A Day of Reckoning
We explore the meaning of independence for our nation and ourselves.
The Unitarian Universalist Westside Congregation is an open and affirming congregation. All are welcome. Please feel free to use a face mask at your own discretion when on the property. Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and conversation after the Sunday Service.
We explore the meaning of independence for our nation and ourselves.
We will be exploring the use of various kinds of humor as a tool for spiritual growth and the development of community; to do that, we will be telling a lot of different kinds of jokes.
Rev. Dr. Nancy Hitt and Donna Johnston will lead us in exploring how the humanist perspective from science informs the Easter Story. We hope you will acquire a deeper sense of this in your own life through this service.
Join us to learn about previously unknown-to-you holidays and the exploration of just what holidays are, why we have them, and what they mean.