺🤗 Of course you are! We need more people to be greeters at our door on Sunday morning. Greeters need to arrive 30 mins before the service. They are responsible for welcoming everyone, for handing out programs, and for providing name tags for our guests. They are also responsible for asking people to sign in with their contact information and seeing that they are introduced to at least one other person (from a list of provided names) who will answer questions after you show them to their seat. We will be offering a short (15 minutes!) orientation and promise to schedule an “old-timer” with you until you feel secure in this role.  We will be happy to schedule you on any basis that works for you! Please speak to either Bram Cast-Hecht, Roxey Cast-Hecht, or Theresa Watson if you are willing to serve in this way! Use your new Breeze link to access their contact info or speak to them on Sunday! 
  • THANK YOU to the 15 people who have donated to UUWC through Breeze in order to earn us 3 free months of service! We need a total of 25 people to contribute $10 (or more) in order to qualify. This a gift that gives twice; first directly to UUWC and the fund of your choice and then again to offset our expenses for our software. IF you are a member of UUWC you have received your login information to access Breeze. If you have questions about that, please contact Nika Quirk:  Thank you!
  • Included here is a link to a survey we would very much like you to fill out. It is in regard to sustainable “green” habits and practices that you may either already be familiar with OR would like to learn more about. We will be basing future programming on your response!  image.png
  • Our Adult RE program is going to be reading “Hijab Butch Blues” by Lamya H. This is a personal memoir of a devout Muslim woman who is working through how to be Muslim and Lesbian without forfeiting either as meaningful parts of her life. While the author does not answer every question about these issues, she opens the process of how she did this in her life to the rest of us. We are beginning with a simple overview of Islam to help us separate media fiction and stereotype from fact. The book is available via Amazon for your device. It is newly published, so there are very few used copies available; you may be able to access it at either or Otherwise your best bet is Amazon. This class meets on Sundays at 9:30 in the Conference Room. Heidi Raki will be joining us to share her experiences of living in a Muslim country and family as they apply to the issues raised in the memoir. Everyone is welcome!
  • Our Programming Team meets this week at 12:30 following coffee in the Social Hall. Everyone is welcome. 
  • Depending on the weather, we are going to TRY and hold our Sunday service in the Sanctuary. If the heat proves to be too much, we’ll set up in the Social Hall. Our service is titled: “Shiny Metal Rules”.  


Rev. Nancy




Greetings Westside Community!

know that many of us are changing up our customary routines in order to cope better with the ongoing triple digit heat.  It’s really sad that “only” reaching 90 will be a cooling relief! Some of us have adjusted our activity schedule; some of us have adjusted our sleeping/wake schedule which has resulted in some unusual experiences. More of us have admired the moon and stars than usual, and many of us are eating more lightly.  Who says you can’t have supper at 2 am by moonlight? We will be meeting for our Sunday Service this week in the Social Hall in order to be in the coolest space; our Sanctuary swamp cooler is not up to coping with our current weather pattern. We will be spacing the chairs so that there is plenty of room to move around and to fan yourself if you are so inclined. The swamp cooler in the Social Hall has been doing well and maintaining a mid 70’s temp most of th time. Dress lightly and bring water or your favorite cold bottled beverage for hydration. Frozen water bottles work well for hydration and are cool to the touch!
Here is what is happening this week in spite of the heat:
  • If you are among those who are considering either Membership or signing up for Build Your Own Theology II, remember to let Rev. Nancy know! Several of you have responded to the recent email about this but we can’t really plan well till we hear from all of you! It is NOT necessary to be a member of the congregation to attend any class we offer, so you can also do both! 😇
  • Friday, July 21st at 6:30 pm our Drum Circle will gather. Bring your own drum or use one of ours! Bring friends and “beat the heat”. 😁🛢
  • Asylum Seeker Donations: We will be collecting quarterly for Asylum Seekers. Our last day to collect items for this quarter will be Sunday, August 8th. This quarter they need snacks for “Go Bags” (peanut butter crackers, Welches fruit snacks, Vienna sausages, and granola bars).  Also needed: underwear and socks of all sizes both kids and adults. Delivering items to UUSCF for us is a Quaker group from Santa Fe. If you want additional info, call Dee at 502-939-1954 or email to
  • Our evening Women’s and Men’s groups will meet at 7pm on Tuesday, July 25th on site.
  • Wednesday, July 26th our Crafting Group will meet in the Green Room at 3pm. Bring your current project to chat over! We will be in air-conditioned comfort, so think of this as a calming, cooling opportunity in an otherwise warm week. 😊❄
  • Our Social Justice Team meets this Sunday, July 23rd in the Conference Room at 12:30 pm. Our new mini-split provides great temperature control. ❄❄
This week’s service is titled: “Forgiveness: An Invitation to Love”. Rev. Nancy and Theresa Watson will lead us in exploring the complex topic of forgiveness as an essential building block of Beloved Community. This will be an introduction to the perspective offered by Desmond and Mpho Tutu.   Come prepared for (real) Drama- as well as thoughtful consideration of a difficult topic. Find us in the Social Hall under our functioning swamp cooler!  ❄❄❄
Rev. Nancy

