1. https://www.facebook.com/UUWCRR
  2. https://uuwestside.org/
  3. Store HouseWest donations will be taken on March 7th at the social hall. Matt and Laurel will be there from 11a-1p
    1. Nancy will put this information in the mid-week update and relay this message to the Service for March 7th. 
    2. Jay will schedule a post on FB.
  4. Little Free Libary- Nancy will follow up with Michelle P on the UUWC site. 
    1. Sorting of books will be handled by a small team with Nancy
  5. Elizabeth Whitefield End of Life Options Act
  6. EPA Urgent Action Posted on FB 
  7. SB 149 to put on the site and on FB. 
  8. Website integration for Bills
  9. Website Presentation to be put together by Jay Cain and recorded. 
  10. Racial Justice/ 8th principle 
    1. How can the congregation provide more opportunities to amplify the voices of POC. 
    2. 505 Resources 
    3. Possible topics of discussion are Reallocation of Funds 
    4. How do we further the access of resources to the needs of people? 
    5. Understanding our own congregational makeup. 
  11. Backpack Snack program/ Feed the Kids
    1. Opportunity to host Feed the Kids program.  
  12. Special Meeting on Racial Justice
    1. March 15th from 7 pm-830 pm. 
    2. Nancy will announce this via Services and mid-week Blast
    3. Jay will add an announcement to the website and communicate to Rick for FB. 
  13. End of life Options notice to FB