SJC November 22nd

  1. Store House West
    a. Food Drive at Presbyterian Church had UUWC presence, though UUWC congregation presence was low.
    b. Rev. Kathy appreciated our support and possible future date before Christmas.
    c. 153 lbs were collected at the first of the Month Donations in November.
    d. Dec. 6th will be our next food drive- Please limit time on site to drop off only.
    e. Janet and Jay will be present Hours of operation will change to 11-1
  2. Thanksgiving Open House
    a. Hours of 4-730pm.
  3. Christmas Bake Sale/ Cookie
    a. Delivery and Sales
  4. Westside Reads
    a. Rev. Nancy continues to be in talks to Rio Rancho School
    b. There will be a continuance of attempting to add libraries to site.
    c. 1000+ school age books are being donated
    d. Faith identified books will be held until guidelines have been set.
    e. Building a Little Free Library can be permeant or temporary depending on construction.
    f. Decal logo chose and wording will be reworded to reflect “Children’s Little Free Library”.
    g. Jay Cain will donate funds to gain a sample decals for approval of the SJC.

h. Possible endowment committee funds for bulk order.
i. Westside Reads will not be limited to Rio Rancho.
j. Jay will make a short publication with inspiration and ideas.

  1. Haven House
    a. Rev. Nancy reached out to Haven House; due to COVID- 19 the only donations that a being accepted are NEW UNOPENED Cleaning products.
    b. Rev. Nancy is meeting with a Haven House contact to further understand the needs of this organization.
    c. Donations could be gathered during Food Drive 1st of the Month.
  2. UU Santa Fe Contacted Jay Cain.
  3. Environmental Justice
    a. Possible Tree planting program, as per Laurel/Ro suggestion
    b. Writing Campaign with UUWC
    i. Janet will assist in the creation of the writing campaign
    c. Legislative session
    i. Promote diversification of our economy to come away from fossil fuels
    ii. Capture methane
    iii. Water Conservation
  4. Military’s contributing to the destruction of underground water sources
  5. Focus on Rio Rancho Nat’l Guard Amory.
    d. Youth Climate Movement and Sunshine Movement
  6. Look into ways to support
  7. Next Meeting will be held December 27th at 1230pm.