This past week has seen some exciting things happening at 1650 Abrazo Rd! Tuesday was the Fourth of July; close to 20 people and 3 dogs enjoyed a potluck, grilled foods, and the fireworks together. The temperature was a bit cooler and the light evening breeze was refreshing as the colors burst overhead. It was a nice interlude in the midst of our first heat wave of summer. Keep reading for the rest of the updates and future events:

  • Next Tuesday, July 11th, the Men’s and Women’s Evening Group will meet at 7pm onsite.
  • Next Wednesday, July 12th, the Crafting Group will meet at 3pm in the Social Hall. Bring your current project or something new to start!
  • If you are interested in joining the official membership of our congregation, please let Rev. Nancy know. She is working on coordinating a class that includes Brunch and a chance to learn more about UUWC and other things UU. She would like to be able to include all interested parties in an email soon, so plan ahead and share your interest with her.
  • Dee Curry will return from her travels and resume both the Labyrinth and Asylum Seeker programs, beginning July 15th. Make sure to check here next week for details!
  • The electricians are wrapping up the installation of our heating/cooling units for the Green Room, Sun Room, and Conference Room. Safe temperature control will be a wonderful addition to these spaces.
  • The painters arrived today and began painting the exterior of our building. They started in the Courtyard which is now a rich jewel-tone turquoise. The head painter said he rarely takes before/after pics of his work, but that he was definitely taking them of our property! He expects it to “pop” when they’re done- which is likely to be by Sunday. This will only be the basic colors; it will NOT include the chalice project on the Sanctuary doors, nor the flower mural. Those are future projects for us.
  • This week our Council meets at 12:30 following our service. If you have questions/suggestions/etc, please get them to Jay Cain by Saturday at 12 noon.
  • Our Sunday Service is titled: The Three Faces of Eve. Join us at 11 am as we take a look at three distinct and interconnected faces of the Bible’s first acknowledged cis-gender female. They are the face of the temptress, the face of the wise woman goddess, and the face of the homemaker and mother – each offering us something valuable about women, even if we need to strip off misinterpretation, blame, misogyny, and shame to find it. Steve Poiani will be leading this!

Have a great week and stay cool people!


Rev. Nancy

Greetings Westside!

In the next few weeks a lot of much needed building maintenance will be happening. You’re probably already aware that the wooden panels on the exterior of our building have been replaced as needed. This week will see the installation of 3 mini-split units to provide both heating and cooling to the 3 back rooms: the “Green Room”, the “Sun Room” and the “Conference Room. This will accomplish 3 things (FYI, the number “3” is a magic number of completion!). First, we will have greater use of the rooms year round for our own programs. We will also be able to rent the spaces year round; few tenants are looking for unregulated temperatures! Lastly, we will be adding features that protect our building from wear and tear- particularly where there are water pipes that are subject to freezing in that part of our facility. Please thank your council members for planning and providing these improvements! Painting our building is scheduled to start on July 5th!
Here is what is happening this week:
  • Next Tuesday, July 4th, we will hold a potluck barbecue at 6pm.🌭🛎  Bring a grilling item of your choice; we will have more than 1 grill in place for veggies/meat separation. Bring a potluck dish to share of whatever says “Fourth of July Fireworks!” to you. We have an almost 180 degree view of fireworks from the front side of our building. Bring your own lawn chair too to relax in while we watch them. 🎆🎇
  • Wednesday, July 5th: the painting of the exterior of our building is set to begin. 🖌🖌 Do not be surprised by painting supplies on grounds. Please use alternate entrances 🚪 as needed. 😊
  • Wednesday, July 5th: 10:00 am Community Care Meeting in the Social Hall!
  • Ditto, 11:30 am: Women’s Group in Social Hall.
  • Tuesday, July 11th: Both the Evening Women’s and Men’s groups meet at 7pm.
  • This Sunday, July 2nd, the Programming Team will meet at 12:30 in the Conference Room. All are welcome!
Please consider being part of this and contact Steve Poiani for information about instruction! 🖥🖥

Our service this week is titled “BYOT” which means: Building Your Own Theology. It will be led by the first class to complete this UU curriculum in the last 10 years at UUWC. Class members will share what their experiences have meant to them and how it has contributed to their own faith and their understanding of the faith of others. Come, learn and be inspired!

