6 June 2021


Michelle Poiani, Secretary                          Dave Kuhn, Treasurer

Steve Poiani, President                               Jay Cain                                                        

Dana Sanford                                              Rev. Dr. Nancy Hitt

  1. Check In
  2. Minister’s Report
    1. Consulted with office manager on a regular basis.
    2. Tenant resumed onside use for yoga
    3. Correspondence with UUA resource people, contact with RR snack pack for the new school year.
    4. Hours worked- many- It was difficult to keep track because of the shift to on site services.
    5. Preaching and Teaching- Preached 3 out of 5 Sundays including a Theology on Tap. RE class each week. Coordinated with the guest speaker.
    6. Coordination of Church Life- She set up and attended the Zoom meetings for all our committees (except for Stewardship which she attended but did not lead). RE class each week
    7. Pastoral Care- There was a lot of pastoral care this month. She received/ responded to one request for formal counseling session of 90 minutes. I spoke with bereaved family members via phone prior to Mother’s Day at 30 minutes. In preparations for first onsite service, she called all the members on the directory with the exception of those who had regular contact within the last few weeks. She contacted 30 people via phone, text, or email. Many responded if she was unable to reach them. Several required multiple days of multiple calls. She made a home visit to one person who was otherwise unavailable. She learned a lot about what was happening in people’s lives that they were otherwise silent about.
    8. Rev Nancy will invite the St. Paul’s congregation to join us for a variety of lay led functions. St Paul’s is dissolving.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Expenses have averaged out to about $3,000 per month. Insurance will be due in August of about $4,000.
    2. Feed the Kids is a separate account.
    3. St. Francis may help us do an audit.
    4. Bookkeeper- Dave will reach out to invite another bookkeeper to interview.
  4. Board openings- There will be 4 openings- Steve and Michelle Poiani, Dana Sanford, and Dave Kuhn will be leaving at the end of the year.
  5. Swamp coolers are on and not leaking.
  6. Feed the Pig has been designated for our congregation. The Board will accept all donations.
  7. We are a liberal church and want to represent ourselves as such.
  8. Endowment committee- voted yes to use the interest for the general endowment funds to pay for the state/federal tax penalties and payroll taxes. The Board voted for Laurel Anderson to access funds.
  9. Little Free Library- We would like to open more using crowd funding.
  10. Growth initiative – 4-6 weeks of table discussions about growth. Population and the larger community ideas are welcome. Homework: July- Concrete ideas
  11. Town Hall-
    1. Board openings
    2. Bookkeeping interview will be scheduled.
    3. Volunteers for services
    4. T-shirt- Come to church, it is better than being home alone.
    5. Join the Board- You get to know things and vote for changes.
    6. Little Library- Use the Faithify.org or GoFundMe crowd funding to purchase unpainted Little Libraries that we will paint. (2.5% of total funding plus $0.30 per transaction).
    7. Comfort level- Do we want to continue with mask wearing? How can we ease everyone’s comfort? If you are fully vaccinated, you are welcome to remove your mask as comfortable? Food and drinks? The Board recommends a potluck on the 3rd Sundays. Drinks on the other Sundays.
    8. July 4th– Someone can organize if so desired.
    9. Growth initiatives
  12. Meeting adjourned