Board Meeting                    6 December 2020


Michelle Poiani (Secretary)             

Dave Kuhn

Steve Poiani    (President)              

Rev. Nancy Hitt

Michelle Martin (Treasurer)           

Jay Cain   

  1. Check-in
  2. Minister’s Report
    1. Meeting with Priscilla. The office manager has been working on documentation for the 501C for the Amazon Smile fundraising account. Our people have not been able to connect with the UU staff. 
    2. Services require a manuscript. The manuscript allows the film recorder, Kathy, to jump to the correct time to revise.
    3. Weekly meditations for Dec are available.
    4. Thanksgiving zoom open house had 10 people. Congregants who attended found it very meaningful.
    5. Weekly newsletter updates include a variety of information and contacts
    6. Dave’s class is going well
    7. Pastoral care has increased. People are coordinating how to celebrate Bobbi’s life celebration. Rev. Nancy will preside and record Bobbi’s life celebration.
    8. Depression is becoming an issue for our members. The isolation is difficult. 
    9. Clergy event- inquired about an online MLK Jr event. We do not have the space or recording equipment. 
    10. Haven House did not respond (social justice) would like cleaning supplies, unopened.
    11. Theology on Tap- Went well. Looking forward to the next one. 
    12. Computer update- We are waiting for the 501C paperwork. 
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. This Year- Pledges received through October 31st met. It looks like we are going to make it if everyone continues their gives of love and commitment. 
    2. Next year projection- 
      1. 25 pledges have been received
      2. Expenses are difficult to predict so we are looking at a shortfall of about $12,150.
      3. Please make your pledge so we can remain a people.
    3. Website giving tree will have a Pay Pal donation drop box in which you can designate where you want your money to go. 
    4. Treasurer compensation will be assessed by Jan 15.
  4. Strengthening Our Community
    1. Little Library– RRPS is unable to respond at this time. We are going to place a Little Library on our property by January. 
    2. Living By Heart- Begins in January
    3. Dumpster- We are on hold for service and are not having trash hauled. We will pay $80 to have the trash hauled. Then we will move the bin to the backyard, upside down to prevent people from using it. People who use the church will haul their own stuff away.
    4. Camera, SD card, tripod, external microphone has been ordered and training will commence in January.
    5. Continuing online services- we are still considering this idea.
    6. Directory Update– we are working on this for our membership meeting.
    7. Close the doors- Some of the interior doors pop open spontaneously so we are heating very cold rooms. We should adjust the doorknobs and weatherstrip to protect our space. 
    8. Letter to Social Justice- Rev. Judy and Janette request that we, as a congregation, send a letter to our senators about the changes of the Indian Health Services. We made some adjustments and will discuss at the Town Hall. 
  5. Holiday Connections
    1. Christmas Eve Service- in addition to regular services. 
    2. The Board has voted to keep Town Hall separate and have a Party Meeting on the 25th of December. 
    3. Bake Sale– Chocolate chip, pecan tarts, sugar cookies, breads, peanut butter cookies. $6 per dozen of cookies. $6 for loaf of bread. Orders must be placed by 5pm, Friday, 18 Dec. Deliveries will be made on the Solstice, 21 Dec. Orders are sent to 
  6. Annual Meeting for January via Zoom       Membership & Voting
    1. 17 Jan- We will need a quorum. Nomination committee will be asking members to step up and hold a position. We will also be voting on the budget. 
    2. Mini- service and meeting. Begins at 11.
    3. We will be using Zoom to take attendance and vote. 
  7. Website
    1. Community Blog– How will people submit their writing? We will set up another email account for submissions. The team will work on which pieces will be submitted. One person to approve, two people to reject. Jay will promote through a Facebook link but will not be submitted to Facebook. It will be promoted through our website.  Target date: Jan 2021
  8. Town Hall
    1. Little Library Update
    2. Peace River
    3. Living by Heart
    4. Stewardship
    5. Bake Sale
    6. Letter to our Senators
  9. Meeting Adjourned            We will do a Zoom January meeting. 
  10. Previous Items:  Video History, Endowment, Peace River