Stay Cool People! 
Rev. Nancy

News this Week at UU Westside 06/23/2023  through 06/30/2023

Greetings Westside Community!

Today is the Solstice! At 8:58am the exact moment of the Solstice was reached, making today the longest day of the year. So if you’re feeling like things are dragging, you may be right! alternatively, this is the most sunlight we’ll get all year, so bask in its energy and enjoy it while you can! 😊😎🌞
  • If you registered for our June 23rd Murder Mystery Night, remember that it is this Friday at 6pm!
  • Tuesday, June 27th: both Men’s and Women’s groups meet (separately) at 7pm.
  • Wednesday, June 28th at 3pm: First meeting of our Crafting Group. Come to work on your existing projects (bring them with you!)  and to learn or teach new skills; come for the conversation and enjoy the whole shebang! All portable crafts are welcome. 🤗
  • If you would like to view the General Assembly meetings of the UUA General Assembly, you may do so using the link below. These are the business meetings of the denomination. The Article 2 Proposal to change the 7 Principles to 6 Core Values is part of the agenda on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. So far, NO OTHER EVENTS are open to the public. If you would like to view these in the company of your congregational community, we will be doing so in our Sanctuary on Friday and Saturday from 12:30-3:30pm. These will be live, so we can’t tweak the time. Just show up and join the group in our Sanctuary using the big screens to see what’s happening. As of this moment, it appears that the vote on this proposal will be taken Saturday and the outcome will be announced on Sunday at the final meeting. This means we will NOT know the outcome prior to our service! There are also other proposals and general business that are important to know about, so I encourage you to either view these sessions at home or join us when you can. We are only hosting community viewing on Friday and Saturday because that’s when our TECH people are available to facilitate it. If you want to catch the Article II presentation in its entirety, make sure you view the 12:30 pm session on Thursday too. The proposal will be addressed over 3 sessions/days.😁🌈📚📝 
  • This week our Social Justice Team will meet after our Social Hour in the Social Hall. We gather in the Conference Room; all are welcome. This is a volunteer team with flexible membership that focuses on the Social Justice ministries of the congregation both inhouse and in the community. All questions/comments/ideas are welcome. 👋👋
  • Our service this week is titled, “Great Expectations“.  Rev. Nancy will be sharing material from the 2023 General Assembly, especially as it pertains to our denomination’s goals for the coming year and what they can mean for us. Or not! Your choice as a UU! We will also be singing some special-to-us-as-UU’s songs. 😘
See you Sunday!
Rev. Nancy

June 16-23

Greetings Westside Community!

Here is the agenda for the coming week at Westside:
  • On Friday, June 16th, our Drum Circle will meet at 6:30 pm. Bring your own percussion instrument or use one of ours! We have an assortment of drums and maracas and other intriguing instruments.
  • Friday morning at 9am Dee Curry will lead the Antiracist Book Club. Contact Dee with any questions. (
  • Labyrinth Walk Saturday June 17th at 9 am – 10, followed by the Border Group Saturday June 17th at 10 am – 11 am 
  • This Sunday, June 18th, is our monthly Town Hall Meeting and Potluck lunch. Please bring a dish to share, with ingredient label if possible.
  • Our Sunday Service this week will celebrate Father’s Day. It will be led by members of our Men’s Group.

If you are interested in viewing the Open-to-the-Public assemblies that are part of our denomination’s Annual General Assembly, please let me/Rev. Nancy know. I am working to see if we can connect with these online in our sanctuary so that they are on our screens and we can participate as a community. The special sessions and workshops are for paying attendees only, but there are several major events with important speakers open to everyone. Next year (2024) GA will ONLY be available online; there will be no onsite option. UUA is working really hard on  making the online option super easy to work with!

