Board Meeting 2 May 2021


Michelle Poiani, Secretary Dave Kuhn, Treasurer 

Steve Poiani, President Michelle Martin, Treasurer

Jay Cain Dana Sanford

Rev. Dr. Nancy Hitt

  1. Check In
  2. Budget and Treasurer’s Report
    1. Taxes- Nothing has come into the mail yet.
    2. Audit- St Francis volunteered to do a free audit. Thank you, St Francis. Nancy will contact Father Alex about this volunteer time. 
    3. Endowment committee- We would like to request the money to pay the taxes.
    4. We have a funded budget until October 2021. Our funds will be dry by October 2021. 
  3. Minister’s Report
    1. Continued to meet with Priscilla, the office manager, on a weekly basis. 
    2. Although Priscilla is moving to ABQ, she would like to continue working for the UUWS from home.
    3. She has been preaching more than her share for the past few months. 
  4. Little Library
    1. All of the books have been sorted but we are looking for some shelves to place them. 
  5. Survey of plan to open, 25 respondents
    1. Are you comfortable returning to in-person services in June? 67% yes
      1. Response (R)- I feel that we need to be open for in-person because our existence depends on it. 
    2. What should the congregation do to make you feel comfortable returning to in-person services? Masking 93%, social distancing74%, wiping down common space 67%, hand gel at the door 52%, limiting the number of people 48%
    3. What kind of masking are you willing to do to return to service? They will mask the entire time- 88%
    4. Should we have a social hour after the service? Yes 77%
      1. R- Maybe- If there are not too many people sticking around and it’s possible to keep distance, I think food would be nice, maybe with some strict rules for now. It also depends on the status of NM and our area is by then. And whether everyone is vaccinated that can be. 
    5. During social hour should we share food? No- 52%
      1. R- We can do individual portions so that people won’t need to dip into a common bowl.
      2. R- If we share food, it will be fine to remove masks while eating/drinking.
    6. Should we service coffee/tea? 60% yes
      1. R- I would like to be able to make green tea and/or hot chocolate instead of coffee.
    7. Should social hour be held in the courtyard? 80% outside
      1. R- I like the idea of holding social hour outdoors.
    8. Some people are not able to receive a vaccination, how does this effect your willingness to attend? They would attend and be kind. 88%
    9. Are you fully vaccinated by June? Yes 93%
      1. R- I haven’t answered some questions because I really don’t know the answers. I do wish everybody would be vaccinated before they came to a Service, but guess that’s not possible.
    10. Responses (R): 
      1. Will not be able to attend for other reasons.
      2. A lot of these choices are interdependent. If we’re masking, we shouldn’t be eating/drinking. If people are vaccinated, then I am comfortable being unmasked, 3 feet apart and eating/drinking if that is allowed by the Governor’s standards. If it isn’t, then no. I’d want masks on hand for visitors too.
      3. Socialization is mental health.
      4. October is a safer time to resume services.
      5. Will discuss during town hall// ONLY TOUCH WHAT YOU NEED TO!!!
      6. I was curious so I took the survey- I actually will be in NH in June – October.
      7. I’m concerned about the usual Joys and Concerns process of mic sharing.
  6. Discussion
    1. The Board has voted to reopen the sanctuary tentatively on June 6th with 3 feet distance between family units. Everyone must wear a mask at all times. 
    2. We are currently in Green. 1 service every week with a recording to be broadcast. 
      1. Recognize- Recordings with people are noisier with more background sounds. The video will not be as polished. 
      2. Yellow- Max capacity would allow for about 25 people at 3 feet apart
      3. Green- 50% capacity, about 38 people in the sanctuary
      4. Nancy and associate, 2 greeters, camera person = 4 people
    3. Social Hour 
      1. Board voted we will start with a Hybrid model. 
      2. Sun sails will be placed for shade.
      3. Must wear a mask. 
      4. Space will be provided to meet with congregants. 
      5. No food will be provided. 
      6. No drinks in the Sanctuary except water. There are too many stains on the carpet. 
      7. Policy will be reviewed twice a month. 
    4. Meetings- 
      1. Board meeting and Town Hall will be held in person. Zoom link will be provided for members. 
      2. Small groups can decide for themselves but we encourage everyone to provide a virtual option if a member feels more comfortable with that. Please note: People do not need to provide a reason why they want to keep to virtual, they just need to state that they would prefer to stay virtual. 
  7. Bookkeeper Interview
    1. Zoom for a noon- 2pm Saturday interview. Dave will contact the applicants for an interview time.
    2. We would like a bookkeeper to start as soon as possible. 
  8. Volunteers for Services
    1. We need more people to help with the services. We want to see more people and hear more voices. Calls will go out through Wednesday updates, Sunday services, and Facebook contacts.
  9. Rentals- Have not been resumed yet.
  10. Snack Pack for Schools- We will be responsible for managing the money for food purchases.
  11. Upcoming Board Member vacancies
    1. People are elected for the Board. Then the Board decides who will be the president and secretary.
    2. Steve, Michelle, and Dana have timed out.
    3. Dave is moving to Albuquerque and will not be Treasurer next year. 
  12. Status and Future of the Congregation
    1. What strengthens us as a congregation? 
    2. What weakens us as a congregation?
    3. What can we change or adapt?
    4. How do we attract new, young liberals? More events
    5. Dissolving our congregation and becoming a fellowship
      1. Congregation- Has clergy
      2. Fellowship- No clergy, programs are self-led.
    6. Pagans in the RR area can be contacted. 
    7. Invite another congregation into the space as a rental. 
  13. We can make a video and possibly have Little Libraries can be purchased. The campaigns run for 30 days. The post and beam and Little Library can be promoted through 
  14. Meeting adjourned
  15. Town Hall
    1. Bookkeeper and audit
    2. Snack Pack for Schools
    3. Volunteers for Services
    4. Return to in-person services