Board Meeting 2020 March 1


Michelle Poiani (Secretary) Steve Poiani (President)

Dave Kuhn (Treasurer in waiting) Jay Cain Rev. Nancy Hitt Jimmy Stephens (Vice President, Technology) Dana Sanford George Oppenheimer

  1. Check In 
  2. Treasurer’s Report- No report, bank statements not available.
  3. Minister’s Report- Heard and accepted
  4. Pride Parade- June 13- We will invite St. Paul’s to ride and walk with us. We will ask for donations for the entry fee, $150.
  5. A/C/ Heating unit.
    1. Equipment – $5, 019.
    2. Install-              945.
    3. Total              5,965.
    4. Money has been allotted from the bequest.
    5. Self-install to be voted on at the Town Hall Meeting
  6. Bookkeeper
    1. Michelle Martin, Dave, Priscilla and Steve will review the applications and resumes. They will narrow the pool and then have interviews. 
    2. Dave, the treasurer in waiting, will investigate the use of Quick Books as opposed to Power Church. He will report on the costs alternative systems. 
    3. Duties: Record transactions, reconcile bank statements monthly, State and Federal tax reporting, prepare monthly reports to Treasurer, write checks to payroll, familiarity with minister compensation methods desired, donation statements – quarterly.
    4. Thanks to Jay for the fantastic ad for bookkeepers. 
  7. Board positions President- Steve Poiani, Vice President- Jimmy Stephens, Secretary- Michelle Poiani, Treasurer- Dave Kuhn
  8. Strengthening our community-
    1. Westside Critter Carnival, March 7, 11-2
      1. Thanks to all the people who volunteered to plan and attend the carnival.
    2. Building Your Own Theology– Invite the congregation to create their own theology through the use of UU materials. This will last over the coming year to better understand and connect on a deeper level with fellow members. 
    3. Passover- April 13th Town Hall
  9. Technology- 
    1. New laptop that has a minimum of 4 gig of memory, SSD hard drive, 17 inch, and number pad to run Windows 10. At this time, we don’t have any money. 
    2. Screen and audio system is in need of repair. 
  10. Passive income- Proposed to be listed on Town Hall
  11. Meeting adjourned