I will be attending GA next week online and addressing it from the pulpit Sunday the 25th. There is a lot of exciting change in process so please take advantage of every opportunity to become well informed.
Rev. Nancy


June 7-15

Hello UUWC Community!

Here are some reminders of our ongoing programming as well as new information for you to consider:
  • Murder Mystery Night! Friday, June 23, 6-8 pm. A little party never killed nobody! Think you can solve the mystery? You are invited to a night of murder and mystery. Please contact Shawn ( or Michelle (Text 505-639-6958) to reserve your spot. We need an idea of how many people will be attending. Please let us know if you want to be a character or witness. We’ll all be detectives. Please bring a snack or drink to share.
  • ABQ PRIDE PARADE is June 10th! If you’d like to be part of this annual event that celebrates and supports all things LGBTQIA+, please contact Michelle Poiani (text or call 505-639-6958) for more information. This is part of the outreach ministry of our congregation.
  • Men’s Group Meets Tuesday, June 13th at 7pm.
  • Although the Rio Rancho City Council voted to back our Libraries and our liberties, the people that want to ban books are not going away. Wwe are having a “Show your Pride for Banned Books” Event, please see attached flyer below.  The RR Town Library’s Executive Meeting is Monday June 12th at 5PM. The actual Library meeting starts at 6PM but we want people to show up early in their Pride shirts to show the librarians, as well as the LGBTQIA+ community  that we stand with them and against people wanting to ban books. The same organization, Mass Resistance, that tried to ban books via the Rio Rancho City Council are planning to speak out at this meeting to try to get books they deem inappropriate to be banned.  If we are given time to speak at this meeting, our speaking points should be short and directed to thanking our Librarians for all they do. They continue to support everyone in our community by providing books that are of interest to a diverse community and give us the opportunity to read whatever books we want. Please thank the Librarians and staff! Check the flyer below and wear your rainbow Pride!
  • This Sunday our Council meets following our Social Hour after the service. If you have ideas or questions you would like them to consider, please get them to Jay Cain ( by 5pm on Saturday.
  • Our Sunday program this week is titled, “Dancing with the Chakra’s”. Madelyn Fletcher will share her knowledge and experience about them from a Reiki perspective. We will also celebrate this month’s theme of “Pride”. It will be a rainbow festival for all!

Thank you for keeping up to date on the events in our congregation! Don’t forget the flyer below for more information about the banned book support link for our library’s and GLBTQIA+ community.

Rev. Nancy

June 1-June 8, 2023

Greetings Westside Community!

If you were wondering where this update was- good for you! I’m glad to know that it was missed. This has been a particularly busy week for me with a lot of good work accomplished. Here is what you need to know about to keep up with our current activities:
  • Murder Mystery Night! Friday, June 23, 6-8 pm

    A little party never killed nobody! Think you can solve the mystery? You are invited to a night of murder and mystery.
    Please contact Shawn ( or Michelle (Text 505-639-6958) to reserve your spot. We need an idea of how many people will be attending. Please let us know if you want to be a character or witness. We’ll all be detectives. Please bring a snack or drink to share.
  • Building Your Own Theology Summer Edition

    Are you interested in Building Your Own Theology (BYOT)? This classic Unitarian Universalist adult education program invites participants to develop their personal credos. The class size will be limited to 6 people. Class dates will be Mondays and Thursdays, 11:15-1 pm, starting June 5th. Contact Michelle (text or call 505-639-6958) for more information. 
  • ABQ PRIDE PARADE is June 10th! If you’d like to be part of this annual event that celebrates and supports all things LGBTQIA+, please contact Michelle Poiani (text or call 505-639-6958) for more information. This is part of the outreach ministry of our congregation.

  • Men’s Group Meets Tuesday, June 13th at 7pm.
  • Evening Women’s Group Meets June 6 at 7 PM

  • Morning Women’s Group Meets June 7 at 11:30 AM

  • Our Programming Team meets this Sunday at 12:30 in the conference room. If you have thoughts about future Sunday programs, please come and share them! If you would like to participate in leading a Sunday program (either as the primary speaker OR the co-host) please come to the meeting or let Rev. Nancy know. Everyone is welcome to join in the planning.
  • Our Sunday June 4 Service is titled, “When Coyote Calls”

    Trickster as well as spiritual guide, this desert icon calls us to engage with the wildness inside. How will we respond?

    Led by Nika Quirk and Carole Eagleheart, we will be exploring spiritual play!

