Michelle Poiani, Secretary

Dave Kuhn, Treasurer
Steve Poiani, President

Jay Cain
Michelle Martin, Treasurer
Missing: Dana Sanford

  1. Check In
  2. Minister’s Report- Rev. Nancy has weekly contact with Priscilla, the office manager.
    a. She put together guidelines for the service.
    b. She has attended all required committee meetings.
    c. She attended a racism workshop sponsored by 1 st UU. It was interesting
    it gave an in-depth history of racism in New
    d. She has found a place to order Bobbie’s headstone that will feature her
    complete names with a border with a feather. She will contact the family
    when it is complete.
  3. Treasurer’s Report- 2021 Budget
    a. Budget- We are still short a few thousand dollars. Before the town hall we
    would like to have the average numbers for expenses and income. Then we
    can plan for November.
    b. Bake Sale-
    c. Taxes
    i. Bookkeeper, Jacqueline, has not completed the W-2 for Nancy and
    Priscilla. She has not yet reconciled our accounts. Dave does not feel
    that she is completing her portion of bookkeeping. Reconciliation for
    2020 was completed in January. Michelle and Dave have been
    completing all of the bookkeeping. Michelle has sent Jacqueline a
    guide to complete bookkeeping. We have not paid her because she has
    not completed any tasks. Dave will give Jacqueline until March 21 st to
    complete the W-2s or 1099 for Nancy. Dave will research what is
    needed to complete the W-2 on Power Church. Nancy and Dave will
    talk with Priscilla about contacting Kathy the previous, the previous
  4. Strengthening Our Congregation
    a. Letter of Support to repeal abortion restrictions in NM is posted to the
    b. Service committee-
    i. Congregational letter from us speaking for the Veterans for Peace to
    meet with Kerry.

c. Rev Nancy has spoken with Rev. Joselyn, St. Pauls, (they are considering
closing). She would like for our congregation to take of over the snack
backpacks for students who need food over the weekend for 1 time per
month. There is a specific food list. We would be asked to coordinate the
donations (money and food) and put packs together and deliver to 2
elementary, 1 middle, and 1 high school. Someone would be doing some minor
bookkeeping and coordinating the backpacks packing day. The Sandoval
Democratic Women give money to this program.
d. Passive Income-Good Shop-Amazon Smile- We will need to pay the IRS the
$300 to get that form.
e. Chocolate communion for March town hall.
f. Jay volunteered to present at the town hall “How to use the website”

  1. Town Hall
    a. Joys and Concerns
    b. Budget approval. We will need a quorum to vote.
    c. Feed the Kids snack packs starting in the fall.
    d. How often should we have services and online services?
    e. Passive income- Donations for $300 so we can purchase the IRS certificate.
    i. Smith’s card
    f. Presentation on how to use the website by Jay.
    g. Survey for April
  2. Previous Items
    a. Small group committees or teams can work in the church during off-hours
    and have the responsibility to clean their space.
  3. Meeting adjourned