SJC  May 2021

  1. BackPack Program- This is going well. There is a need to remove a piece of furniture in the Blue/ Conference room. 
  2. Acoma-Cononicity-Laguna Hospital- letter writing and update.  Website Update about this issue. 
  3. Juneteenth- The Abq Church that was contacted have not returned attempts to engage. 
    1. What else can we do to continue this discussion on a more consistent basis? 
    2. How do we more fully engage in Anti-Racist practices? 
    3. What is  “The Work”? 
    4. What legislation is there that helps create a more equitable society?
    5.  How to prepare for next year?   
    6.  Can we as a social Justice Team create opportunities of discussion?
    7. How does racism affect our community? 
    8. Juneteenth article for Facebook and Website done by Judy. 
    9. While the UUWC and UUWC Social Justice Committee understand that there is great discrimination for intersectional identities, for this specific action- there is a focus on Racism and Discrimination towards people based on race/ethnicity. 
    10. Creation of Resource list- and a commitment of everyone in this committee to bring 1 new anti-racist resource a month.
  4. Faithify- UU Crowdfunding. 
    1. Vote-  Should we use this platform to fund the Free Little Library?   YES- to talk about the town hall. 
  5. Should we meet in person next month? Vote- We will meet in person.