Board Meeting 2020 Feb 2


Michelle Poiani Steve Poiani Rev. Nancy Hitt Michelle Martin

Jimmy Stephens Dave Kuhn Jay Cain George Oppenheimer

Dana Sanford (member-at-large)

  1. Check-in
  2. Welcome to the new Board members
    1. Jay Cain, Jimmy Stephens, Dave Kuhn (treasurer)
  3. Minister’s Report-Heard and Accepted
    1. Fire inspector (Jan)- exit lights are replaced in the sanctuary. Another inspection will be scheduled. The Exit light in the Green Room needs to be removed because it does not lead to an escape since the courtyard is locked. 
    2. Turning Point– How to be UU without looking like a Protestant church in North America. Book of essays about UUism and how to express out faith and values in the community. 
    3. MLK, Jr. service was wonderful. Consistently conflicts with our annual meeting. 
    4. Pastoral Care- Bobbi is doing well. 
    5. Bookkeeper requests made through her links. Most are using QuickBooks. 
  4. Treasurer’s Report-
    1. Budget is funded and pending approval at Town Hall
  5. Courtyard vote: The Board voted to unlock the courtyard gate for safety.
  6. Bookkeeper
    1. At this time, Alan, the bookkeeper will only be working for us for 2 more weeks. 
    2. We have not had any interest.
    3. The clergy network has been activated.
    4. Indeed posting for the bookkeeper. Jay will work on the posting. 
      1. Proposal: Jay will post an ad on Indeed and/or Glass Door with the information below.  PASSED
    5. An interim bookkeeper will be required to run payroll and bills a permanent person is found.
      1. Proposal: As a temporary solution, Dave Kuhn will be trained as the treasure, Michelle Martin will act as the bookkeeper. The permanent bookkeeper will provide an initial audit review for the interim. Michelle will volunteer for the first month and will be financially compensated as needed thereafter. PASSED
    6. Ad: 6-8 hours per month; run payroll, pay bills, reconcile accounts, and process monthly taxes. $2100 per year paid monthly. Orientation provided
    7. Contract job- Alan provided
  7. Contracts
    1. Alan- Final day in February 16th 
    2. Priscilla- no further things negotiation required. 
    3. Nancy- Add Right of First Refusal. Steve will email with Priscilla
    4. Contracts will be put into final form and approved at the Retreat. 
  8. Change in the Bylaws will be annotated and reprinted. 
  9. Watermelon Ranch, Westside Critter Carnival, Social Justice
    1. March 7th. 11am- 2pm
    2. Volunteers needed
    3. Yoga, face painting, hands on crafts, critters, blood bank
    4. Watermelon Ranch will provide a vet and adoptions. 
  10. Mini Split equipment and prices will be accepted. 
  11. Retreat schedule for new board members- 
    1. These sessions provide orientation and long-range planning sessions. 
    2. Turning Point will be used to orient the Board.
    3. Closed meeting, Feb 26, 4-6 pm
  12. Blue Slips- suspended 
    1. Originally intended to address attendance but no longer serving a purpose.
    2. Another method will need to be devised to keep track of absences, who’s travel, in distress. 
    3. Network on the aisles to contact people who are unknown missing. 
  13. Website- Jimmy Stephens
    1. He will be cleaning out the site and changing to a new, free server. 
    2. The new Look and Feel zipfile will be given to Jimmy from Michelle Martin to update the website.
    3. Suggestions for website: Requests for calendar visible, Rentals, Minister’s 
    4. Jimmy will attend the user’s group. 
  14. Meeting adjourned