If you have not already done so, I urge you to consider attending our UUA General Assembly. This is the annual denominational meeting at which issues are explored and decisions made that affect us all as UU’s. This year is especially important. The Article II proposal will be discussed and a preliminary vote taken. This contains the revision of our 6 Sources and 7 Principles as well as some other important structural changes. There are LOTS of exciting speakers about many topics that will enrich your knowledge and understanding of what it means to be UU over the course of the assembly. It is available online; you must register and pay the registration fee in order to attend. June 21-25. Go to and search for General Assembly 2023.

Also, if you missed the links to the Article II proposal and to the Save the 7 Principles sites, go to our website and SCROLL DOWN!!  Last week’s newsletter with the links attached is in place!
Rev. Nancy

May 24, 2023

Greetings Westside Community!

We have a unique combination of events on our calendar for the coming week. Here are the highlights:
  • HOORAY FOR HOT WATER !!! MRM Mechanical LLC installed TWO point-of-use hot water heaters on Tuesday. We now have extremely hot water in our kitchen for the sink and dishwasher and user-friendly hot water in both restrooms on the main hall. There is a new “tankless” system in the exact same place as our former hot water tank in the kitchen. The dishwasher is now secured in place and can easily be unsecured for system maintenance. We also have a separate “tankless” system that is housed in the restroom on the right in the cabinet beside the sink that originally housed a now defunct hot water tank until we removed it a few years ago. This company has been very efficient and careful; they even replaced the cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink and put the dish strainer back in place before leaving! Anyone interested in reading the Owners manual and learning how to keep track of the new system- please speak to Rev. Nancy or to Jay Cain. Or Delbert Schafer! Enjoy washing up!
  • Last week’s Town Hall Meeting included some preliminary information about the work your Council has done in regard to applying the grant funds we received for the work on the exterior of our building. A contractor/carpenter will be hard at work this weekend replacing the wood panels that are deteriorating on the outside of the building. If you see him, make sure to smile and wave! He will be working both Saturday and Sunday- although not during our service time- so you may see him.
  • We need your input! Your Council is working to design a facade for our building that will BOTH protect the structure from our fierce New Mexico sun and weather AND represent us to the community in ways that speak to who UU’s are. We are asking for your thoughts as to what we want to say with our overall appearance. For example, while our current facade was chosen to be “discreet and blend tastefully into the desert landscape” we now speak regularly about wanting to stand out so that people can find us. Please email your thoughts to Rev. Nancy ( so that we can include them in our planning. We are NOT asking for your favorite colors; we are asking what message you want our appearance to convey! Many of you have already contributed to this process; we’d like to hear from everyone. We will present the material we gather and a model of a design proposal on Sunday. We will NOT be taking a formal vote; we will be asking for your opinion in regard to whether or not the proposed model meets the stated needs of the community. There is also a surprising element that will allow each person to add their own personal favorite color into the design. A decision needs to be made quickly in order to honor the terms of the bid that was used to obtain the grant. Funding for this work will come completely from the UU Chalice Lighters grant that we received last month. Email Rev. Nancy by Saturday at 9pm with how you want our building to represent us to the surrounding community! Thanks!
  • Our Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPS) is holding a Beltane observance on Friday, May 26th. Bring a dish to the Potluck at 6pm followed by a ritual at 7(ish). Wear shoes that work for you outside in our desert sand!
  • If you love handcrafts: knitting crocheting, cross stitch, embroidery, quilting, etc- and would like to create and chat in the company of other crafters, please contact Arwen Lynch-Poe at  Arwen is coordinating a new craft group and would love to hear from you!
  • Below this news blast you will find 3 links: there is a link to the UUA material about being a Green Sanctuary, along with one to the Article II Study Proposal that was charged with revising our Sources and Principles. I have also included a link to a site that wants to Save Our 7 Principles as they are. Please save these and check them out! Our Green Sanctuary status needs to be renewed and the criteria have been updated. The links to materials about the revision of the Principles and Sources is important for the obvious reason: these words, in whatever form they eventually take, are very important to us!
  • Our Social Justice Team meets in the Conference Room following our social gathering after the service. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate!
  • Our service this week will include Memorial Day, our community building project, and material that supports keeping our Sources and Principles as they are. (This follows last week’s presentation of the newly proposed values) Titled, “Those Pesky Reflexes” the theme that unites these three topics is Beloved Community. The service will be led by Shawn Squires and Rev. Nancy.

Article II Study Report to the Board of Trustees (

Rev. Nancy