Board Meeting 4 October 2020


Michelle Poiani (Secretary) Steve Poiani (President)

Dave Kuhn (Treasurer in waiting; Zooming in) Michelle Martin (Treasurer)

Jay Cain Rev. Nancy Hitt

Dana Sanford Matt E

  1. Check-in
  2. Treasurer Report
    1. Communication gap between Dave, the new accountant, Jacqueline, and Michelle Martin. 
  3. Minister’s Report
    1. Vacation was great. 
    2. Writing, taping, and uploading the service is over a full 20 hours of work.
    3. Consulted with video history project, other teams, and RR public schools.
    4. Met with many members in person and on Zoom to continue to coordinate ongoing projects. 
  4. Strengthening Our Community
    1. Social Justice- New Mexico Black met with over 150-armed counter-protesters. Some counter-protesters were on horseback. Our UU members did not feel safe during the protest. Jay reported that both groups were face-to-face, and chest-to-chest screaming at each other, but no physical violence occurred. 

Social Justice would like to offer our facilities to New Mexico Black as a future rally area. Weapons are not allowed on our property so the armed people will not be allowed here. They could stand on the other side of the street. Social Justice would like us to vote to bring it up at the town hall meeting. Should our congregation invite Black New Mexico to a meeting? Board votes YES.

  1. Risk Assessment
  2. Liability- COVID- should maintain masks and social distancing. We should check for liability. People who rent more than once must carry their own insurance.
  3. 501C status- 
  4. Visibility- Increases the risk of graffiti, vandalism, and arson. Depending on the type of vandalism it could be considered a hate crime. Open aggression toward our church. 
  5. Controllable Area- Our property extends to the street, to the arroyo, and to the neighbor. Counter protesters can surge onto our property. We are in a residential area. 
  6. Tell No One- Do not broadcast the rally to focus on the integrity of the speakers and New Mexico Black. 
  7. Little Library- 
  8. Video History- 
  9. Zoom Class with Dave- 
  10. Covenant Groups- 
  11. Living by Heart- 
  12. Membership- 
  13. Peace River- 
  14. Westside Reads- 
  15. Building Maintenance
  16. Stewardship
  17. Endowment
  18. Fundraising
  19. Online Identity Challenge
  20. Website
    1. New computer has been purchased by an anonymous donor. The office, treasurer, and Steve are working to back-up the information and install programs. The bookkeeper will also have access to the computer. The new bookkeeper will need to tell us what programs need to be installed. 
  21. Town Hall
    1. Black New Mexico